. ..
... . . ..
stmtia bo kind or aia rmn any 0~~~10 not la con-
m+8ncs of t!x portorsanoa of his duty (~8 0 fire-
@iM ?mOuld hi8 n04x’d b&A payi= til9 df3p~AdOAtdJ
tb8fr betm~lts 2rtaptly after hi0 daaui or would
it be ao~110~ to wlthholllp4yamlt of ruch baAe-
rite until tae r;m would huve maotud the a@
OS bb Je4rb'l"
The mntorhl portton of the znendaent~sacA by
tha PremAt Le&l.attir. quoted by you 1s cm follows;
lWo tdth wmdlng 4 ny
o ttmrp r o *ielo
o fthnL0
AOt, it 1 3
h e P a8paolaUy provideA thaa ang all-
&bb aad wllf eA Mrsmun who eb.41 hare eaplpleteff
hronty (807 pbara
"I of mrvica before r444h& the
w or Sb ymre Eay asply to th6 Board or Tmmxbea
for,analt&allbI3 thr f35arA'.autytoiawa, Q
oertifloste ehcwi~, tha omplet.lonot Duoh eenloe
and 8hom'in$UAA mrtifylng that atrohfire~n, %hOA
reach&& t&e w or fifty-flw (33) yuars will be
Ontithd to the ~tilW!24tAt QEA Other a&cable
bc!rmrite of the &Ootl. . .*
mtotion 12 ol mid ~rtlola AU3e reads in part an
*If any mabar of any departsmat taaherein
AefheA who ha# boon ratirsd OA aWnm.wo booaam
of lepsth of eonice or dlnabllE%ty ehall there-
after die from any oaum wlutnomer; or Lt rchtle
tn H~OO 443~ w 8hali dit, rrorp 0~ 04~04
fpowingout of d/or ia oonmquonoo~ 0S the par-
fonaaom of his Autitq or isballAle trolnany
oaum what-r artor ha horn bwaor entltLe+A to
m a~loimno~ or pandon 0ottiri00ta alLd shall
have runlring 4 widow, 4 ohild or oblldrer am-
Aar the 4p;o or al&ta4n (161 yoara or 4 bopsad-
ent parent m&l BoerA or Trustees shall order
paid a monthly aIlowanoo a11fo~owst . . .*
3W Otdl j?4WtiOUbr 4ttCtntiCn t0 tb0 t!tctt2=At :A
the above stttute nhloh reads *or shall 310 frofaany ooulw
whataootar aftor ho boo becoca trntltlttd to an allowance or
-0A CertlflWcrk"8hOe thi6 ph~W5C dl.1 ;aerhapS,Q#? ntl
think a0a4, oontrol the props dl8p03ftlon an3 wmmr to gow
3OOtiOA 12 prorid that it a~fkwmn Also fror any
aawe alar he has beowL* entitled to Ua poaslon om-tifloatcl
~inuhlow is ontltlod t0 paymnta an ~xwided ,for Ln mid mo-
lt 1s our o~lnlou, t2mWoro. tbati n(gPrblwbr ol
uhdther tts ftroaan lo aotln, or mtlrwl tatthe tlea ;zihi8
Aaath 1Li c1, bs eervod .aotli+aly for the twenty (80) yar
piwlotlhe ie *iItitleAto tifi~Mit.tA oertiitl55to ma If h
thomaftor alus Ma wlAou an3 ahlldwn, If fuq, are sntltled
to mobire 00l~&WdCA rrol3Lbf3e5ta Of hla Aaath lu thu m-
epeoelro auLt8a5 pmm0d tar iA ,zCSi(?
Your8 wary truly
MO* K. 5araus