Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

832 OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN QROVER SELLERS *TTORNLY GLNLRAL ISonorrbla ~1ir.d X. 01~4a ari8iiinrl~Dl~trl.t Attorney Wrnat Oouaty Tort vo:th, lwxa8 Augut’ll, 1946, 6 rlth rorpeot to Tmrrat a0tifi RlWW. 6om8 on tbr zo8t r ?a the liosnee se r0r 8n opinion "88 to rten tha rtmrm koonn part or 9 lukm, elthrr nwther, your o~inloo a8 to tta, z-d *inrpoundeQ~. . . . under the 8bore OJ Aot8 47th &&i8httiM lSu, oh. 606, Ee 667, 8 lpO181 tbhiIl6 liOOa8. ~88 vWid8a for fi8hb6 io ltrk9 Worth ra& kglo ,#mataln I.&o, the pertbeat pro+i8t'Oa8 Or WhiOh 8I* CUOkd b0iONl "&Otfi- ti n 8bUU b8 Mf8UfUffor WI7 ,~0rioaqr4 tbm.8weotpqa y&r8 (7)of 8~ to tlihor ltuwt to h a & ln th e wekra et tbrutb id th8 Qouaty W lwr8nt. or to tl8h l 8tmt to.ti8b in tb0 m-8 Ot -dO b@lurulo trko la tho Oountloo ot ,hrr8at mad $iBO, without fir8t ObtrInb@ l irk0 worth- frh ,ii8bia(11Oelr8. m&?&O lbUll.taio . . . .” -800th & ?U Ik -M ti -18 &@I bk8 BUth 18 hUOby dOi- 80 8b8) Of $h8 t@t?‘da Ot’th18 8t8U 06?0& W8kr8 lt tha =Fllt ]rWk Of m bhloitf Rltu, 8#&dlt it8 trib&riOS, M$ *dOa br th0 zab.IkrCh D8a la *ma* musky,. hX88, Wh18b n-8 8X.8 iB ?‘UE8nt aU!itr, wS88 . . . , ” 18 8 8U?m8t fim 8 h& hU k l u-r 101.1 4088 abt rUk0 th8t 8 rflU mbloh rod4 OthOrW180 ti 8 &ti, aOr boa8 8 lake lore it8 4l8tIaotIn ehrr8OtOr beooure a ourrent ex- i8t8 iOr 8 Wt8b di8tIIllOO tOMh(r tOWI'd 8 TilOr 8t 1u outlet. B88tiO V. JWlk1n8, 101 P 496; 64 S-8 8nd Phrc(rerlm. 51th r9OpeOt to th0 8eOOd put Of your *uestiOn, rhloh r) rqerd et oo:.trollIng here, ue or@ put to the ta8.4 of daters1al.n~the =#8nb~E O? Lb* k618bturS'8 dOSOSiptiV0 derinltionOS “I.aks q:orth’, a8 Ut Out HIStM 8iCSSMatiOaed sea. 6, &I thee? nor48 - *that gorttoa of the turaln of t&i8 stOt9 OOlOred by tb Iur8 Or th8 zO8t gork Of the Trinity R1~0r, ln4 Of it8 t#ibIlt8?1~& 8ll4 iqwm4od by the Lake morth 4~6 . . . . .* Honorable Alfred :'.Clyde - A thorough seoroh of the authorities failed to reveal a legal detlnltlon Of the word "ImpOundad." Eow- ever, the word i8 defined ln !-';ebster*e unabridged dlotlon- ary In the rollowing language: W2. To oolleot (water) ror Irrigation purposes, or the like.* It.is our opinion that water8 beaked up In the channel by the Lake .,:rorth Dam ars Impounded, vcithln the meaning of the statute, ::henthe water level OS the lake extend8 Into the ohannel of the river and thereby raises the level of the water therein above its normal state as a Btream, then the waters so raised are impounded by the Lake ::orthDarn. Therefore, the extent of the iratersso impounded Is dependent upon thr water lerel of the lake a8 It may ext8t from day to day or the to time. To illa8tr8te: Ii the height or the dsm 18 8urrioIent to baok water8 of the river up to the Eagle Mountain Lake D8m, and doe8 do 80 at any tims, then at.suoh tima all the waters between the two dams are Impounded, for the water level OS Lake i4‘orththen lxtead8 from dam to dam. Vhen ths water reoedes from Eagle Mountain Iake Dam with tha fall of the water level In Lake Vorth 80 that tbere Is no water impounded by Lake Worth for a di8tanoe below Eagle Mountain Lake Dam, then that part of the river below said dam In whioh no water is impounded Is not a part of Lake Worth and it Is not a violation of the rtatute under oon- sider8tIon to fish in raid water8 without 8 rpeolal Lake 'forth-58gleMounteIn Lake fishing license. Yhat wa bare 8aid 8bOla 8pplies to any other stream the waters of which flow dlreotly Into Lake 7orth. The foregoing ia our construction of.the statute and the defInltlon of Lake ?orth a8 iound In Seotion 5 there- of. JLA:zd