Dear 19lr: OpinionHo. O-6452
rxc Cgnstnmtion of Art. 7452,
. . ., lg& mlhlng to
exuaptiormin favor of retedn8rUnr
regletrrlngundrrrprior aot.
You hwe nquemted the opinionof Ml8 Depwtmemt as to whether one
hmvlng two yean in a reoognizcd 8akwol of vetorlnery mdioirw and
rive years of aotual practice ae a veterinprianprior to the year
1911, may re Aster aa a veterlnarlur under the 9mvlaions of title
lp7, A&S. 7$r,8-7465,lnoluaive,R. C. d., l%?f5.
Artlole 7451 prohibitathe praaticsof veterinarywdlclne by eny
person who has not complied with tie provisions cf Title 127,md
who ha8 not registered with the dLatr%at clerk of the county of
hir mmldence. Art. 7452 oets out aertain sxoeytione to Art. 7451,
awng &ah is the provl8ionthat cne “heretoforeregiatem4 as a
veterinaryauqgeonln the oounty of hi0 realdenaeaacordirqto the
provieiom of Ctupter76 of the Aotr of the Regulv Sessionot the
lcnview ef the expre86lurguageoi the *bovo quoted rt8tutewe
th%nk it elw tht ma mu m~trPrtI.on of a veterinar%an is
mfhoriwd therebybeoauae0r hir fmwr pxwtloe or odueation -
th elzatute mmly euthtMr@d Ris oontlnue+Spnratioeb ~WWI or
pa4orbnful~rtr&lou Mdwadwth4llafted ounditon8 of 1.
L gmAwt*" eertlfxoee.
It 1~ rlnorrvl hoped that our VleW8 on this mttor will k
OS auida8ee L you.
Your8 very truly
8/ SJgebe Alvla
msene Alvia