Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

               OFFICE OJ=THE          ATTORNEY          dENERAL         OF     TEXAS

enarabS@ JOO JTels&~
c:ief dccountunt
pJsrd cX couuty and District                Bead Indcbtefiness
nlg+ey Dulldini:  ~.
~XltAI, pnxio

nslr   Sir:       . ‘.’                 Opinion Nb. O-6706

                               he aid undoer Section 6 of the ‘Bond
                                 which states *__ or afiy road that
                          9s   cm3titutot        a    part   .of.paid        Systea    and
                       eou or may be ch,ance,ob, ralocatcd    or abnn-
                       her snld indcbtednoss     is nou ovidonced by
         t.hs o~S.i~~ti.0~ originally   iss~@I or by refunding ob-
         li~ationn   or both.’     Under this aoction of the law the
         bog&s cr Red I’i3.vcr County have bbeon parilcipnting~in
         tho County and l;
            ..                                                                  .
                %e have exeuined the stetutos         relatlnS  to ‘the ‘$o’ders      ..
 &I duties of the State H3.&uay Comnln’slon qnd Cdlzlissionors’
 Courts, aad ve have beon curable to find any statute authori&q                       ...
 the ccmtrect ~tlrtit was ln cmz’cct duriug the year I942,              It is.
 ~damntal          tltit the Co*misolonors~ Court3 .ancl the State’ Cosrt-
 ncnt can bnly pe~fom thoso duties and oatcr t?to contracts                    that
 am outhorhod           by tbo’ Coostltution    azd/qr statutes    of thin State.
 tbo. Suprtmo OouPt of !i'oxas in the Case Of City of RiS SRrlng
 v, %!Frd, 169 9, il. (24 151, 153,. atatod:             _
         ‘.     “It wu8 corly anuouncod 33 6111s v, City of.
       Cloburno, (Tex. Ct. Clv. App, ) ‘35 3. l!. 495, emor
       refused,       that them mst be authority          of la3 for the
       co<iact of a Ialnlcipal         corporation,   enii to give it
       vaU.dity such authority must oxfst vhon the con-
       tract-var       rcede‘and if hit does not then oxlst,       the’
       contraot camot there& ter ba ratlfiod.”                                   .
           It is lIbm&-mentaS thet e county co3miso3.0norsi court    _
or a otete departmgt     can porfom   only those duties and e&r
into va3id contmcts     oxcspt X.?henauthorLzod to do 80 by the Con-
stitution aid. f3tetutcs of thla state.     city of Rig Spring v.      ;                    ..
Ward, 16 3. U. (&I.) l-51; Potter Countg.v. Slau&tor ‘Cattle Co%-
Fany, ‘25$ s.. v. 775.
           ‘Since the contract vat exeoutod by 11~4 Rtver County &it:
the State IiiSh\iag ComisnRon prior to the cnaot~~~t.~.-Ghaptez* 24$,
6upra, and jl3-vtev of the euthozltios    cited above, ‘tie ore oP the
opinion that’ the bozds of Red River Comty that uem uae&fn          the
conntzuction of this rood should continue      to parti.cLpate ia the
County end Road District    lN&z.y~ fund, unlosa or untlrl. e. ‘Beg Con-
tract ie executed es e~~t;ho;~:ic~~by %hapt+ 2-N.

            ’ &de?the provisiom     of Chapter .244. the Stnto Eight!uy
Cou!nlnsion 13. authorlzcd   to -doni~~ato fam-to-msket       roads pro-
~~cbcl “tho comisc1onora   ’ court of the county in trhioh any. such
COuuty roes7 is locntod ahaIl paso anil ontcr ;Ln its t2inutos ail
oKloP uaivin3 any rl,@t3 3uch cowty, 13a.yhave for, partlcipatj.oni
by the otntc: jn my ludohto~ncss       ~.ncurl;ocl by tho comty til the
Constructic;l of. such cowty road, ”
mnoqiible’ Jot

             ‘AS uo construe ths’ctstuto,     t&o county kst   first
relinquich    or naive any rl&ht Chut itmy       have to pmtloipato
In the .County tad Rod District      Hl&hwey Pund, thcreforo,.    if a
county should entor into a contract       with the Gtata.Y!&my       Con-
nimlon~ OB euthorlead     by Chapter 244, anid county i~o not en-
titled   to participate   in mid County and Boad District      Fii&Iay
FUQ~, lmofns     na ito county rocda Imve been d.eoigmted OS Par+

   ‘..   .   .

                                                .   .