OFFICE OF THE ATTORN:EY GENERAL OF TEXAS kJSTlN Han,ho. H. sheppala Comptroller of PublicAccounta Austin, Texas Dear ail-: k.. .7iiii&&,te \ Hon. cbo. H. Sheppard - Page 2 II‘(8) Thruugh error msde in g&i talth, to be supportedby the offlalal llg n6tnrofsthe Gommlsslonerof the General Land Offloe, or by tlg Attorney O6neral,tovhom amhpaJnentisra4e. '*(b) Where the wt in ma6e in aacordaacsvith lav, but title'aamot ‘lmsueor pomremmioncannot pa88, bsaause of oonillat in boumlarier,emaneoue salea, erroneouslea80 or other cpu8e. londmw*(6) In aas6 of sale of lsamd . "'(d):Ifherolea60 noneT haa been pald on 'prmioyn forfeUwul sales, th6 mm0 havtlag tlrerr :relnBttrtcsb u"4::@I .' IntereBt .pael. ln inrtsnaesv4ere the sppliesatrha*8 m0 Hght te pumhase ULU land* u revealed by Lavestqgationro? titles as gwwMe& by law. *'mlemoimtrhewiln8~pl?3AtMsheU be peid out oi Uw mi8pe&sivo~ lhmdr to uhluh raldpaynent6mayha~ebsenmade or-be WP eredlted, and all ala&m8 for rairmdr uaept Woe embracmd la m&Uvlslon (a) of 86ctlen 1 sball be aertlfledb the aertlfiaa$eOT the Oom- mlrsfexwr 0Y t,P; e Oenwal Land Ofiice, and all Snoh'6lsias&Sll b6 Vei'Lfi6d by the aif%davit oftha claimant aa&approved~theAttorne~~ General am tb be aorraatnesti of ths alaim asld Hon. Qe.0.B. Sheppard - W3e 3 as to vhom due, provided that the money so paid by any purchasersor lessees in case of sale of land by the purchamer. dr asalgment of the lease by the lessee aft&r payment of .euchmoney, sheJ.1be refunded so that such refuml shall be pald to the person upon. L WhOBithe it2SSidi8 in CEllt3Or fsilttt~~ Of tlttle,or right at posaesslonc* %ls ~rovlslon fs in keeping with Semte : Bill no, 281 of the Regular Session of the Forty- ninth Legisleture. _' khe queqtlon has ariesn-in this de- partmentzaa40 whether the above mentioned,ap- p&pyiatlor,l+.valfd ror the follovlng reasons~ . Hoit;'t3eO. IL*p@ard - Page 4 *Sea. 2. All iFefund8herein grovid& fdr are to be pald.out of the respectivefunds to I&I&' .. . .- ., :. ,. : 330m.Oeo.~H. Sheppard - Page 7 ’ a COPY ‘TJJICM .
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion