OFFICE OF THE All-ORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Honora blo c. L. Irin(t Dttrfot Attorne# 2%2 # Texar Dear Sir: opinion Rio,o-6653 Bar nrs@i raraala.that two praons a orrioer ahot hlswhile he wa 8tation. Subsequently they in Bar Liexlob, end Ted-al a ltutlon at Texarkana. alnst both offenders ure the return of for the purpose of Uled the ox- and r6turnlng thm to thbfr xpanse ot a mmal guard, 0 a8k.d u8 tlm fOllowi~ the C&88iOllW’8 CMlrt Of Potter , provld8 fund6 with whlohto wy the returningThompeoato6uaarlUo to atand ah0 th4 wqmn8as 0r returning Day to to t88tie ill th8 trial -ilist ThOPpmn? “(a) hL6aftbr,Oit)r c&S8iOn Of th@ OitJ Si Amarillo, Texas, pOVid8 fund8 with whioh to pay th* lxpen8a8 or retuxnlng Thompson to ~ril3.o to 8~d 152 Bonorable 0. L. Kiag - pago 2 trial, and also the expcrnseeor returniag my to AmrIUo to testify In the trial against Thoaq80n7a b the Outset we 8hould like to paint out that Toxar ha8 RO right t0 8eOUFOt&O return Of the pri+lU8 inqpilWd dOUt UlbWth8 hW Of lXtZWditiOIIa8 it aQpliO8 only a8 betroan 8kt@8 and not a8 botwaen a state and the T8deral governmukt. 22Am.rur. 2% Sin00 the Paden govoxnnwnt ha8 the right to uolwIvo otutody Of the &W18OSiW8 Wit11 th8y &Ve 8OI’VOd th8ir 8UltOfiOO th.r -1 br returned to Annrillo only by ooa8ent or that 8ovdgnty. 14 *a sur. 921. In the ab8enoe of uprass authorIt tha oourt8 h4vo h8ld that the Attorney Oenar61 ot the 0, 9. a8 a mttu ot c0mlty imy In hi8 dl8oretion allow the tra?illrer OS a Foderal pri8onu under 8antcmoe to a 8tata 00-t for trial, *provided it dos8 Wt &tMVOnt 8ZlforOOm~atOf the 80&8lW8 Or the hdUa1 OOUrt8, or Wd8i¶gu the pri8oMr.' See Pond v. r888Wdar, 268 u. S. 264, 66 L. Ed. 607, 22 A. L. 2. 079, 42 Sup. Ct.~ Rep. SOQj &Am. Jur. 92lj also IlOt Ia 22 A. L. R. 826 aad 62 A. L. R. Turthermoro to faoflitatathe,bandling OS peraoa8 who have oftkl~d both 8tats and Fedaral 8overei5aty, the Gongres8 ia 1940 w88.d th8 iOlbWiI@ @tatUtOl Wh8nevsr any person oonrlned in any penal Or oorr8otional Institution pureuant to a udgm8at of oaaviotlon of an Oiia8e againfit the ted Stat.8 h8 boea Indlotad or Oonvfote4 ot a t8tiZV in 8 oout of record of an Stata other than th8 State in whfoh ruoh Qer8On f8 Con&d, the Attorney, @en- oral shall, if he finds-it in the ublio int.rMt to Q 80, ujmn thr teque8t of the x 0V~Z?l02' 01 tie lxoeutive authority of euoh 8t+tO, +d upon th8 _~. pro8entation of a o~rtlflsd 00pr of 8Uoh fndfOt- ment or &ulgmat of ooavlotlon, oauro 8uoh Wrsoa t0 b0 tM4iI8rOrSSdpiOr to hi8 ram88 t0 a P8N1 or oorreotional Lnstltutioa 8ltuntod within 8uoh State that ir authorlcod to rooeivounited Stat88 Prl8on.f8. In t ho event mro than one 8uoh nquuo8t i.8presanted In rocrpeotto any prl8onu, the liftor- ney Qener81 -11 dotWmirio In hi8 di8UrOtiOE *hIOh Z’8qUS8t 8hould reooivo pr8roruso8. TB* 8XP-88 0f per8oaasl aad traa8portatlon InoUrred In oarfW out the provisiona of the section'shall be ohafeesbl* to th8 appmpriatloa ror thm .*mapportOS United stata primnors.** Tit. 18, Sea.+766 P. S. C. A.; 0. 176~ 800. 1, M Stat. 176. 153 mnorbbl8 0. L. King - p&e S It would thw appear that the Attorarr Oonual of the United Stat.8 in hi8 dl8orotlon, E&J aot oall pormit the trial br Texas OOurt8 Of primnor 8Ol’V~ a I.&oral 8WltWlO0, but that h8 18 aut,?orliodto trMlf8r prlsoaorr ooatlned out Of the 8tatO t0 h&OIWi in8titUtiOAI8 Within th0 8tat8 in aid of the -b&38. Sin08 the jWObl8m Of 8OOUr1ly the rOtWl# Of th888 pri8Oaer8 to Amarillo 18 olearly not a prattorof utradltloa and thuo b8iryyno O-888 8tatutory authorfty prorid for 8uOh OXpt+ndihr~r, th. potOr Of l oOk~i88iOiWW8' OOurf OX a QityOomid88ioa to protido thornw8t root On an implied author- ity if it Ui8t8 at au. A ajW#Td88iORU8’ cOti’ aUthO?ity 18 8wOtiy hit06 t0 QOWOr8 given by SCK&itUt%On or 8tatUte Or t0 8UOh a8 are neoe8earily ll~T&x. Jur. 86TU8g Baldwin ve. Travis County, W. 4180; Ooami881on0r8 Court 18. wallaoe (Civ. s. 'W.~ 26 536; 11 Tsx! Jur, b66) and Aader8on v. Wood (Sup W. 1084. In th8 oa8e la8t oltod it i8 8ai6, nnihorea right is ooont8rrador obligation W po8ed on maId oourz, It ba8 implted authority to ueroieo a broad di8~r8t~OII to aooom 118h the purpo8a intaa080.” Wo know 0s a0 0On8titUtiOMl or 8L tutow dUtr right or oblI6atioa whioh ha8 bOSn plaoed UpOn ths ~OfSd88iOll.r8’ aOWt iJl0011- nectioa with the xetun 0s Pedenl prl8oaers to Toxa8 rot trial. In thhrrbsenoe of 8uOh l p lWi8& On We 880 a0 ba8i8 iOr imply- an aUthosItp in this OOBn0Oti~nn. we kli0v8 a diifer8nt r&110 would a ply to the City C0mKGl8sloaunder the faOt8 you bavo outlined La the ab88aoo Of a O&FtW &UYOVi8iO&L Of th0 city 45s&ESkrillO t0 tha OOIitrar b the ua8. Of th8 City of -8iW V8. Wbb, &Or. App.) 89!P S. w. 736, in uptml&ln.$ th8 authority 0s t&L*aitr to 8QPro rlate tund8 for a 8poial pro800uCor in a murder -8o~ari8iiw 0 ui 0s the killa or a olty ~~Uoaimnu&U@ npking an arre8t,it -8 8Uda %%enevor a olt]r 18 authorisod to lppadnt and hV0 polia~ OhUgOd with t&O dUtiO8 Of Q-O@ Of- fi00r8,th8 oity, in ttm lb8eaor 0s ohartu prmI8Ion try t&8 ooatrw, hlB8 the implied QOWU, 8X8rOI8abl8 at it8 bi8Or@tiOn, t0 provldo 8ultabl. m-8 for th8 protootlom of it8 @108- in th. bona iid* d-ah-U*. 0s th0ir 0rrioiai duti08., The dutle8 Of a wtlio~ r Hoaorabl8 0. L. w - pgo 4 arep0FfOlrsl00for the benefit 0s the QUblIO aitd tho 18 di?ootlP oono0rn80 in pr880rr l ng and pUbli0 proteotiagtb80 orriosrs fro0 the h8urd 0s duth or bcdll~ i1i&?iO8 to mhloh th prr0rnnnoo 0s thoIr OfffOial dutf.8 8XpSa th.O. Ahdo fiOS,Ur~ oOn8i&U- ationr pure4 per8oa81 to the 0rri0er, it ia for the QUbliO mood that three OifiOW8, l8 in8tTUWQt8 t&Uou(@ Whiah the Oity QUfOM8 it8 iuaOtion8, 8&u b0 8hlUd8d rt0m th0 .On@l &SW&8 WhhiOhattend t&a dimOhar#p et their Offp" 0i.i dUtiO8. *Ifl at,& liO.Ull be ruin in th8 boa8 ii&., pUfOrrrpSO0 0f hr 8 Offibicl dUti.8, thO8ity h08 i&- i8d power, ml888 ouoh pwor be olouly doni8d in t8 oh+rUu, to 8AEQlOyan 0ttOrIl.yto QrO88Wt8 hi8 8lay.r e h d to lppro latr oltf SuMa tooth& purpO88. Th. roudatl0n 0s tr IO QOW.t dO.8 IiOtrO8t in thoorie8 ‘0s rendming bwbrit to tha dead orriorr, for h. oan dulvo a0 herit r-m 8UOh prosooution; aor dO08 it r08t Ianotivor 0s r.talIatloa for hla do&h; but it do08 Nit io thO80 OOLI8idOMtiO4t8 Of UblfO OiiOf whloh jU8tio th. Oity ia pTOt.OtiIl& eh. in8 talitlor tarou& whloh It porhmn8 it8 f uaotionr, and ln adopt- wUl8 deemed ruitabls for the PUP- W80r Th. 8010otioa of th.8. -8 i8 oonfidod TV th0 dl8or6tioJI of tha olty and oOWt8 will not undertake to OOattOl the Oitr’8 di8OntiOll iZl this r.8Q.Ot, UII- 1.88 thhrlaok or nlatlon 0s th8 rolmotad E&WI8 to the on& mugbt to ba attain.4 bo OlaarlJ apparent. The OitJ, in th. pO8.d in8ttiKiO0, Oii&ht w.11 h8V. iUJUidU%Jd t&t it8 ~QlOJ(prnt Of 8&10Oiti pm8oOU- tion Lo the 8a80 againilt ths @ra008, a8 8 man8 ml- Oul.atWl to doter hW brUkU8 ifWE kilu it8 6iiO8- raon in the l'utum,wouid result In dirinimhina Ph8 hanrd of Math or b&fly iaJm to thorn8 whs mi&ht t&tufter 88rv8 the oity ln the oapeoity 0s polio*- 0.11. ?or tEi8 Tuma, it aannot bo srid th8t then 18 110Ml&i- b&IMi th0 8WTiC408Of 8 08a 00~8a in 8uoh 8 -80 Uld the Ql’Ot0OtiOll Of QOlZIO- ia th. 8WVi00 Of th0 lity.’ It ir OU Vi.W tht the MMOtliDg inthi8 -8o lQQlio8 with wm groator torso to t&o rltuation outlined in thi8 requo8t. If8nlxp.adituro br the city for 0 8pOh1 pnI80oUtOE. whi0h i “;, -355 Ealorabl* C. L. mu - pge 5 would ontl be an aid to the pooeoutlon fL warranted, than o uta inlr lx p enb itur whloh*r uo noo*aaary to 88fw-a Jurl8- diOtiOI3 Or the pU8On Or Lha OrrWdOr, a *8iI)8 QM IIOLL"Or the proaeoutlon, would br allonabla. iSO0011OiUd~, (1) that th0 CQIPmi~i~lleIPa' COUt Or P o ttuo o wty 1 8no tllthoris86 to pmy the lxpen8*8 lapuired hut, and (a) that th oitf oon;d881~ 0r Amum PUT in its dlrontion an6 ln the abmnoo of ohader protlalon8 to the oontrparJ, pay 8ueh upas. 8a it Obmaa rowonabl~ neoossary to 5.n8urO tha protwtion or pali0am.n in it8 l8mio a . i-datru8t that wo hare 8utri0ibntiy *nhuekl r00ur in- Wry an6 that our rlow8 will a88ist you in working out your prob1.r. . vuy truly your* ATTGIU?EYCEXBRAL OlrTgXAS Br 4i7-zien=% A88l8taat
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion