OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Honomble Ferry L. Jane. Countr Attonwy Travis cou8tJ AwtW, Yeaas Opialsn lo. O-6596 Bet ON the Aaiemoer4elleeter or ro8e$4t the 8meamt muat ho Pet?wn the ehwk to the -a-T. ue'aawws pmr quwtiQna in the fmler pnwQtdr but &we our onmler to qwrtlvN 8NbeM 1 6n8 I!*ill ?a0 the aeee* w +iZl trcrrttb8sltogeJ$ar. we ecmf2ne oar anawr to dolLnqI3entt4kx.h?mly, lamfar 88 the ryLF of the taxpayer to ritbwtrt pry the i?amsJ the wme tia, ~lt2ghl.a 4e1Illquwlt poll tax. The opinions heretofore rendarad hare had to do nith the payment of'ouxrent texoa, as did the ~860 of Stuard '1.Thornpeon,251 S. W. 277, and w4 do not rind it neowsary to oonsldsr the prior opinion@ of thir dopwtmont or the ease of Stueard v. Thompwn, supr8, es amet OUT da01810na bore on6 way or the other, 4xorpt the Stuard f. Thomprron oaso supports our anew~r to your q@wioa No. 3, end lr adopted for that purpo44 onlg. Without ltb smp till( l the statutes to retiow oomposing our taxation e~8tea pemtainlng to dolinquanttaxw and the mbthod of seourlna and oollr8ting tha #am, when not volun- tar&l~ paid a8 provided in Art.1018732b, lnirrr, ve nay ray,~ gonorally,thatthree awthoda ar4 provided. Piret, rox%oloruro of and m&n under the oonati~tutioaal lion lmpomd on leoh tract or land for the tax.8 aa80aaad aIpin8t iti wead, the ~-ry proobas of rolrcurrand male br~tho oollootor;and third, 8uit for tare8 and the 14~7 on and ml,. of all land (axorpt the hon4rt4adjin uti4iaotiom oi the ;uQment. Wo ehoultisay that undar ul8ting law the 4~ prooemr or a~leuro and aalo by the ooll4otor of real o8tete ior t&4 taxer duo thareon doer not appLft but doe@.apply a0 poraonal mwW. ArtI 7324, V.R.C.S~,, potidea in part a8 roiiaa: *Whmor4r any person, OF psnoa#, iim or corporation shall p~to the tax ooll44tolr4ll the tax44, iatoxr8t, pumlti~a and oert4 4hwn br the delinqwot tu rooorda or the ooanty to be duo and uapoid yinrt troot, lot or pore81 OS land Sor 411 or the pus tar sx oh taxw may be ahan to be dur,and unpaid, prier to the 1nHltutlon of suit rox th4 oolleotioath4nor, tho tax’ oolleetor #hall lerua to swh p4rroa or parsons,tlra or oorpomtion, a rs44lpt covering suoh payment a4 14 new nqulrod by law." Artlolr 7345, V.R.C.8., proridw a@ iolbwar Vh4n two or mor4 lot4 or blookm or traots of land are rcmdersd in th4 eame renditionwith saparube raluatione, end the tare4 due ther4on beooma dallnquuentthe tax oollsotor ahall, when tclndered, aaoopt pn$%ud oi the taxs# due od eaoh lot or blook or tpaot or lazedhaving 8uoh sepm@ta val~tlonr Axtlole 73&5a, 86otions 1 to 10, IncAwlve, providaw iorthe transfer or the tax lien fixed by the Conatftutionand statutes upon real oatate to emy poraon authorimd, aa provided for in 88116atiloie, by the owmr ot 4uoh real estate to pny ruoh taxes and maken prorlalon hr protsotlon of tha as4l~or Hon. Perry L. Jones, page 3 and aaalgnes or such lien by ri2ag 8 limitationperiod of one par vlthln which foreclam~remay not be had br the aEB~f4tkeslan4 for a redemptionperiod, all of vhlch statu- tory provislbm evidence a clear leglelatlveintent not to make the paymamt thereof dependent upon the payment of dOlLnQuent poll tax, vhleh 1s e 8aparat.e and dlrtlnct tax and nbb 6wsms.d by any lfen vhatsoevsr upon any proparty, real or personal, ovned by the dollnquent taxpayer. The suprome Court or our State In the oaso of Richer, Tax Collestor, et al. y. Noor, 249 9. U. 172, in an eblo oplnlon by Chief Juatlae Cureton, 8rfdr “In oowlderlng the rule requlrlng the foul1pay- ment of the tiU.B, PO think it N approprleteduhaotlon from tha authorities to sar that, wbon it 18 necmsary ror enyone, in oxlor to pwrerw unlmpalnd hi8 progmrty right.&, to pay tho taxer due on say separate tnot or parcel of land vhicb has bwn sopamtely a8soaood, bo bar the right to do #OJ and whore tbo 8tatutar aan k oonatrued to accapllrb this end, than they lboula be Io construed. Vnder the coastltutloml proolelon befon > us, the right or the citizen to bare any treat 0r hi8 lam? !‘PM of any lien, e%cept thet to ~)oourethe taxer levied against it, 11,an important,sub8tantla1,and ma1 property rlgbt, not lialted by the Cowtitut%oa by any obligation to pay all other taxas dua br bla. If w wre to 68~ tht tba taxpayer oannot pay the taxes on one tract of his land vltbout pay on all or parIng all of his tam8. in Iitafinal ef Ye ot on him, as previous tated, vferould be rvarUUag a lten not provided by it” a Conotitutim, or imposingd qua*& Judge Cureton further said1 “We are of the opinion that the tax agalnrt eaah ,separatetract or parcel or land, lneofar aI)the right of payment 10 concemmd, is to be regarbed as a 8eparate tract, an& may be paid vl,thoutat the lam@ time WY% other taxes.’ Baa. Perry L. Jon.8, page I we hare not overlooludthe hot that sua(te ctw4tm!l lu this aase Is dealing vlth the right at a* taxpayer to pay aua-rmt ad valcwem taxes rurscmod a&n8t &e ret4 trsct~r uithout at tht me% tl~a6being required to pay t%e tax amsoassd rpgahnst iehor and different traat8, kit he takes painr to ray thnt, as we have ncte~d case, that the te.xpqvbr axen du0 l?Y h,‘35; . . . rt &hc sere tiwe pBJixl&f Of 811 Of his taxer.,Ss rart of 811 othur t8xest.+eby him, ir other taxes. Hmco, ue think it see to m that ttitsawe I8 indi tlve af the PI& tb8t vould bm 8F?l,ZZed lf dbllaguoat tue8 h3 been Ciwctly lxwslved. WQ think the mAI@ vould rpply rit@ groator force a8 prvnvuaa4d In tkta ea(~pet3 della- quunt taxer, for obv:wslg the taxpayer bar as much right to pay hl8 delinqwnt taxQ8 withia the tfme Byy&bed ;atntuta, am ourrent taxer end thur mdeeu urd relieve is property of the 150~. Pm- ~~11)to my thet this rQh;prt mar he abri- d by n~ulatlana or ~mwral ay~leo&wl;provided for In the bnmtitu- t&cm mid atatutw, and not unathnod by &t4icialapprovalir 8 pron6unaerat VQ 8rQ not alllag t6 m&Q. IloreoverLf vo vere to hold that.ths delinquent tax- p8yer’wst prtyhia deltaquerkt poll tea at the 8ame time thet he p8ys his delUwe.nt p~o~wty tax, w would SJI,efrrst ba 8$ding 8 prmlsion to Article 7321, aupra, by ooxist2wot1cm ~r;~t~hewLmglelatu dkd uot me fit ts 8&l, by ratyinyln The t8x collsctor rhll i8ew to *uoh perroa VP pmrmane, . . . a mcalpt cfmerbq SW& payamat (~6 ia mu 1y- quilrd br law PMrldQd auoh person dr p+raf+uw jxqar st thy sam tlma any de1Lnqumt poll tax that mar be OUT by him.* If mwh yovlsim i01to be added to the statute it is exclu- rlvelyvlthln the pravince of the Legislature, and the Xagla- lature haa not thws spakmx. I I ’ Hon. Perry L. Jones, Page 5 In thus oonoluding we do not nmm to hold that the State Is without any legal remedy to collect delinquent poll taxea, but do hold Wa t the remedy la not by the tax oolleotor asserting e lien again& property or e dietralat upon the delinquent taxpayer, where tht Constitutlcq and statutes have given none, which would be the erreot lr we say the tar oolleotor may refuse to eooept end reoeipt for dallnquant ad valorem taxes tlmaly tmdared by the delln- quant texpayar on real or parmhel proparty, unless 8wh dellnqumot texpeger paye at the same time another delln- quent tu duo by hia, namely, a poll tex. We do not find it naoeaeary lo ardor to answer your quo&ion to dlrouas tho rcunedy evallablo to the State to aolleot delinquent poll tares, henoe refraln~ from doing 80 in this opinion. Paselng now to your third question, we do not think it ropulres lxton&od dl~ou8rlon. Ii tho Ammeaor- Colleotor or Taxes sant out e rtetement or do~llnquent texetv stating the amount due if paid by April 30, 1945, and the taxpayer doleyod meillng his oheok untU aftor May 1, 19~45,et whlah t&no additional penalty and lntore8t hevo aooruod, the Tu ~olleotor, a8 the oolleotlng agent tor the 8tato and musty, is not authorlrodunder the law to aeoopt the amount tendored in full payaont of the tame, interoat and pmaltle8, as the amount would be leas than the taxes, penalty and interest duo. II the amount tendered be lem than the taxma, penaltq end interest due et the time or the tender, whethmr the dltferonoe bo mall or ler#e, the Tax Collaotor 1s not eutlurrlsed under the law to aooept tho Stuard Y. Thompson, aupre; Gamecon Oounty Water ~$&anent District ho. 8 1. De Ia Vergue Engine Oo., loo F. (2d) 523;~~Kanaas city Lit0 Insuranoe Co. Y. DuVal, 5 129 S.W. (26) 70, all of which hold t&t a tender muat . .4 lnolude everything to whioh the oreditor is entitled, end a tender or any 1esv1 awn ie lne.freotuel. rrq,hope the foregoing 8urrioiOntryan0wer6 yoow quastic;ns Youra very truly
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion