Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

THEA ORNEY GENERAL. 0F TEXAS Honorable E. G, Garvey County Auditor Bexar County San Antonio, Texas Dear Sir: opinion NO. 0-6446 Re: Is the cost of painting an office in the Court House where there is ho'new construction chargeable against the General Fund Tax or the-Permanent Improvement Fund Tax, under Article 8, Sectlon 9, of the Constitution of Texas? We have YOUP request for an opinion on the above matter, said request being as follows: "Pleasesfurnish me with an opinlon on the following matter. "Is the cost for paintfng an office in the Court House where there is no new construction chargeable against the Genegal Fund Tax OP then Permanent Improvement Fund ax under,Artlcle 8, Sectfon 9 of the Constitution of Texas? "This County has always charged the cost of painting various offices In the 'CourtHouse to General Fund, classifying it as a maintenance cost, unless there was a new offfce constructed and in this case the cost of construction and painting was charged to Permanent Improvement Fund. How- ever, the County Judge contends that the straight painting of an office Is not a maintenance cost chargeable to the General Fund but is a charge against the Perma,nentImprovement Fund, so I will ask you please to furnish me wfth an opinion on the above question." Article 8, Section 9 of the Constitution of Texas, Is as follows: "The State tax'on property, exclusive of the tax necessary to pay the public debt, and of the Hon. E. G. Garvey, page 2 o-6446 taxes provlaed for the benefit of the public free schools, shall neveFexcei3d thirtg-five cents on the one hundred."'dollars valuatidn; and no county, city or t6wn shall levy more than twenty-five cents for city or county piirpbses,and not"exceedlng fifteen cents for road-'andbridges, and not exceed- ing fifteen cents-to pay jurors, on"the one hundred dollars valuation, exci?ptfor the paym&nt 'of debts incurred prior to the adoption of the amendment September 25th, 1883; ,and for the erection bf pub- lib buildings, streets; sewers, water works and other vtimen~nf,lrn~Qvaman_ts,notetd exceed~~twentg-five cents bn the one hundred do$lars valuation, In any on& year, and'except as 1s Wthis CdnstitutXon other- Wis6 providhd;"and"th6 Legislatur‘emay also authorize 8n additional annual ad.vaIWem t&x to be levied atid cbllected for the flirther~ maintenance of the public roads; proiridea,that a majority of the qualifies property tax-paging voters of-'thecounty vtitingat iW~'elebtionto be held for that purpose shall vote such tax, not to i3xceedfifteen cents on the one hundred dollars valuation of the property stibject t-6tajiationin stichcounty. And thiiLegislature may pass local 1aws"'forthe maintenance~"ofthe'pub- lit roads and highways, wfthout the local notice re- quired for special or local 'laws." Article 2352 of Vernon's AnnotatM Civil St&ttites;"giving the Commissioners' Court power to levy taxes, is as follows: %ai.d c'6urtshall have the power to levy and collect a tax for county purposes, not to"exce&d " twenty:fi+ cents on the on6 hundred dollars valua- tion, and a tax hot to exceed fifteen cents on the one hundred dollars valuation to supplement th6 jury fund bf thi+ccunty, and not to exceed fifteen"cents for roada~and bridges on the one hundred dollars valuation, exdept for the paginentof debts incurred prior to the adoptton of the amendment of the Con- stitution, September 25, A.D; 1883, and for'the -' &r&ctFbn of public buildings, streets;sewers, water works and other permanent improvements, not to.ex- 6eed"~twenty-fivecents bn-the one hunW6d dollars' valuation In ang one year, and e'xcept-"as in the Con- stltution"'otherwibeprovided. 'They may levy an add- itional tax for road purpoaes not"'toexceed fifteen cents on the one'huiidred,dollarvaluatibn.'ofthe"prop- to taxation, under the limitations.and erty sub~ject~ in the manner provided for in-.Ai%lcle8, Sec. 9, df the Constitution and in pursuance of the laws relat- ing thereto." . Hon. E. G, Garvey, page 3 o-6446 Article 2351 of such statute, which sets~forth the .' power and dutfes of the Commissioners' Court, reads in part as follows: t, . o . 0 . 0 '7'; Provided and keep In repair court housestl jails and all necessary public buildings. . . 0 . Your attention Is dlrected~to the fact that the above,, Quoted section of the Constitutfon, as well as said Article 2352;. provides for~~afund-for county purposes, which 1s generally'call- ed the General Fund, and's fund for the erection of public 'build- inm, .streets, sewers, water works and other permanent improve- ments, which fs generally called the Permanent Improvement Funded Subdivision7 of Article 2351 authorizes the Commissioners' Ccurt to provide and keep fn repair COUP% houses, jails and all nec- essary public buildings. , In the case of Sanders v',Looneg etal"225 S.W. 280, the,cour%'was passing upon the validity of a tax of 234 on the $100 valuation of all %axable property In Bowie County for court house and jail repafr purposes* The con%ention was made that '-~ the levy of said tax was void, because there was no constitutional OP statutory authority to levy a special'tax for the repairsof the cburt Rouse and ;jafl. In holding that said tax’was not void for lack of authorftg to make %be levy, the court said: "The second ground of oomplaint we conclude should also be overruled. Artfele 8, fj 9, of the Constltuion provides: "'And no county, city or town shall levy more than twenty'-fivecents for city or county purposes, * + * and EOP the erection of'publlc buildings, streets, sewers, waterworks and other permanent improvements, not tb exceed twenty-five cents on the one hundred dollars valuation, In any one gear. * * * +' "And,ar%icle 2242, Vernon's Sayles' Civil Statutes , provides: "'Said court (commissioners') shall have the power to levy and collect a tax for county pur- poses, not to exceed twenty-five cents on the one hundred dollar valuation + Q * and for the erec- tion of public buildings, streets, sewers, water- works and other permanent improvements, not to-.ex- ceed"twenty-five cents on the one hundred dollars valuatfon in any one year. * * + *' Hon. E. G. Garvey, page 4 o -6446 "The wording of the Constitution and statute are, as seen, the same. It enjoins upon the com- missioners' court the duty to provide by 'special tax for the erection of public buildings and other permanent improvements. A courthouse and jail are Tn the'lrnature public buildings, and the spirit at least of the law is both to require the conrmis- 'aionersto erect in the first instance a""courthouse and a jail and then to keep them fn suitable condi- tion for the purpbses of public buildings. In con- struing the very article of-~theConstitution above the Supreme Court said, in a case Involving the levy of a special tax for repairs and additions to a courthouse: "'The word "erect," contained in all'the fore- going provisions, was the mostcomprehensive term that could-'be.usedto embrace all such-improvements. to tioldthata countjrwhose courthouse, with proper repairs and additions, could be rendered commod'i'ous and useful in every respect, must pull it down and build an entirely new one, would be td.charge.our lawgivers with an intent to encourage an untieces- sary expenditure of the public 'money. Such a consid- eration would not, In itself, authorize us to Infer a power when not expressly given or necestiarily Implied. Yet when the language used is capable of including authority to do an act not mentioned in terms, such construction of it is greatly aided by considerations of public advanta&'whi,ch it would certainly produce.' Brown v, Graham, 58 Tex. 254. "As the Commissioners' Court had the power to levy the special tax, the levy would not be void for lack of authority to make the levy." Accordingly, It Is our opinion that the cost of painting an office in the~courthouse where there is no new construction is chargeable against the Permanent Improvement Fund. _' Trusting that this satisfactory answers your InquWy, we remain Hon. E. G. Garvey, page 5 o-6446 Yours very truly ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS By s/Jas. W. Bassett Assistant JWB:fb:wc APPROVED MAR 20, 1945 s/Carlo8 C, Ashley FIRST ASSISTANT ATTORNEY GENERAL Approved Opinion Committee by s/BWB Chairman