IIononb1e C&88. X. lWobal.b, page 2
~~~uooOloQ HO. 5 haloh u41 proTide *BeI
w&on ic 0 &aoro to %A*
couaty JQat$O
0 tA0
boaa 00 r Ph ie ~0%agdr $0 protbo~ tba
tota 0&a $40 laloroo~ 0i tab uora, ho 444
1ra t40 $uotlion to owouto OaOlhb? bona
in lo o er ( lr rmoi%
o hlo w. 30 tkaoo uo r dm
ma o n
th r to a ontlrolr now boa4 okall k givea e?
o en0sladiti0m boaa bo glran, which pm-
tlaor ln the boaa :hoc cho use 18 la *ad&-
tb w u0 W~WO b o 04 ,
ltk mn
d 0aad
th m r r uaqua1B & h ouo a a ttt
o f th ehad or&rod
b Nh+a o a ety r a ta @
in o fa p llo r w
n1 a .h
*r tlo lo
Allio lo U& l,Vo men~o Aa na Qa toCivil
4 r ik tuto o1,0
a 0to llew;
vh0b o a aOf t& O
@t~di&~i Of S& Jl8w0 Or a Weti
0h0u b0 ia 0i80tm 0qtul %O aolsbl0th0 lou0ka
TohO Of 8&0 p0rO6fUl pp?ar bO~6iug %fB 0uOh
l0s0w,p a 00~000ia i0 M OUNT LOb 0rh0a 0t
th8 biOOn8iOil Or aA* SW&Q JatQo, %@ lOTOCnntr,
~TOBWO 02ka in0~9 a0etea e0f0 th0 1wru4 of
uoo or nal lrliabr bdOa&iilg 60 ouch Wkte. 3uoh
bawl a&&U be payabla to aAd lp p b wr bya tA* 0otAntJ
uag0 of the rm-0 0uoh guordioaohi
00wty 10 p5a-
lrus ,la a 00na imit0
tk0t d luoh gwrdio45 ri P1. s0itb
fully Q1aohargo Um dot100 of guardtur of tha aotato
or otioh mzd aoaoratng to 1~. It ObOLl bo tbo duby
o f ltboh 06unQ Jti&o te annu(~l1~ euinina into the
eondLt4oa or tha rrtate or uw war8 038 t40 ool-
TORO~ or lu0h gwdiOii* 0 ma, ana to r eip uir luoh
(rtU?dbl 0) any the 18 Roy appear t4ot ruoh bond
10 not lmplo 0ouurLQ to pm30008 0~04 *otisto and
tho ia6onrto or hia ward, t+9 cwouk mothrr b0aa
la aeomdmaoo with low. La luoh 0000~ bo oh01l
aotiS tho 6uorblan 08 in et-r 01~0 rail lhoula
a o mo ~ oo r A008 r o o tb to
llt40 lo to to0 i o a y word
bhrwgh tho aogll4poo* or luoh ownor J-0 to pr-
fo r 8 luo hdutior laoh oouty Judd. ohall be liable
on h&o Otrlrwl toad pmp8bla $0 oe8h ~8r4, in 8&i
M o und
lq U8iti 24 0iO00
a Q0
& O
lUoh itO~i~O~tO8~’
ifoaorable~hoo. 3. Timob&ld, paa* 3
aot1on b oi Abrt1o1.4201, 7, A, C. 3* lo 08 rolloro~
“Tk oAt 0Ulo OS r o d lototo wdr by Lhe ’
g wr 8iOolhoA1 De ooAflrmd, Aor shall bit10
or %&a ml-d co au*& no1 lo to t* jMo* to $E# ,.I
o o rlr oloAd UAtu 18 oh011 ilrot 4'
g u r o k o Qa
r OUnalAa daW%Bia~d b$ Ihr, CO&W, by UP OZ.
a4r a- Ma0 Ma OAt*r*a 8hOt tha ~QOr~OA
00 @d@ O
a Al
aUfr fO~OAt b-4 fn ~~1
o mo wt l uml to $ulm bba 8aounI for w5leb
lda TI4 E ~08080 iJ 0dd M a tk Ot #@ 8WO-
tiO0 @ A lUOhb o n4a ?0 wh a A8,p ?Or ia Oa ,
mwa 7*r 84 08 @ b o na h 0o o tro r o u+hno 1
l0h t0 1 0 ~804 0 w tb 0ewwr 0th o i00o2 r l
lound olotr Agoi~ot th oowo ma tb
oeao lo of Bhe no]. oatate woclriiq aus8
014b81~a i8 ta rw gl1-t uqtiaatm
lna 00t~0r00ti00 m-or, 0.& tu wt
Or OOOh~ if OJiY, 008~~ MOO~W(. br 8btIh
guordton lA ow8oo or taa MouAt nrorooor~
to lg,ii+4 080 uta 008~8fy a u0 4
slab0 in
rul i ( okou ba *oneibcro4 & ~ooolng apon
behOOuffi~iOa~y Of ah* b&a 00 h6rSiZ&OVO
Art, d&6, v. A. C. 3. i0 00 rOlbU0;
lnJ tlw lrt0r t&a rrplntion or f&o* (5)
a0p0 4rbrIho riuw or 0 mport or 00i0 w*
;JourteliallIn+.iau into td ummr in Is r oh aua
lolo us, made mia arm etidew~ iri ouppo~t or or
o~ainot luO& report, MA if lOti0riOa that ouch
oolo uao r*lrLy Aode, Omd LA O=ronaitp rith Aor
0ad taot tko gwraion a00 on rile 0 good sad ous-
riObAt b OAa i~$ @AM OW l+O]. tOtWi00 8k O IfOiUB
for nhlah 00ia rru ootote ir bdng sold, liia if
&ad RhOA th. ~u8rdiOA'O OOid bona lullbaon SXAhOb
by the Cowt and fotad Co ?M in t&a oaamt lborr n-
i&red wibh geod oab lulfloiont lunt1.A NJreLYoa, se
etlaraood by 06 ardor duQ mdo 8nP ontored by Ia*
o n&a& mo
Co wl to ta o blrr*ot tA0 court lhell e*uAA to be
ar 881a to b8 awor
oalo sad ordar the
4 br &ho UAW& lAa the
proper wove au01 or tt* property sold to k udo
by tam guardf-an to the perOlWW, oQoa 001~pll~oO
by web pprehroer wit& ttar am80 Or OOlO prortdod,
Amtorer, Wmt uJaox-8tAO OOIO Of luOA tOOi 8Okk IO
mo40 to tiu ~lner or heldor OS a sooared olotr
K&OiAOt th e ~08080
Oa tath @ 88ti1 8o f tb Z.081
tOtO uOW~A& ( lU0h0k Ob4 1 IAas0b r Q.u ~O~UJZ:~
Iiquidatioo, and #athraatiOA tlisr+Ot O&4 t&
4WiULlt 0f 0443,
ii 44, 40t~i1l4 FOOBt Qed by #U&3
guardian In .1ueI& or tn4 41?uwMt~n400444ry t0
ll@iidato arid .atiBfy SUOh ohia la iti)., ah41i?
Or tk0 *it&O,
of raoh bond.
be annd8bory
doaotio U&a8 8ho guardian*8 hod la adoqiinto
lnd 8o~Q011~~ II 4bOQO 8Ot forth, 88 lQld~Od
by en order ardo and entered by OQ Court to
th40 otfoot a4 8410 oi real 48tak boreartir
sad. under the ~rOririo48 ci tair lItA. 4hd.l
ba m&Al protiAoA,taa~ the ~U'OQiriOn8 hereof
r h a llno t a p p ly %O o a a o o ~0nAh6 l t the time
t&la ~VJ b00041#8 •rrEOtiQO~"
.w:iolrr 1201 MA U6 were last rcpmd.4 in 191,) by the
C&h L4~irt4turo, R8(au 3elliOR, cba 378, Q btk. a4 h4QO
t41kcd to timd 84 0ono rhoro the ma8 pi 8~ cow8 or thi8 3t4t4
liar8 martrwd or lntorpnkd ttia rongoing rtatutm l~ae tmiir
CSSAkOA% h 1943. It niil be nokd that tlu Lreirlntun oaitkd
the mead8 •&4~4F41 bond” & Dot:: of the rtetuter rhen thOy ~*PO
bat aeand*A. Xt 18 apjareut that the irgl814tun intond.4 that
UhOA ZO8i 88t8s8 Of th0 UOrd UIS 8Old, t&O p4rty ;JlkiA& the &p
FliOstiOA t0 8.13 nOti& b4Q4 t4 ii14 4 b&Ad in 411 k5WUAt IK+%~
to tmioo tao prio8 or tii0 property.
riaon 4 guardlnn pdiri8n under Art. kl41, a0 m8t ru0 8
bocd QOAd~tiOLd own tk. r42lkUul dboharyo 01 hl$ &.n.z'.~duti.8.
zuoh bond mart he lo 41: 4a0uat lqunl to doub1o’t.M rsttrsrted val-
ue Or the prr8OA81 gZOpSr%y bO1oRt&Wg t0 8UOh 4St4t.4, ph8 0
r04rocoblo 8muat to k rix4d nt tar Alror8tlon or the ooutr
fudp Co aoQer renta, NQOnuoI and imow derived &CUU the rant-
iA& OC UU Or 1~41 &8ktO b41OAgiAg CO 4UOb 04kt4r i?h@A tha
gwrEl4n aoll8 n41 oat4t4, h0 &iU#S iii0 4A 4ddiCiOAOl bOAd La
4 ~a nuunt
lpuol to twrior t&o p&ioQ of the troporty aa n@red
by motion 4 or Aft. 4201 8116A& 4216. It '11~8the purpo44
th. Le&mUP. SO mpUh-4 8 bOAd iA the fir42 iA8t4A40 fA M
snout oonmonrurrbo rlth t&.4 itbilittrr OS the guardian band
UpOD ?&4 i;#fl4?41 dlttib8 iSpWOd U$+3ll his by the Ot4tgt48. uor
muoh 81 the ml.0 0r real rrt4ta ir not on4 of bb444, the wly-
tie8 on hir &an4r41 bond ore not Liable for denliation in
rs4gOot to aueh amlea. connrwly rwoti4. oz\ the ulo bond
are li4bkO OA%J r&r thhrbroooh Of it. OOAditim8, aad Pot r0r
S8iluro of &ho f934rdi4A to prtom the dutler ooateaylatod by
the &mnrral bond. &hOnOQOr it rpji44rr th4t 4 gwrdla i8
laoountablo olbbor uadr? hi8 &OAM’@l bard Or under hi8 8418
bona, it sk ir tb 0 a b a a ,kr0n ii4biuty r iu ltt40h ta l
Honorable Ch48. ii. Tboob4ld, -60 5
ptirtiotit 84t Or lUF Oti~@,
th. ShOrt4AO
ti SrO80 I4 OPMOO-
tion with thy PUttor
eoakrphkd in tb4 bond l x48Uto,A’by
them. Tlhon it 18 0144~ th8t the drlln urnoy orIgInOtoA elrt
Or the 8810 Or r441 PA.0 rty, th# 8tU.t POS @CL th.l& bond
4ro 114blo. (t&r SuthOrr tI.8 04 the fO?OgOiB& #trkpsnt 800
the oaa4s ~oriom Indoanity Co* IS. Noble, 235 S.y i. 867lnd
sational auroty Co. ~8. ~oaphill, 13 8. lie (2A) 921u, nnd the
44th0riti.8 oikd ia the80 $4808.
This opinion la ooaiIaoA to uardi@n@ and the bonA8 ro-
~uind O? thea by titiOl48 b&& 420f , @Ad @lb,
b VIOW Of bb0 rOI-O$O~ 8UbhOt~tiO8~ JOOr fir@% f&08-
tion 18 lWpO@t~ SnB*rrOd iE th. A4fJ8tiQO.
Your oooand ~UO881OA i8 84D broad iA 800~ @Ad 6OArF8.l in
A4ttU-O%hnt H ‘OMao~ OOk OrfOal UWWO? Ihr #Mar xi YOU 54QO
44 QOOiriO ~UoStiOZ4ia A&i d roaaomfn& nny partfouler bond and
deeire our O&d~~iori 00. wh‘th4r Oh. 004ditiOnS oi SUOh Don6 or bonda
Ear8 been ooapki.6 with, 'IFIShall be $lOd t0 sir@ th.8. a4tt4rO
our fur&or eOnSider@ti~n when rully rdviaod regarding the iaattorr
xri 4n4w0r to your third quo4tIon, you 4n 4driud that
Art. l&MO, Y. A. C. 8, prOVido81
*A SWt~ UjbOA th0 bond Of 8 gU4rdi4A WY b.
nlier4d from hi8 bDnA in the ..s. SUlROr UHI with
llko OfrOOt, 88 ia p3WidOd in th. 048. Or 4 8Ul’Oty
upon the bon6 of an lxooutor or 4daini@t?8t&r.~
tit. 3395, v. A. C. s. pr0via08i
*The SUM tie8 UpOn the bOAd Or M OXOOUtOr O?
ldminlrtrator or lp one ol th480, a4yt 4t 4ny tiaa,
pronont 8 ptftion to th. aounty &d&O pmying thmt
suoh 4UoUtOr Or ld&lI@t~tO~ nUy be l'0~UiS.dto
6iV4 4 nor bond and that h. Or they Oay bo die-
0h4rg.d rroa 4l.l liability ror the futan sots 0r
8uOh lX..UtOr Or ldAiniStX’tl6Or, whonupoa DUO& ll-
leU$Qr O;c lbid@t.Mt&~ 8h811 b. Sikd to 4Qwar
ana glva a no* bon4.*
Ronorrble C&88. A. Theobald, pee8 b
*Whoa a ~08 bond has bara given and approrod,
thr ruratias ugon the foraor bond of ruoh lxeau-
b o r o r 8daiAirtrrCor lr b thonby disobarged ir a a .
#ii u#b iiity r Or I h OfUtUZb 8OfS Of SUbh WOU%OP
or 8dnlPtatrstor, and aa order 60 &hat bfrr0t:.bbru
bb btit#Fld upOn tkb miAUtO@ Or thb QOUTt." .fAh
3399, v. A. C‘ S.) the liabilitr On 8 bond bOpYAQS8
With the WUO&~%~OJI a uth 8 b yth eguarailn la bhr 9 x -
SOUtiOA Of th 8 th* S~~ti08lA(L OOAttiuba UR tu
rxfmor*tioa oi , bither by disohargr or 8 ralid
rol*rsr or loa4ntion 0 thb surbtias by ChS &ring or 8
AWJ bOAa 8Ad tab i~#~Attb Of 8& OcbOl T8ib8~ thb& (8b8
Dr. Jur. Vol. Iu, 9 396, md ruthotltlrs 01-d thmoln.
Bherr ta, priAOiQ@l lnb the SU'StlSS OS 8 ~uardhn’8 rS4
lstata males bend dosira to be raloarad, ia the 4aa. of t&@
guardirn ho au8t br relwa*d bit&r by tiaohsrgr or a valid
rel~asa Lt +anfsmlty with tkb statuta~. ithem thb aunttar
deain to b. n&aab&, thay auat bs ralaaaod by the euHdisJ3
& lit& l AOWban4 and thb iaMMo of 8A ordot i’bhaming thea,
fit&teddiffrnntly, neither the gusrdlaa nor the swtirs oan
bo raleraed es 1 88 thr ~A8Tdi8Arhip is pIAdiJl&lXo b & by ‘t
tb aotf.wds presorY bed by thr strtutes.
dep4ing to your qubstion No. 4, you am adrl8.d that
it is our 0 iaion tEat La dotorGalA~ tko 8aouAt 0r a Kuard-
lan’r bond & sooord~aa with Art. 4141, it is not parndsrlblo
for the oounty Ju@a to add the amount of tbo gonerti bond and
the amount of tho speoisl Ma1 lstat8 srlor bond. SUoh prO-
oedura is not luthorlud by hrtlelos ,4l4S.or 4201 or any
other ltaUh8 tbrt va ham found. The bonds ranul rod by Ar-
tielo l&l and 4201 an for d.iff.rbAt @rpQa88, and it *a8
not oontra&dAtod that the amount of suah bond8 0Od.d bo rddod
for thm purpose of oxrouting a bon&lia aooordanee with Art.
itb AOTI oonside+
fifth purmtimS your
G8nerrrl4 speak-
ing, the olrouaabanoes under rhloh a now bond pa ba rrquimd
of ououtors IA6 wlninistrstors are fully prosor i bad ln Art.
3392 V. A, co 8., and thb mamb rules are aade to apply to
guarbaAs b Art. k&&6‘ V. A. 0. 5. (Sa* Hational surety Corp.
1a. 5 3. w. (24) 600.)
Ladd, li what lt appear8 to tiu juaS8 that
thb b0Aa 0r thb gwrbira 011ii10 i8 not 8urri0;0At0r;~t8w-00r
the reaboao aa~tionad im Art. s92 ~JIordor to
bSt#ti AA4 %b, intrl'O8tOf tk0 War b, tho juag. x oul6 r8QUirb
thr guardbn to bxroutb another bond in ocrsplfonoowith Ar-
tioles 4W and 4l.48.
Boaorablo Chas. 3. Tbsobald, paga 7
Tha latter rrtlolos suthorirrs Ma oounty &&d&o to n-
q&e aam bonds of guardians in any a880 *hers &a bar the pswsr
ta rapulra naw bond8 of lxooutors or ad&L~strotors and dadsr
tho saaa rulrs and ngulstions and alLb like offmob it 18
our opinion la vIaw or Artlolrs kU1 and k&L48 that a dir bond
muat bo &91n, and thaw is ~0lutharlty to suyplaiuabtths old
bond by tha rxaoutifm of IA ldditlonsl bond, Ytatqd diffrrent-
ly, the runty Judgr would not bo authorizrd to sooapt a ma
bond whrn it weI lntmuled tbat a aan bond was in addition to
t& pl'S9iOUSbond. It iS Our further OpkiiOA that aA SKitirS
MU bond IW#t W &WA, Whbh i8 SUfriOiaAt t0 QrOt@Ot th@
rstato and the inknrt of the u8rd when thm pntioru bond
OA rib 18 AOt SUffiOiMb t0 prO& th0 wS&O Ma thr hd#~-
eat 0r the ward.
$8 hare oanfully aOASidO?sd #a r0ii09ug eaaas whioh
we bellaro suppert ow lnmars to the ~rustlons you Qrmentob:
8itsps0p va. Booth lt uu( lb) S. 3. (26) 10801 Haggard
rt a lV’I. KeParlrnd, l& a 1 ,1 55 & ff.(2d) 7971 timA VU+ iYOOd8,
25 3. iv. (26) 309; Vllklnson VB. Ouans 72 9. 4. (24) 33Oi and
Amrio8.n Lndomlty Co. vs. Yml$ott, 13& 8. 1. (24) 25b.
Yours rrry bruly,