am- -2, 1945
Honorable D, 2'.WItherspoon
:Co+mty :Attor&y
i.:avsrlok County
3car sir:
“In the oountlg~~."hsvin~ ~1populabigs,ot 2eas th$o twenty
thousand (~C,CfOO)'inhttbitarstaaeoorriingto the laat grecad-
ing Psderall Census,~ it .ehalJlS~kew$,se
be the, 'duty Of the
C~mo~fssfonere~ Coust, by ifr order WPy nade and ‘efpered, df
reoord at its fi~rat regular neitinglti Jenu~r$ or eeoh i
IIon. D. F. Witherspoon - pa&s 2
calandar year to dstermln@ wh tther'eountyof~$iotisot such
colulty (er01&llg oaunty iuni 'QCS, rbglltrars of.+lta1
statist&s and notarlss publio shall ba &xapensated for
the Ziseal year on the basis o ' an ,annualsalary or wbsther
1 th6y #ball be oompsnsated on 8 le basir or rses ebmed by
thas in the parformanoe ot ths .r et?ibial dutle8, end it
shall alao be the duty of ~tha. IOWA&~alo#k'to ihwwrd .%o
the Comptroflsr 'a$Qublio ksao uati or 'the&at6 or, Taru.
on or befora ths 3ht w of E
said order of aald ComPisslona
The ls~allty oftosllastlng delinqusnt bax.fa*s :o*ar
and above the maximum ,s&.aryLs aaawerad by krtiale 7332,whom-
in it prorldes in pa%, as followm:
"All tees pravldad for thb o$tioars hsreln shall be
treated, am ree8 o? 0rrt80 and.aaooumtsd r0r a* sti@h, iad
mid offioira shall QOC reoiltr,nor retain eald We* in
moess of the maximum ,eompensatloa allowed said ortiasrs
undsr the laws of this steter . . ."
It la our opinloilthat the county Attornay must 0011a0t all
fess authorized by law in delinquent tax oases aad when he is som-
pensated on an annual salary bssls.he is rrqulrod by Seo. 5,.
krtiole 39126, to deposit suoh reea in the crfSooer*sSalary Fund.
Khe?c the County *zttorneyis oompe&satsd i)na salary basis, the
salary he r~otlreo is in lieu of a>h6r re0f6, comnlsalona or
oompensatiol~lhe would othsrwiae b&authorized to retain; Ths
County Attorney could not legallj'k+~aln any of the fees mentioned
eon cn atlsn f r his nsrrlces .If;L:'d:el
n uent t
8fPP.&& d $ersonaI&"Xin
) the 8 ounty Attorney:a* 'ILO, %Wd
foea, b4tioiustoolleot said reed,,and.heposit thetnin ths orrlcerf3