‘388. 2. 2b zrouuru of TM&8k, aad la,
i8 horebyauthoriud uidO~Uer.4 tor448W8 the
itwo lp p r o p r kunaer
t~dMid A4t far Cqp888,
Ukdl8Nbth4F~84d tOti di8bUrUmOt8 th8rO-
tiOE ia ths Stata ‘frscr8UVy, 8Ub&4t to th8 mtoh-
try ot &a0 ulth F&Oral Puada ug to 8U4h 8mouat
48 t&J FtIdOralO4VUMmnt ruy 8llofWO p8r btrn-
oium to Lb8 Stat8 lOr 8el.d uork, 4Id vhich ba8 not
rll'eadykea mt ulth 8t&t4 l~oprletlolu $48
a. . ..I (I4aa818Our4)
It I8 ovideat frm retilrrg tb above utl4& that the
Dlvfioa 18
YwatlorulRobablllktloa a wt of th8 8t8tO Board
of Vo4~tlOa4l Bduoatloo.
@tick &75J, vO~ooO'8 &UObt4d C&Vi1 StatLIt Of
h-8, V8ad8 a pUt U fO11OU8 1
944. 1. T&t cbro la breby wade44 la the
2obabllltatloa Dlvl8lon of tb Skto D8smrtrat of
14al rortoratlao 84zvioo sor
Thi8 8orvlae 8bmllmke pS'OV1814l&tar locratltl&
OXUti~ rrd phf8i4dly M8tfMir\g 4rip)li&d 4bl1-
droo or th8 stat0 u hereiruitw provlQd.
I. . . .
38. mV181a
3. ?hr Rebabllltetloa OS C&
sc a t0
Dswtwnt 0s Bduo a ci8
o to tJre
292 Ime
4ewuB uhr 8ur1oy8~ ~4 l8kbll8h prrmnaac
FIaOrd8 4f arlppkd ohlldrelrj to oooporeta with
t- IbJU?tPll)Ot Of $diXUtiO6ilXJWOVidi4,S 8p4hl
eaulsm8nt at@ iPrtruotlw la tlw lbue~tloa of
~iwha0hiLdn~,t4 48p19 Prdl4dU3&8tW&4-
al 84rv140 for orlpo
lQr aulboaJ gmvided the
4mlyphy8laua8 k@Ay~u8aul4d cop~tl40
w848 4f~ri8~abtS'WCYtlCj &tP4~iddhrth-
lr . t&t
h o mvu, fo r8r l4d4hmrrbaviage4-
fOUt8 Of th8 O?d @l;
4Wity, ‘p f. qtmlUled doab
i8t8 wytI8 wloy4d t4F @Wp848 d di4&?&48i8
uul trodosotj Uwt not w-r8 thn th8 arutorury
ri8iWU I448 b8 #lb for 8Wh 8OrVi408, aad that
gty81OlUl8, dr)Ot%4t8, Qs? 8Ur@444 80 otf@Oylld
8baft k amOVO6 by tb. Stat0 BoUd ot Xealth 48
QaozLttrd to rendor rub wmlao~ to Hbat uul
ckermto h48pitalr ra tb48re 4s crippled
ahildroa oolrteEplatad Q thlcr Aat p4vldi4R that
8U4h ho8pit41 mu8L b8 aOprOnd by th8 State Borrd
Of COPtPOl, atI6to t&O 8Wh Other 8tbm 48 m4y
k o*4084Wy b OFbE t0 wC4a@irh th8 mD48o8
Of thl8 A4t.
'At tbs di84mtioo 4S th8 a
%8 R~bllltnatloaKW181orrof tin 8tat4 Ek-
Jmrtmmt or mw~tlw k alro4t~d to p0v1da la
Ruk8 Md R4@&tlotm, tb8 W488ulFy dOLti for
Oha aoQdU4t Of t&i18 York, in ~O4orClan~o with ths
jNJPpoM8 Of thi8 AOt,whUh 8&4l~&WIISW fa? 48
~88lbb,tbs fM8 4hOiCO Of &UttisIit8 itbttvb
8o&Cti4Q ot ghlr14hi8 urd b48l31t&b, 8od 8hd1
urauge with hoapltr&, boaae b&WPt9l%t8 lti
OthU 84VV1448 ~OVidi~fios UPi kd4hiidlMc8
uork, aorqOeDUti4n la 8Wh 84M e 488 povl&d
t&6 8Wh t408 0 4hrR.8 8&u.not 4X4064 tb
aihunua 4iww8 lo* t& 84m 8ervlcer ran-
~:f~o.~Wy)r wwdp4tl84t81ntb4 hO8pilal,
mW8d iOr pO88 Of U&%8 Aot, 8UbhBUl.8 and
RO~U&tlOM 8 r ub8 awrwod by fbr StaU bJWt*
mat of %dw8tloa~
'2&t ahlldr~a uh488 p~Fwlt8,OU th68a iolaao
&WWlti, m tlWWkU~ lb & 80 &WY &I $Wt rOr
8UOb treatmmt rrd ew SJho povW4 r0r by th8
Relnbllltatlca Dlvi8loa WAdW8wh rub8 rrd N~u-
z;zlor my be pFO84?ikd by ~,-MmrtMnt 4f
. . l .
53ea.5. gbSPbWRElOIILt
18 &Muarlaed @
. . . . l
Eoaorablo Lon 1118up,gm~4 5
@X90888 Of thi8 Aat. Tba
2rmaurer of th8 State
Of 2OXa8 8tUlW my Out 8u Wr 8rd fundr pro-
vided for thi8 A46 Ugoo proper Uarratlt i88Wd by
th4 Comptroller 0r tb8 stat43of Team -800 ugoo
vowhurapprovmdbytkm Stat@ Doputmo8 of odu-
eatha ti c&m DlpaUtmot of xdwati4a ahali report
arurually to tb8 04UUEoOr aDOUBt rooolved and u-
pmded ti rak uao@iaJwd.
"&a* a. YJmYcwatlomalRohablUktloa Dlvl-
.81m Of tb Stat0 a&WtrPrllt Of B&I48ti4a 18 4PI
pouerod aad dlreated to W alI latlw arceroary
to ~4~118h tbb pR4848 ymvldod 4? -1-d by
thl8 A4t, rod 64 aoopuau uuh pub110 a&mal88,
Ifete, QowtY and loa& aod with IPiV8tO 8134114188
rob l&ivld&a lEtore8ted in tb iWfaro d arip-
qmratloo iltb all aat rrlatl.oe to rehablUta-
tl4n of crippled 8OM OQV & lffe4t 4U OM4ted
io th8 fUttb8.’ r -8i8 OUVI)
It 18 Mt WI&at SEM ruraly rOmlLk3gtb quoted par-
ti0~ Of Ih8 above Uti4b3 Uh8tbW th0 8qOow8iOti Of th8 phy8i-
cal ro8t4ratloo 8orvl40 for crippled ohlldreo 18 Luafbr the stat8
Board OS Vocatlo6al Edwatlon OF the Sate Dqartmnt of %duca-
tioa. UO My thi8 bo4au84 t& Aat Pf3fW8 to 844h 8OrVl40 b4-
14~ created la t& Reh8blUtatloo Dlvl8loa, W&h boar8 remab-
&Q40 to tlm Y44atlo441 RobabilltatlooMV181a 0r tbs state
R5ard of Y54atlorul Rdusatl.w, YOt, tkN AaO 6488 a4t 8QOa& Of
thir divl8lo4 a8 b Oil.q
l JJJtWtOf t& Stat0 ik4Ud Of lhCattOM1
Sducatlm, but rather of the‘Bt(~teDeparCmot of &luaatlon. Iio
fiad fwtbrr leoguage 14 th8 44t it Is “the dt84rotl45 0r ttb8
Sat0 Dspwtmnt of isducatlca~ to podde r08 tranapcwtat1on,
appllanoo8, bra408, sod meteri aecas8ary in th8 proper bandl-
w of orlppled ahildron. ye rurther find that tb Llrputosat
5f xdwatioo prurarlb88 tb ruler uad rogulatim8 u to the
Oar0 aml treate8at of those chlldrea uhore ymrolrtruo ablo to
By ior 8Wh 8WVi4e8. Wofurther ootl44 that the &at0 a-
WrtlWUt Of %dWatiOQ 18 lUttrori.SOd t0 appOi46 a 8p4kl 8lQOr-
Viaor to aury out th8 provi8i4a8 of thhi8 Act U&Or the dlxo4-
tloa of TV, stata Supwviror of V~atloaal Rohrbllltatloo, and
~oaaabir LOQ m9,pss 6
8&t 8uch d6prrbmeat I8 au%hori&d to mka 8wh rt&b8, ~&a-
hti4R8 8rrdpOli4l48 44CO88Wy t0 4WryoUt t&l pWl8lOU8 of
thl8 A46.
X0 Othsr! UWd8, it 18 Rot definit8 u to rhom the
bdgt8htPT8 latemded 60 8UpUVi88 thi8 Aot. 2hl8 A46 &a~ k44
00 tb 8tatUtO b44k8 81lreO u>> Md thrr. h8V. b80n 00 jubl- .
alal oplalotu vrlttoa 00 thl8 quetloa. 18 la llu4y8 pop8r
aId ~8Wl81V4 t0 8OU8Ldrr tbs d4~LPlOta~44MtrU4tlOa
fzrlW&9"" AOtifAtb rlbnwo
, Of MJ judicw d84i8iO48
liehr. imm 8dvlwd that it ha8 baea th8 praetlo8
4ndom8tru4tlw of klm Daparteeatof Rdu4atim tht thy ruper-
vi40 lib8admlairtratlon of the wl pled 4&lldr44. They do all
th8 hlriog,firi4&Uld~OV~ 04 ga3'ROn8 8od th8 St8to zk-
pal?tmnt Of VO48tiOMl ISdW8tiOo ha8 44thlw uht808VW t0 do
with tin adalal8tratloa. 4hl8 18 dew oV@a th4u& the DlVO4tor
0r ths V44atl44al Roh8bllltatlo~ DiV181Oth of t&l D8gnrtlseatof
Vwatlopal Rdu4atlon l8 th8 director of t&8 Crippled Children
DiV18104. fill8 18 r8quired U&U 344tiOU 5 Of Artl4k %?6nj.
Jiouover,th18 18 mvnly aa added duty to hl8 Offloe. 2hL8 COO-
rtrwtloa 18 follouod la tb rggropriatl4t.i blll.
Zherefore, u8 hold that tb4 wMlnl8tratloa of Crippled
chl1droa I#V181Ol%18 uad4r th8 State Dspwtmeacof %dwatlorr.
Thir 18 8 raparate oatltp 5r gov4rnmsat froa the Stat0 Board
of Vocatlori81Rducatlm 8lldar a 4cuu4qwn44 th4lXOf, 00 4ro of
t& opbim that t&w VocratlOrUlRohabllitatlm Dlv~8loa 18 a
dl8tliXttdLVi8104 Of g4VerrPrsPt from th8 Crlpplsd CJslldr8aDi-
~8 4411 your attoatloa, hovwev, to ths fact that lt
18 aa added duty to the ofti4e 0r zb Superviror of th8 Voca-
tlooal Robabl)ltatloaD1vl810a to b4 Dliu4tof of ths Crlp&&d
Chlldroa aad that thl8 duty 4azwot b8 dlvorcdd uithout 4a Act
Of th8 ~~8&tWO.
vary truly you~8
Robt. O* Roth