OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Wnorablo 0. C. Randlo Drr Sir: pinion oi thir on raadr in pert 8 a Daputy Tax aity of xnnir, 608, rad uamled ,ln tanand, of fan orrfoa a thoorand population, ding to maintain a DoputT Tax or.8 ofT%oa, and ths bal8noa oi o be btliltby tha altq of Bmts. ION O?fEt Can the County lagallr axpad mnd8 out Of the Permanent xmpro~nt Fun6 r0r fhf8 ptlrpoEs? Can the Couatf josntly with the O;~~?%%?a~uil(I the abora propord building 8nd ll80 th8 P6man8tlt II&pPOVmWtt hlld8 iOr SeWlO? *I ofta th8 Oa8e Or Denoy VI). DaVid8OZ2, S.W. 2nd 183-195." 555 556. Elonoreblo C. C. tiandle,'pago 3 held that a ohm&' not jOin a Oity in puPoha8i;ocl OOula 8 ERtBiOipd buildin& to be wed by both tho~oounty and the ait:;. We believe that thfr opinion togother with tha authorities oltod themundrr fully ammar pur question and we enclom it together with Opinion Ho. O-5978 ior your Ob8eTWitiOn. Thi8 a6partmntb* p2'*8Olttopinioa i8 be8.a on &ho root that the proporsa building 18 to b* owned ma,oon- trd.U jointly bl the City Of mi8 and ths County Of m118. If there were a 8OVOl'~BOO88 $0 oWn8nl;hipuld OOlttFOl ~a aitrerent rulr might re8ult.
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion