i-onorebloT. I(.Trimble
FIML A8rlrtult
stae suporlatelanc or rubuo Education
mOObi.Ilg tbb 8CbOOl
.'chenelCG 8bhOO1 y8aI', 1t8 PUr&BOclO t0
~ d8ter u1aoMr8 from leovlng their job8 during
\ Lhq yhoo&- mrm. The contFOet 5WOViOioIi8vould
": 88 fO%1Oll8!
"1. The con~rac1.would be glren a
deflnlta time io run.
“2. Iha Board vould agree not LO
replete al8 tomxler during L&e life 0r I;ns
"3. i’ha ieac~r uould qrse not
LO leave the school rcma during the llte of
LCB concrac~ ulesr released by the Doard.
;;on. i'.M. ~:rlmblo - P8458 2
“4. TM oontmot vould provldo th6t
Oy mutu61 8&nrreat Lhe oonimet ml.@& be
cancelled at my tlm.
"5. TM &6& Votdd
obligate it8d.f
LO we t0 tb0 06fi04tut;orr
0r th0 00ntnat
SOP w OWl8. It
oOnrider8 jprrt 8~6 nuon&Ue
vhanevsra br68hlp vould not be brought upon
the ~Upll8 OS the te6CMr.
"6. Tb8 Contrmt VoutR let up a yearly
aaluy for JU.M month8 of vork, but the admy
so be paid in tvrlve la8t~llmeat8.
'."7. The aoncmktVOuld'&wOllda th6t
if a tercher left hlr Job vlthout being releered
frmthe contreotbytbb Boardthetoaehervould
fOPhit 61% $6~ dUa t0 him iOr th@ m8t Or th,
Vi11 860 th6t
%U th@ 1&8t pPOVi8tOIl
18 tiii OM On
vhloh the Baud dO8iP88 ~mrti-
Cuh~‘~y tobe advired.~ It COIbt.~&tO8 a8 ‘YOU
vlll note t&e vithholdiag of one fourth oC a
aalery divided by .hinein Order to a&8 the ply-
lWLLLz.ntV13lV8in8dd.lA8IlG8,for the torrelture
by 8 te8ohhrrof ell money tEu8 vitbhold if the
teaollsr ShoUld leave hi8 job VithouC l!61ee8.
rrom the .noard. P16e8. &VS Cbi8 JOW VOW 66lW'
hrl WtWlt;Oll e8 66ClJ a8 flOU UeB do 80 80 th5t
if the Board 8bOtid deolde to have thi8 tfJ3e Of
contraat tha twche88 rmy b8 Intomed a8 8arly
a8 pO88ible."
Article 2781, Vernon'8 Annotated Texar Clril
StG.Ute8, reada 68 tO11ov8:
"Tb8 BOWd Of TrU8tse8 Of Sny city
cc tovn or any 1ndspendonC school ditrcriotmay
employ a superintendent, prlnclpal, WOOher, or
other executive officer8 In the rohoolr therein
Tar a tam not to exceed three yoara, provided
‘ihal;t&8 fj0tWdof Truaree8 of an independent
eclldol d18LriCb vtich had a t+,cholasric pOpulaLi3n
Exl. T. i4. Trlmblo - ?8g0 3
Of 5,000 Or WOCB in the 1a8t Ql'eC8ddingSCha-
laerlo yew mar employ 8 suparlntondent, prlaai-
gal, ttnahar, or other 8~80ULiVe OffiC8P8 in th8
SC&~018 thmsin for 8 term not to arceodrive
yearr . AU tuelvs-month cantraut8 mede by
tru8Lee8 Of ind8QeadWt 8OboO1 di8tri0t8 vlth
eaQloyee8 lure&m ~tloned 8hd1 be&n OII July
fiP8S U&d Curd On June 30th Of the yOeP tom-
nating tM coatnot. Attl 1.905, 0. 2631 Aot8
1923, P. 260 Act8 1930, 418% Leg. 5th 0. 8.
P. l23, Ch. Q , Sm. 1."
The Allo 8OOE8 t0 be V.11 88tabli8h8d in 48%a8
that SChOO1 tE438tW38 h6Ve th8 IDII1pgWOILt and UOntrUl Of the
;cilOOl Md h6Vb WLbority t0 OrmplOy Uld CODtCaOt vlth teEkCher8
subject to 8tatUtO~ ~t6tiolr8. s80 the r0uwbg 6uthori-
Pee*y et rl v. CarlllO, 139 S.Y.(2) 779
#illor v. failed, 6S s.U. 2) 417
Whlto v. PorLep, 78 S.V. ( 6 ) 287
Ital80 held ii3 the Case Of Prollen V. 00080
creek School DiltriCt, 148 S. N. (2) 460, a aor-
La.in tsauher'8 oontraot Va8 void a8 being In tiolatlon 0s a
SL8LUEe ULd 08 be% e&ainsL Lhe "Pub110 QOm?y' Of th8 st8LC.
After careful 8xaainatlOn Ye have be8n Uneble
to find any 8trtUtOl7 prohibition Vhbh vould pr8vent the '
insertian of provl8lon Ro. 7 in the QroQu8ed teacher’8 con-
tnct. He a80 lm UMbb t0 Q&XiVO Vh’ BrU8UCh QPOVi81On
VOad ViOutOUy QUbuQ QOiiCJ Of Lu8 St&. We, thWfOr0,
hold 8aae to be & vrlid COntrMtU6l QrOtl8lo&
YOUl’8 Very tMily