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Hon. Aubrey Robison - Page 2
* %?rovided,
hOWQVlW, .tncounties having
less tbfm.elght thouaarid.and one (8,001)
schulastics,where tlietot& expense
for 0ff%m aeslatlmt5doas not excead
. TuonCy folir Eun4red Dolll3rs (~2WO.)~ per
tho salary‘of the County Super-
. Lntendentnsy.ha tu3tRt a aim not to
.excoedThirty Six fiund~edDollem
l iiz;i ;;;;my b y ec flo n of the:Co mty
Provided, however, that.
in no Lraetenceah& the salarlco a8 are I.
herein provided bs mre than Six Eundre4
Dollam ($600.) fn~roaae OQ8l' the preoent
5aXaric~.for the fm+e sclwldsticpopu- ;
- ~, elation bracket.*.
"The Coqnty;&ard of~Trustae8of PdarrieCounty. ‘..
vote4 unanimouslyto pay the Sugietinten4eqt 1
!RIphirty-"Lx ~Dollam anRua3ly t&ifng
thLs actlon under.EouseBill Xo. 292. The total
oxpanss for office assf.&~ent,a
18 Bightesn Iidn4rw~-
Dollarra($Moo.) .'.
. _' ,. ._
“I tiouid&ppreciate a @II&+ 09 the coq- "
.' structionto be plimxb-an Sactioti1, of Bouae~i3lU :..
!?o.292, lbrty-nba$h Le&islature, en4 especl~ly .,.'
that parf;~readIngr.
‘~Provi4e4,..howober,that l.nn& instance .
ahail 'theaalosies as.he~eln'pmVided be .
more thsn six riuadre4Dolla??a($500.)
Increase over the precent aalariea~foor ...
the .oaneacholcrst~cpoptiatfonbracket,'
S.naoSar~aait,concerns~the legaltty of the Couuty
Superintendentof Harris County receiving au ~snuual
salary of'Thfrty-sLxRur$re4 Dollar~~($XQO.).a
Eouae Bill 150.292, t(gthLegislature of Texas; reads
In part as f'all.o??sr
Don. Aubrey Robison - Pee 3
Bill,Do. 328, Aota, Forty-eighthLeglnlsture,
. Regular Session; 3943; Zs &men&34 to hereafter
rat14a~ followe:
a~Sectlon~l. Sul.aryof the County Supcr-
intohdtent.The elective.Co*antySuperintendents
of public Inatruotfon shall roceive~tram the
Avallablo School Puud of thels?rcspsotivocounties
3nnu3l ealar~es baaed OA the ocholasticpopulation
OS such oountiea 83 follows:
"Population ArouRt
.~" ‘.
. . . . . . . . . !
4,ood ?;.500.00
. :
.. .‘.. .: /
. . .~. •‘~ . . . . .
. '*Provldod,however# in'oouutfeshaving
~loas~+tn eight thou&, anQ~or10 (8,001) schola3~~
tioa, where tluj tcptsl expenea for of@x tt8slet3xkts
doe3 not exooed Twenty-four Eun4re4 Dollera'
($2400) .peranmum, the salary of the county Super-
.dntendentmay to set at S szn~not to ercet+Thirty-
SIX Hundrad Dollnrs ($3,600) per'annum by aotion
of the County Board of Trustees. ProVlded, ,a
however, that.ln no,In3tBtlceshell the salarlas
as are .herelnproviQedbe more th3n Six Run4rod
Dollsrs ($600) inaroase~over the present ~~3.3.8rb38,
for the sem scboZa3tic populati~'brachut.YV ...~
The Qovernor.M~e4,Rouse Bill 292, without.kls ap-
proval, in the Offfce of the.Secretaryof State on June 25
and as have &at obtalhed a copy-of same; ThLa-bZ11 was
passed by the llauseby the Polloving vote: Yoaa 120, : ';
Keys 2, and the House conkrred in Senate amendments.by
the fOll.GWin@: VOtC: YCU% l@i,;uRYti0. It WRS pa,s~ecJ by
the Senate by the PollovLrkgsotor Yeas S-3,3nya 0. It In,
therefore,f.nfnzncdlate&feet, but tbare will beno funde
vith FihLchto pti,y tha increascd salarl~atl uz~ti~. sfter
SePtedxe 1, i945. .Ya quote the follovirap: from Section 1
Of'the hct;
. .
. -
.. .- . . . . .- _ _.
%m. Aubmy Robisou - Page 4
officeof the cotity aupofinteudentaitdthe s%mo
&all be dotemined .by t-he.resident scholastic
populationof the comty.. lt sh%Zl be the duty
of the Couuty Board of WUstees l;ofile the budcat
for county adnin~alqatianexpense with the Stnte
Department of Rduoation ou OF before September
Slrat,of each sc.ho~%aticye%r, the budget to be
ad CePtifiEd t0 by the .PEB%dGilt Of.th%
County Board OS Elucation %nd attested to by .the
COUnty SUp~i4llte~iellt.'phecox@%rmitfouheroin
provided for sh%ll be paid n~onthlyupon the order
of the.County School P-rust&es;provided tb%t the
Salary tor tbo month of September shall hot be
pald until'thenCounty &perl.nteudentpresents a
receipt 'fromthe State SUperintendozAshe- that"
-.heh%a wde %ll reports required of h5x1."
Thfs In&et ‘la for the Wiool year begfnul$~Saptem-
bar.1, i945. The preac~1tbudget for the'Suporfntendentof
fbrrl8 COUnty v8.sba8ed on his3 UabWJr Of $2,000.00 ~&?P~6ixUim'
'and, therefore,no more th%u $165.65 per month siaybs paid to
hlq~uutll the now budget fop %945-.46 la ln effect. You tie,
ttirefore,.%dvl%id that,uo chenge is made by .thiki laarIn the ,'
uut,llsfter September li
_’ .::
aelary of the County sUperJ.ntendent
‘It is our ii&her opinioq that after sucli tlnie: : .’ ,.
(Sept.:1; 1945, and sSter ths 19&5-&6 bud&et is in effect):. the
molln~un%slary whhio,hho%n
be allowed to th% County ~uporlnteuduzt
of’ Jbrris County ull.kl~bo tbs sum OS $266.65 per no&h. .~ This
aawunt is b%sed upon,the nk&aum %nnu& mlarg allowable tider
H. B. 292 yhlch we hold to be the.stm OS $3,200.00 per %imuzn.
He c&a,vfnh to czS%rlg point out th%t s%iaw Sk-
CXW~BQB for public oSSloi%Ls %PB .cXoarlyRrospeotiveend ape
not rotmact,ive. TNn has been the ~unffom holdtag OS the
courts end of thi8 depa&xienC* Thorefom e8 polqted out %bCve,
When the sslazy &creams becomes effective; thenCouuty