OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN GROVERSELLERS ATTORNCYGENLRAL SeaorabloBarbartC, Xllm, pa@ g aIt ahla ala8 thoxv 1‘ 8 ro8ia‘aol~ sovoa - Tbuaan(,(fmo,ooo)DOL k Lb, OhlM- ?a’. rariewsa ?und*lair bewur lr 0oB881au- 8laul l~t,8loaa lould not bo um1fw tha Al& Oae Rua&e& Thou- lsortioa 4 of 3un8ta Bill 319 paolitosll rat8 88lba trio 8~ of Qe thoated tbowana ($1g0,000) Dollrrr for laoh tLoa1 par of t& blonnluefor ohildrelhre ronlooO rdl rlw 8.8‘ 8ald.r '(1.1 Can t&nLtataDopartunt of F'rrblio ':ol- far8 oon8truetb wotioa of sanat8Bill 311, ro- vidbn( to? tbo mat:tUtiOa 3ivi8iQa t0 Man t i at th8 lrptiltw lotlbarlm4 u&w d‘ bill08x1k pala out ot triobalmerr OS bead h tha '3hilbrm'a ABDiataaoo’~~ nthor than out of tba oarruit 8ppmpmtian r0r tkt0armieu bh~h r0r tbr old lII)Uhlldron Dlrl8iw of t!m Daprrmont z 2 r le Tufuo? r(8.) C8n tha Oorrptrollor ~08 ~8180tha mount l r o g r la to 6 for Um fiutltutlo8 Dlil~lam to bo osf out d tb okluro8“ *“laa‘Boo ?tAM la ‘Mord‘Da dab Bedla 4 lf suM a ‘B ill3ls bohra tranaforr* Uto balanom to the Dmnw81 Rovonooma? .I t . . / ,_; our 00ort8 hero unlforaly hold that tb .latanalon ot t ha I.ogla~raro 81 to 8 &r 18 to ba marain& pr:iourihy ry importot tha lraguae n88dt (C. A.), lB9 2, '7,701. Thea *bra a st1lgwm8, It mill ba mforoed rooord- kg& it8 8orda. Amlarronv. Fe&d& 138 Tax. bob, 161 L. ‘2. . se0101Bill 519 300ti08 4, ‘peolfl#11~ruthozlra‘ rith4r88818 rm ah8 chdrw8 ~88ia8~0 mid or *w 8~11 . . . rp oprl8#6 horoln or othervdw provld04~kioro trad- ?‘r to cc @omnlRemaw htad. hmorinc: your qu*rtlons: xc l8 our opinloa ttnt th e lx p o a dia ur e ua4rr 3o a a Bto 8ah0m0a illDo .Slvsh o uld bo pal4 the belancn aa $8~6 la the Whll&aa*r ~**Ls* 0lra of la a mrtbr YwW. tat thr Co8gtroll8rrhsuld m8t 88id8 the 88ount lp ro~rl.alaU for the Stata xn8tituaioa31+;81on OUt Or' UN Ch E &#O'a AsS~S~~MJ# BAItamr0~8 trSMfWTiJI& thr mlaaeor to the omorrl Fi~,reaae hind. Tours wry truly David ,untob A“l‘t‘nt ,
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion