the eokauwledginents,sad 10 fu 81)I hers beon
able to learn naver made a atkargm
the shrrlttor oap otliw person ?er moh aa?-
rloea am a fotuy PubUo. lo oharm warnlvw
mdi to Bidalp uoaaty. m mreaba of 19u
th*.6barltt'* 6alo an tax p?opertloawas an-
tlmlall$largo. Short&#a,ftar
the Shartff'r
Derdrhad .boulturned overto the Ooua8y
thus ram presented to aa a bill fm $148.00
fop liofuy f**a.
US anaurtadl Bhrt @or opinfon O-5356
by a former ALBtoraey Donerel,4udd 0. ~fsa2u1,
the AttorneyOeasral hap ruledI +&at it was
tm i depaayrherltton .adiralght
HonorableB. F. aCcKe8, Faga )
wFowth, aestmlngthat It wouId br legel tar
euoh ehar$eeto be ~tleito the Cbtuttt-for nrtloae
ar a Motuy Publlo,18 It poeeltilafos e de My
sherift,en aaployaaof ths County,to lnebPt&to
a suit against the Countyuhloh roqld.atiers the
aoIhotlon of thla aoaouut?
HonorableE. F. MoKae, Page k
aoocmpanylng suah report with laoolore oovulng
euoh putbhaeorand rtquleltlane lse~oed
by him in
supportof eaoh report. IS eaoh rxpenereEs in-
oartrd in oon~~otloadth eey par~loalu oaer,
euoh rrpost ehell mna euah oeea. Saab report,
involoee,and r~qul8lbloasehall be subjsoti to
th8 aualt of the oountyauditor,if any, othat-
wlu by the Commlemloii~re Court, an4 ii it sppeare
any item wee not bmurmd
sthat~ by such oflleet,
or thateuohitem~II not l neo r eea r yor legal
oxpwme of euah offlo*,ot rohamd upcm ptopsr
ltam she1r bo by sela oeuaty
'980 ~l#$slot~ditio rlull bo peld by tha 8tete
Hldr&o CwMtiyoOmpeneet+e6 lk emaMy offlaormaa
ot on antwl salary, aad the prorlolfmeof Seo-