Hon. T. K. Wilkinsan - Ppe g 0rd~r my -de aid ~wiirura upon th4 Nlnutes of same oourt, fix the srlax'les Of the COunty CCbidrriODW’8for BUCh vithia the llmite 8, pmvided In thisT=* at.' "m4refOr4,~it ;tsour oplxhn that th aPIUSt%b Wy XUtOlB tl& l~DbUZldM d th ’0 p X’l%’ VlDio mo fa a dB.8. #IO. 84 , not b eo c x e o o uld effeatlvs prwlout~ to the aatual date of the mm 0rde~ 0f th4 ~OUILIB~WB~ 00w rixbg auqh salaries at its fbat mylar meeting atter R!hy11, 1945, the lffeotive date of Odd 8. 8. No. 80.' mJlu wry tru2y Am= aEFm?AL OY !mxAs BY