OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AU8TtN : Honorable Ii&i&r'ILEck County Auditor Fayette County ~IaOrange, Texas Dear sir: 'Oplnlon No.. o-6604 Ra: Construction of Art. 2350 R. C. S., . .as amended by H. B. No. 84, enacted by the 49th Leg., b respect t0 proper funds from which such ealaples and .traveling ' expenses are to be pald;.and related ques t Ions .Ue have rece'lved.yoti recent &quest for an opinion from uhlch ve quote as Pollovs: . . 71 &I re~estiag your oplnlonwlth reference to Article 2350, R: C.. S.,-1925, as‘tiended, Acts 1945, 49th Leg., 'Regular Session, H. B. No. 84~;-page 20& of the Htise Journal. 'Article 235O~, provides and I quote: "%-i counties. tiVhg the.f%llowlng aSSesSed value- tlon, respectively, a8 shown b$ the total assessed ~mluation of-all properties certified by the Countg Assessor and approve&by the Coamls810nerst Court for County purposes, fqr the preylous year, f’rom time to time, the cowity commlss’loners of such. counties, shall receive annual isalaries hot to excee.d the amqnta herein valuatloqs and salaries,-except that applicable to Fayette 'County,) Assessed valuatton of this county is betueep the bracket $12,OOO,OQl and'less than'$20~~000,000, not to exceed $2,500,00: s$.ary.' "se'ctioll le;l VheComm18iloners1 Court ln each county 18, .hWeb& authorleed t6 pay 't'ne actual t*vel lng expenses incurred while tWIeling oUtaide of %he county on off'lclal county~bus.lnes8 never to exceed, . . .'. Three Hundred ($3OO.Q0)~ I)oltiFs in kiq one year for each said of'flcial.~ _~. . . Eon. Homer D Bck, page 2 “Section 2. . sloner and each’~~“:‘~~~~*~~~~~~~t~ of the County General Fund or, at t e o e o, the ~lssloners 1 Court, may be pi?ir%t-o moxf General Fund em- and out of the Road-and .L%eymd i lilirfzllovrii p roportTo~8~iiiit~Judge ho to ex’f teed seventy-five per cent (75s) of such. salaries may be paid out of the Road and Bridge P#nid, end the remainder out of the General Fund of the County, and each County Commissioner’s salary may, at the discretion df the Commlssionerst Court, all be paid out of the Road and Bridge Fund; provided this sec- tion shall not apply except In counties where the constitutional. 1Lmit of twenty-five cents (25#) on the One Hundred Dollar ($100) valuation is levied for general purposes. ( ”. . . “Fayette County tax late for General purposes Is the constitutional limit twenty-five cents (254) on ,the dne Hundred Dollars ($100.00). *Apparently there Is a discrepancy between Article 2350, and Section 2 of ,thie article. (I have under- 6cored the differences) In Article 2350,. the’assessed valuation of Fayette County comes in the bracket here& tofore mentioned and makes provlslons what funds the salaries are to be paid from; however, it doe8 not provide the tid or funds which the County Judge is to be paid. While Section 2, makes certain exceptions, but making provisions for the salary of the County Judge. The exceptions as provided Fn Section 2 except In counties where the constitutional limit of tventy-five (25) cents per One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) IS levied forGenera putitioses. Article 2350 and Sec- tion 2, are both applicable to Fayette County, ‘there- Sore my question Is: “1.. What funds a,re the County Commissioner8 and Judge to be paid from? “Section la. As stated In the preceding Paragraphs provided that the Co8ml88loners pay actual expenses Incurred while: traveling outside of the county on of- sicial business never to exceed $300.00 in one year , for ea’ch said oSf?.%c~~l~. ,,_ . 1‘.I .,, Honorable Homer D. Eck, page 5 “This Section does not provide what fund such expenses are to be pald from. My questions pertain- ing to this sectlon are: “1. What fund shall such expenses be paid from? “2. Inasmuch as the County Commlssloners of Fayette County are provided with a car, gasoline, tire and maintenance of same from the Road and Bridge Fund to attend to county business, what would be condidered travel expenses? “Can the Commissioners furnish their own car and charge the Road and Bridge Fund .04 cents per mile, when the equipment is furnished and available? “Are meals and hotel lodging considered official County business expenses, when they drive to a near by city to purchase machlnerg parts for their respective precincts? “Fayette County has school land located in Baylor County, Texas, and it is necessary for the Commissioners1 Court to go there, and transact business in behalf of the Permanent School Fund: In view of this new legislation, Article 2550, Sec. la, shall the expenses incurred while attending to such school busLness be paid from the Road and Bridge Fund? “The Co8pnission&s1 Court met In regular session Saturday Usy 19, 1945, and provided for their salary to be paid upon the new established rate as provided, retroactive to May 15, 1945.. It is their understand- ing this bill was filed with the Secretery of State May 11, 1945, without the Governor’s signature. “question. Can the Court make their salary Increase become effective at a date previous to the meeting May 19, 1945." As you quote insaid opinion request the pertinent provisions OS Article 2550, R. C. S.. of Texas, as same is amended by H. B. No. 84, enacted by the 49th Legislature and effective as a law May 11, 1945, we need not set out herein the full text of saiil Article 2350 and the bill amending same. J Hon. Homer D. Eck, page 4 Your first question Involves a seeming repugnancy or in- consistency between certain sectlons of the same act (said Art. 2350 as amended by said H. B. No. 84). It is fundamental ln th$ law of statutory construction that when a statute makes a general provlsiou apparently for all cases and a special provision for a particular case or class, the former yields and the latter prevails insofar as the par- ticular case or class,is concerned. In such circumstances, the special prcvlslon or statute Is regarded as though it were an exception or proviso, removing something from the operation OS the general law. See Tex. Jur., Vol. 39, pp. 212, 213. Section 2 of Article 2‘350, R. C. S., as amended by H. B. NO. 84, contains a proviso to the effect that It shall not apply except ln counties where the constitutional limit of twenty-five cents (25#) on the One Hundred Dollars ($100) valuation is levied for general purposes. The first section of said Art. 2350 applFes generally to all counties. As you state Fayette County comes wlthln the terms of said Section 2 of Art. 2350, then, ln view of the foregoing, this special provision would control In regard to Fayette County. We believe the County Judge of Fayette County should be paid wholly out of the County General Fund or, at the option of the Commissioners1 Court, may be paid out of the County General Fund and out of the Road and Bridge Fund in the proportion of not to exceed seventy-five per cent (75%) of such salary out of the Road and Bridge F’und and the remainder out of the General Fund of the county; and that the County C~ommissioners of Fayette County should be paid wholly out of the County General Fund or, at the option of and In the discretion of the Co?nmlsalcnersl Court, all of such County Commissioners’ salaries may be paid out of the Road and Bridge Fund. In regard to your question as to which fund the actuel traveling expenses should be psld from when incurred under au- thority of Section la of said Art. 2350, R. C. S., as amended by said H. B. No. 84, we quote from the Supreme Court of Texas (Bexar County v. Mann, 157 S. W. (2d) 134) as follows: “All county expenditures lawfully authorized to’he made by a county must be paid out of the county’s general fund unless there is some lawnwhich makes them a charge against a speclal~ fund. Hon. Homer D. Eck, page 5 Therefore, as said Section la of Art. 2350, R. C. ‘S., in which authority to pay traveling expenses is given, does not. make them a charge against any special fund, we conclude that such traveling expenses should be paid from the General Fund. We believe that by the use of the words “actual expenses Incurred while traveling outside of the county on offlclal business”, the Legislature meant only the actual and necessar expenses so incurred. Gasoline and 011, If---ix-is+ a car bus or train fare and means and lodging, would seem to come within this category. We are enclosing a copy of our Opinion No. O-5598 ln regard to certain traveling expenses of County Commlsslcnsrs ~lncurred within a county, which defines In general terms the type of traveling expenses allowed. The law does not authorize mileage to be charged for such travel- ing . Neither does it authorize any traveling expenses of the County Commissioners incurred on business without the county, regardless of the nature of the county business, to be paid from any fund other than the General Fund of the county. As to your last question regarding the attempt of said Commlsslonerst Court to make its order increasing such salaries retroactive in effect, we point out certain provisions of Sec- tion 44, Article 3 of the Constitution of Texas, which are as sollows : “The Legislature shall provide by law for the compensation of all officers, servants, agents and public contractors, not provided for in this Constitution, but shall not grant extra compensa- tion to any officer, agent, servant or public contractors, after such public service shall have been performed or contract entef;ed into, for the performance of the same; . . . . Our Opinion No. G-6576 holds, in effect, that the &xt foregoing provision of the Constitution prohibits officer3 who are paid under the general “salary law” from receiving an increase of salary .fciy any such part of the year for which the work has al- ready been pbrformed . Rowebelieve the principle announced in such holding applies also ln then Instant case and we enclose herewith a copy of said aplnlon. Section 5 ti said H; B. No. 84, provides as follows: Honorable Homer Do. Eck, page 6 “The Commissioners1 Court at Its first regular meeting after the effective date of this Act and thereafter at the first regular meeting of each year shall, by order duly made and entered upon the minutes of same court, fix the salaries of the County Commissioners for such year, within the limits as provided In this Act.” Therefore, it is our opinion that the new salary rate established under the provisions of said H. B. No. 84, could not become effective previous to the actual date of the lawful order of the Commissloners t Court fixing such salaries at its first regular meeting after May 11, 1945, the effective date of said H. B No. 84. We trust the foregoing Sully answers your questions. Yours very truly, ATTORNEY GENERALOF TEXAS BY Robert L. Lattlmore, Jr. Assistnat RLL:LJ/JCP APPROVED MAY29, 1945 APPROVED: (signed) Grover Sellers Opinion Committee ATTORNEY GBNERALOF TEXAS By B. W. B., Chairman
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion