Hodorabla John H. winter8
Xaautire Direotor
State Department oi Puqio’: welfare
Austin 3,. Texas
Dear Sirr
Tour letter to
Saotiona 7 and 39 of
partment*r q&ion
47th Loghla-
ietlone for
cation* as a
apartment of,
84, Aota of the 4Sth
i spaalffoallp re-
I5111 423, hats tG
ar Seasiod, proylding
he * Xntaks and Cartifi-
rdd by the,‘Depar$ment
Ation no8 .-de .of, repeal-
ion 7 or Seotion 39 of House Bill
8 47th I.ep,lalature, aa~amndded,
e Pub110 ?elfare Aat of 1941.
*Did Senate Bill Si, in offeat. ale0 repeal i
Seotion8 7 and 39 oi the Publlo Xeliare Aat of ii
*Xi them two seotlonr of the Publia Welfare
Aat did not beaoma inoparatlte, we would like to
601 '
Wonorable John fi. ivinters, Fag@ k!
8ubmIt for your osnsidoratlon the following addl-
tioAA1 quertionar
"(1) Can the Departmcrnt of gublia ,+olfare
adminlrter or suprrviss, through It8 aounty or
lOOal WOd6I8, OOUAty fUnfS A~~ZO~rhtsd to? Wfsl-
fare pUrpO&JW# within the OOUAty?
"(2) can the Departmonbof tubLIo Relran
pay the
Mlariar of tb looal worker8 orrgaged
padi tina iQ adollAi&WiAe, old A@$ A8Ot8taAQ0,
aid to the BseaQy Blind, ati Aid to Dependent
Children, a&l prrt bi,mcIa a4minI8tarIn.ggeneral
fi8#i8tAAOr, &WovI~ed that the iUAd8 for B;eiaral
y~as;a~Oe a xl
0R p r Op r i&
Oxb CN4 l
"(3) -A
tbo DspaXtmtaAt Of Fubllo W8lfare
pay a put or the
ralaris8 Of the lOOa worker5,
the rsmninderbelog paid out of mumtg funds, Ii
the worhr la engaged In admiaistering gemral
aeoistanor provided Irom local fun883
*Ii theirs two reotiona or the law wore not
rendered inoperative by Senate Bill 84 of the
48th Le&JlatUr~, and if the I)ttpal%Z6At $8 AOt
able to adiolnirter ijomral publlo amiistarme IA
lCOSr1 OOUAtifb8 It8 Oeb Out in the fore&A& qW.38.
tions,,whRt La your IAterpretatIoA or the two
S8OtiOAS; aAd what ie t&t responsibility Of the
Departmat of publio welfare in rospmot to admix-
latzwtion rud suptrvieIonof general a88lotfinoe?*
cJeOtiOA 7 Of ArtIOl@ b93U IS as follO~8:
*960t 7, The Sat6 Departrae& I8 hereby
debslgnated aa thrr gtete agency to oooperate with
the Fedora1 Uoliemurwt Ln the proper administra-
tion and di8trlbutioA of FsdwAl rurplur oomwdi-
tic8 aad 8~ other i!'ederal resour468 now on hand
and arsilab I s, or that may be pmrided In the
future. The atate Departmnt is hereby dsrigaatod
a8 the StFit5 tLgeA0 t0 8bini8ttW OP SlI~M’VtWt r6’8-
ferxals and oertif foationa to the %orks Projeot
r&ainl8trstlon,the National Youth x&iIiAl8tlWtlOA
Eonorabla John d, %lnters, Baga 3
u!d the Civilian ~onaervation Carp& The Stat8
Departnsnt my oooperate with any cltp or oounty
in any mimer deesed nsoeeaary for the proper
operation 0r tb8s programs.~
SttOtiOA 39 Of dirti 6930 18 as fOihW8t
“s%O. 39. PO prorirlon or thin Aat i8 Int*ntl-
sd to rOl8AaO tha OOUJltiO8 and mUAiOipa~itiO8 iA
this 3tate from 8peO1flO lWJpOA#ibility
the whloh
is OuPr~Atl~ bOrA8
by Ohoss OOUAti98 AAd mUAlOI-
palitier IA.
support or pub110 wouare, ohI1d wel-
fare, and raliar sanlae8. such fUAd8 whloh may
hereafter be appropriated by the oountler aAd
muAIoipulltle8 for thoea, senlaee may be admlnis-
tered through the county or district OfflOb or
the qtate mpartment and If 50 admlnlstend,
ahali be devoted dXOiUSiV913’ to the arrViOO8 iA
tha ObUAty or laudO@Llity i?ddAg EWCh I3~~I'O~ria~
SOAate Bill 84, being Chapter 37, AOts of the 46th
Legislature, 1943, aaonda the appropr1atIons to your depart-
by rep~all~ eaoh, every acd all ap-
gropr;;tioh ood 811 langus@ and words ooatained
iA that 80OtiOA Of euah biL1. d%siljAated 'tiVlt4OA
of Ant&k@ and COrtlfiOatioA' which ie WAtaIAed
iA that dlV18IOA Of the bill dealing rlth the
Sate partnmat of Pub110 Voltare. ]Bo further
titrpead I?tUX'Q8 8hQ11 be made by rirtue Of suoh aQ-
propriatloa, @in& nolther the r;oaptrollor nor the
Treasurer &all elgn or insue aqp warrant8 payable
agaiAet euah appropriation sxoept for labor or
servloerr already perf’or?d or iAdebtedAe88 alr8adJ
“. . . .
“. . . The intent of tbls balli8 to reduoe
the total a~proprlatlon to the +ate Departmsnt Of
Kubllo Keltare by the amunt retiiniw, unexpended
IA the apgroprlation for the DlYlSiOA of Intake and
certlf laatlon.
*. . . .
Bonorable John H. Wlntsrr, ~660 4
“The fast that there ia now no nweraity for
the sppropri:tim, and that eaonyy #Gould bm p-o-
tioad, . . .
vo eawm your fixat qwatfon in the 8ffirnatlvo.
The Depwtment ef PtilioWalfak, riah the oounty)8 oomeat,
wh adadnlatex ox t-We, through it8 oouatp 01! loo81
vorkara, county fund8 appr tietad for valfara
in the oounty, 8wherpl n3
aiding 8nd ooopexatfng vith
F eder O
a evemma
l eng
nt a gIn
edth eldminl8twfloo n
f8ld: to
the needy people af the State of !fexes.
fn oux ooweraation vlth you v* gather that ~0uF
beoond and third queatioua are paimril 0om3em.d vith the
nt of ~alaxler by the oounty i o your loaalv~ka~.
aa vo have pointed Out 8bove, youlb departsent 18
by statute to de81 vith laorlvolf8re pooblenu,
ve do not find my spaifio State 8ppropl8tion fms vhloh
Honorable John H. ‘Hinters, Qage 5
rot the aompeasetion of all offioers, aervanta, agents and
publio oontraotoro, not provided for in this Oonatitution.*P
;7e ere mare oft the taat that 0311 do recalvr oertaia Iredbral
rdaiaiatrativs tundr but aince fheir wo would be l%raitrd to
the tsrxa of the ledor& grant, TN do not undertake to para
upon your authority to use Federal fundo for those purp0808~
MO bellaw that ourm$iwer8 to your in3tiry above
lntumntr4 msh ~bumo*saary for ua to anmmr the gusstionr
popounded in the ooncluding pa+egro,7h of your letter, The
proriaion8 of Seotion 39 do not 'release the oountieu and
mtlnioip~~itiea in this State fram the r,p6oifio Peagona~bilit$-.:
whioh i8 ourrently borne by those counties and muniaipnlities
in 8UppOrh Or pUbi% Wl)ifam, Ohild %eif~O, and r4liOr ler-
?'5098." The fund6 whioh .aa]r be egpropriated by the oomties
end munfoipelitiss for these 8m~iorss my be ednlnistared, 38
abore atated, b:: the Depert.uent of FLubrio Felftare through Its
oounfy end looai workers, althia the oounty rbsre thee4 rnadr
hsro been opproprIatedr
Yatm rn,ry truly
David :‘;untah