A8. Peyton iiUrKcl
County ..uditor,Fslia County
bto are ln
reading aa follousr
Yalla County 1
opertite tha Co
a oarh bn,mia'i
claima pra44nted
sqerd to oarehthorn
l. bhen the bank )LH8
uuand dollar8 Ol,OOO.OO)
00 a time warrant to the
bearing a deeigntated
rnto of
iisplying to the above inquiry, mu are dtl806 that
0 aounty oannot Is8w tima w8rrenta to fund 8orip u8rrantr. Prior
to the passnge of the iiond and &arrant L+AWof 1931, ume bolng Artl-
clo 2388a of Vernon*8 Texsa Ciril ;itututea, oouatic8 oould lasuo
time warr*t& to fund eorip warrant8 , but oiacw tbs arrqOtiV8 date
or said 8ond and Karrant Law, aorip warrant8 oan be runded only by
the issuance 0r runding bonds.
idra. Yaytolt wrka, poga 2
Cub-aaotlon id) or daotlon 7 of aald law reeda,
ia part, 44 r0ii0w4:
‘(d) Mtar thla A.Ot baooma afreative, no
itan oi lndobtadneaathereafter laaud, lroept bond8
6nd uturo6 aoupons thareon, and l rcopt lt*py of la-
dobtadnaae to ba Iaauad u&a? Oontraota made before
thI8 lar beoom88 6m0tiv4, aball be runab4 or r4r6866d
except ln the mmndr hw*Inartar la thi8 aub800tlon
maaorlbo6, to-wit:
%OtiCa Of intantion t0 laauo 8u4h rwUin$ bonda,
iaoludiq 4 at4t4aant of tha 8mUUt end purpeao of such
bonda, aball at leaat oma a week ror t~bruea
be published
(a) 8yoooulro woak8 in a nouapa or 0r general airacla-
tlon blthln luo hoourity, or wit hpID auoh olty,, aa thm ease
may be, at lanat thirty (30) d4y8 boron tb4 m6etlllg 0r
tlM CO3d88iOn6r4' c0Ul-t Of Or th6 &oVeruiag body, ut
WA:lOh tiW it 14 PrO39048d t0 i48Ua 4UOh bOnd8. xi a0
newa~8p6r 18 publl8lW in luoh county or sit+, ma tha
oaae o c r be,
y luoh ootloe 51y ba poatad Courthouse at the
loor et tha Oouaty, or at tbo City Xall, aa tha ocrae may
kt b6r0ra tha date rix6a ror the laau4a~
any tha
::*.uo~ bond8 uet lau than tea par oant (10%) or the
qudtrid pro&y taxpaying votar8 0r tha county 48
4h0~8 by th4 r080ra8 in the orrioe 0r th6 county hit
Colleotor, or in tho 0rrm 0r the City Tax Collactor,
44 tba oth44 wy be, my iii4 4 p~tltlon in th8 0rrioe
or tb CopnOy Clark or City iiclorotary or Clerk, praying
tha Court or tha governlag body to odor an elaotlon
ror th8 purpose or 8ubalttlng the propoaltlon to laaue
4UOh bond8 to a vote or the qua1Uled property tral*y,ing
VOtOr8 0r tao oounty or arty 48 tbr oaa8 my k. UPoa
the rlil0g or 4uah patitlon, woh Court or ~ovaralau body
a!mll at tha next meting thenof, order an 6laot loa to
ba held ln such oourrty or elty to detormlaw whatbar or
not 8UOh runding boada shall t?e Iaaua6 44 lndioated la
8uOh Qatltloll. * - '"
Tba aorlp warrant8 .%mtIonad by you olry b8 rund8d only
by fOllOWlng tb4 prO~iaiOn4 Or thi4 AOt.
~,~~ I
.I Ycmra vsry truly ,._
;.y-& ;:.y.;