OFFICE OF THE Al-I-ORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN GROVER SELLERS ATTORNEY GENERAL 0 your quobtlonaa tatuteq (Art. ElEO, rod origilk&1:y I8 l part ot tl3m 1. a, p* 1007), where88tbr , ralatlagto iaterohmgaeblo Jwlem 3ae a4 m8ny as thrm 618trlotoourt8,wee . 14?1 A068 4th C. 8. xow.*ef, as oodlfi.4 0th ltlalos are lnalud- s thaNIn uaotaa&vdto it 18 our e;dnloo that Artlclo &UO, aupra, 1s not reatrloted lr it8 apl;llcation to any mod0 of Jury aolbo- tton, whether by ~ooria or tha jury wheel or the jury ooa?ls- ela nlyatom, sxca;t tbzt by eryrooa porlalot, of rubmottoa B of idtlala 8101, oaftcpinapeal& Jurors used only to fill out a jam1 :or the wabk”om1.L ba Qi8ckargebaa $0011a6 their BoaotmbloBanto8 Coopod, m&o 8 ~onlooo ar4 nc longer aaod&* Be do not belie*., tkm grsoanoo af Juron oem- that lng uodor ordan of at a luboepuont day ot the the aourt tot-8 la 0c8plla~0e with h&lalo 8180, even thoryh (Lrawa by thr Jury whorl method, would vLtl8Do 8 YrmIiot. iiouavof, uader the saCthlaerYret up iOr mmplylng 8 derlele88y IR the ~spm~l psael for the, UWL:1 ii008pliAAOO with ArttO Z&f@4 ua pmaalvo a0 AOOd raora Jwlgeto ontar 8uah or6a-m. a0 apparent- ly lufrialent Juror@ 8s~ LW ae ou~plio6. la a evaat, rhould juror0 be rrquiz’ed OO Attmd tbo o o u r t a t l*I ater day of tho tom, Juror8 Lo reportlns are entitled to their l&Aory ooaruuatloa for ouah 80r~100. TruotiAgthe abmo lufftolrat~ ldrlo4o ymv,l, wo are Toum very truly OF TBXAS BVhlW
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion