25 OFFICE OF THE Al-l-ORNEY GENERAL OF~TEXAS AUSTIN aRovERSEIJSRS AIlDI”CI QD(cnAL ‘ 3 & Honorable Joe I).Br~wnlne, pace 2 : “2. l&t Is 'road maint&anag or batternmnt *e?k* althin the pro,qiaiona'ofthe Apt? Otherwise state4;would the work, say, to create a three lane highway Of *whatformerly was a two lane highway be 'road mair,tenanoeor betterment world exempt from the requireffientaof the A&? the work, my, to change the road rr0= :~ou.ld an earth gra46a road to a surfaoed road be *rod malntenanoe or betterment work* exempt from the requirements of the Ao.t? “3; mm2.a statutes, Art. 2368a, requires oom- pttitive bidding~ror oondtructiti aa materials. i&y the.Comtdssioners* Court l&&t the bidding to..materialsfrom a gartia;ilarloaallty by designating its geographical name, *BLankrilb ~Gravel*,~ormust th% &ravel or other material, not patented, be speoiiied by other charaoter- _. .fetice &o 8s to permit~blda on other like lua'tsrialsfrom other geo&raphioal &ocat.ion?*' : Be&Ion 19, Artlole 32718, V. L G. S., providea: ' 'After the first day or January, 1938, it shall ~~b~'&lawful ror th%s State, or.for any OS its polltloal ddloislons, for allgaaunty, dty, or'td+n,,t6 @a$age : ~.i@;theoonetruetionof eny'public rork~inrolving.pr& ieesiona1 engineering;'rhere yublio.'bealth,"publio,-:' - ~,;~ welfare or .publlo safety is invOlvea,,unless the"' engineering plane and speoifications ana eatbate have .been prepared by, and tha engineering 'oonstrua-. tiorfs tO.ba executed under the direct supervision .or a registerad pr0re8sionai anginasr; p333qiuea,that nothing inthis Aat shall be held t0 apglg to any publlo.wotikwherein the aentemplated expenditure for the aompleted projeot does not exceed Three Thousand(~3,000.00) Dollara. Provided, that this Aot ahall not apply t.0any road aainteniinoe or betterment work undertaken by t&e County comrnls- sionera' Court." We note that in the above c;uotedseotioa, the provisions OS the Aot 8re not applloable when the work is ?road.maintenanae or betterment work" undertaken by the County Commiasloners* Cour,t. In the oaae of Dallas County et al vs. ?lowman, '(Sup. Ct.) ?I S-3. . 23 .. . ‘: 32
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion