Ol+FlCE OF THE ATTORNkY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN G~~“ERSECLERS ~-tat% GumnAt. EonorabieX. L. Hinson, Jr. CountyAuditor Folk County Liviwston, Texas Dear Sir: - Opinion 80. O-6689 ’ : Be:’ f ~a, but before such payment can be nado for 945, it v~lllbe neccwmry to afi:end the county budgot. Article 689a-11, iernoncs Annotated’Civil Statutes,,in In part es follov~s: .. $89* * ;/h&xthe budset &.s bce;lflnally ap- proved by.the Comissloncrs~ Court, tho budget, RS apyrovod by the Court, shall be filed with tho Clerk of the County Court, and tuxco levied only in ac- cordance thereaith, and no expenditure of the funds _. of the county shall thereafterbo mdo eioept in strict ~0npllf~1o5 with the budget as adopted by the court. Except that emrwnoy cr2enditures,lq,case of grave public neoseoity to met musuol anZ un- fo?asocr.coilditions \vh?bich could Got, by reorronibly dil!.ze%tthb@t and attention, have been luoludod in the ori&ia.I budsot, may from tim to tke be . authorized by the Cotit os amn~ents to the origin01 bud&, t * *n This ~opartmnt hcs ruled that the Comissioners* Court of a couuty is v;ithoutauthority to naze any cqmd.ituv35 of fusds of the county not in oompliome with the budgot, except =r of 6;ravopublio adcomity, aa caorgencyox?anditurss in ca-** outlinedby maid Arti.cl5 6(39a-11.. Tieeoolose herewith copies or our Opinlom iios.CbjOj3-A and 0~51&, each.of which con: tainsa full diacuasior.of the b&get Icvf,and how 6cmc oan bo mfs~&? a, SYD:W oilcls,
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion