, . . i ..; : :: .? :. .y* ; ._ ::. : ” OFFICE OF.TfdE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS .~~ AUSTIN . . . GROVERSELLERS A,-r.Nwl* GP(LIIM. ... .’ ‘I .I. : 1. ‘/ . - . # . . . . \’ . ‘. ‘. ..' ..’ .,.I. a* iioaombla E.'W.Allen Ellen . . . DtstrlctAttorney Dtstrlct Attorney .. .. %2ndSuiuclal %2nd Suiuclal n1etriat n1etriat Pdlfon, rorss Dear Sii: opicion x0. Q-6742 .. .' ._ . , .. _-: .. .’ oon,boaimc&wd a&n& tho ddfoadantln.thc&rant he . la qooatuallyfiuod tn Coufity.Courk, for the mstn asaasa& icoldontto t&o'~ustioaCourt pmoeedioGs. . Thla has boon done ln.som.lnatunoeswham the : dofeadantpal&,umolzt proteot." dr tb Tha &ttaoh& letterOS fnquby”rroi5tt23crastloo wt300br Prodnot HO‘ q, CornoacTha county,Tolms, in ln.po.r$ aa ., rollaa6r .. ArtSolerm~, Vesnca*s&mot&& Petal.Code, a6 ariumdad, 18 e8 fOllOWSI %np personxi.0itrives or ogentcs in cq~toxobil6 oi any other motor oehtoZsupon.onpgubllo'ra:gd OS nighnapin this stctto-,or upon my atreat or~ollcy ~wltblntbo 1ltiiEs'oP an fnooxpofnIx-doity, tom or vi-UFL@,while auch,~pdrsou I.6IatoxioncOc?01;unilor : .tfia/nfluenceor intosiort~cf: llo,uor,ahnll bs @lirty 'ofQ mfsEemmor, md up02 cocitatlon,~ o!?ellLbopun- - lahed by ocmfinawnt irrt&a Cc?tiiitg~ 30X1 far not legs, thsn tan (10) d.aysno2 mm thsn two (21 yearn,or mr by n fina or zot 1033 than FiLny r,ollnrs(':stiZII norpItbra FI.vemn~red rallara~($SOG),ox by both BUOb fine 6C.dl.n~r2mrl..3nt.* . : . -._ -. '.. . . 'I : '. . .' ,* / . :. z.- *.,- . . - ~mmi ?f;F;. Alloo, #alga b .. .. .:. . .* . “ .,. . .. .. , %a, fiSEUO6 fXOlI3 ‘t&6. f&Otj3 QXt386tltCd132 J’QUX’ l’Qc;U@t tbqtho exticlning tr~o~~~rae'hi?l~~c~iI w6 know of no px~\ilo~on :’ ; t ._ : : ‘~ ~’
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion