Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN iionorableArnold iv.FXinklin county Attorney Ataaooea County Jourdantou, Texar Deer iiar: Opl.nlon LO. R0: Whetha iOr til0 0pi~iOA Of bssed 011 the follow- and Aooepted Llaeonl of the County hold8 the title to the seoond 6tOry building sltua ted of said building is the two last m+GtiOned organ- ton Lodge Xo. 283 Is a seoret organization performed, the members being carefully noome rolely derived from mmbbsrship fees i is fnoorporated by virtue of the iuUole8 of Incorporation of the Grand Lodge of Texas Ancient Free aAd Aooepted ~csons, puraufmt to charter granted it 011the 5th day of CeceiLbcz, 3.900,under the 2rovlsione of Cheptcr * 11, Title 21, iievisad Civil Ytatutee of Texas, 1895, em emended, ar,dthe purpose clause of the Crand LoQs ie *for 2 oharitablc and beneVOlent purposea, &tnd to oeinwnti bcmla of j Honorable Arnold W. Franklin, page 2 good fallowrhlp and brotherly love among It8 member8 and ad- h8reAtSJ,Md to prectic8 tke ert of Anoient Free and Aooepted ::aeoAryae has been done from tiraaiIW8mOriIil.” Among the purpoeee of the Pleeeanton Lodge are a8etlAgs for Maeonio ritutil8et regular iAt8rVObJ aAd OUt Of the fCiS derived the mernberahipand Initiation fees, part remein~ with frorrl i~leaeantonLodge and the balance $088 to the Grand Lodge above referred to. The horn lodge has no e~~ployeerend outelde of the money expended by the Grand Lodge for oalar- lea of employees, 611 money reoeioed by them derived from all 8ouroea go88 to publio oharity and to help neady Indlv- iduale. 'Tha oonveyanoe of the property IA yuestton to the :.;aeoAlo Lodge la In part ae r0uow0; mm;&{ w &N n lq&'u p&sl;Ts, That I, Iaaao K. Cooper, 8urvIvIng partner of the later firm 0r Cooper & Bra, and the heir of the de- oeaeed &state of the county of Ataeooea, State of 3!8xea,for and IA OOneIderOtiOA of ten dol- lars to me pald by 0. D. Gllliland, 7J.M., J. 3. Fuller, S. #i.,and J. R. cook, J. Ti. of PleasaAtoA Lodge No. 283 of Free and Aoospted Xaeone of tho County of AtaaoO8&, Sate of Teres, the receipt whereof Is hereby aoicnowledged,have sold and oonveyed, and by thee8 preeents do eell, oonvey and dellvur unto the said J. D. GIllIlaAd, J. S. Fuller and J..R. Cook and their suooeeiore in offioa, the right and pririhvge to b*lIldand hold a second story or room on the rook house in whloh I AOW sell goode, being DA lot h'o. thirty three (33) In the town of.~rleasanton County and state aforesaid. Also the right of way to raid eeoond~btory. Beginning at the Bouth &eat oorner of aald house and runnine &ePtIiIght feet eAd then north fifty feetthe entire length or the house and theA Bi&ht ieat to the North iiaet corner of said house end then with the walls of the houee to the baglru&&" Thehabendua olause in the oonveyanoe Is similar to that cOAtaiAed in a I;eneralwarranty deed. l3y the proviaionr of the oonveyanoe above referred to, tni:title to the property iA Cg2eOtiOA, that Is the seoond or up-r story of the building. is OWAed eroluelvely by Pleaaanton Lode8 ho. 283. Jionorable Arnold if. Franklin, pa@;@ 3 Artiole VIII, ;Seotion 2, Of the COiietitution, provides that the Le~ialature my, by ceneral lews,exempt rr0b3 taxation all biiildih@ uoad exclueively and owned bx iuetitutioue of ,,unly public charity. Pursuant thereto, the iagialature enaoted Article 7150, Seat&on 7, which is 88 followa: *;ublic charitiear - All bd.ldiii@ iieloi;&fig to institution8 of purely public charity, tog,sther with the lande belonging to and ocoupicrdby sruoh lnatltutlona not leased or otherwise uaed with a view to profit, unlem auoh rents and proflte and all monoye ond oredito are approgiated by auoh institutions solely to auotalr such inatituLi0ne ahd for the bonefit Of t&e Sick E%d disabled ::erobers and their iatiliea end the burial of the 8833, or for t,hem8intananoe of persons whsn un- ebla to provide for themaalvss, whether suoh persona are MeLlbaraof euoh imtitutiorla or not. An institution of purely publio charity under thie,article la one whioh dlapehaes its aid to its mmbura and others in aiokneea or distress, or at death, without regard to poverty or riches of the reoipiont, also when the tunda, property and aeaets of suoh inetitutfonlaare plaoed and bound by its lawa to relieve aid ahd adrniniater in any way t0 the relief Of ite f&?lnbera When in want, aiokheaa end diBtr856, and provide homes for it8 helpless and dependent ineinbara and to educate and inaintaln tho orphans of ito deceased ne:r,bors or other p8r~~oha.~ Generally apeakin&, property owned ahd used aacluaively by fraternal aeaooiationa is exempt frowntaxation: 110 ka3.nor (1) ;:here tho iostitution :aak;ss profit; (2) iJher8it aoooapliahea ends wholly belisvo- lent; aIid (3) Jhere aom gratuity from tileimtitution tends to prevent the bemtited pe;raona from beoo;iline, a burden on 2tie;itateor 8ociety at larse. I iionorable Arnold iv. Franklin, pace 4 In order to determine the question under consideration, it mat be decided whether tileXaaonio Lode8 that owna the building le an institution of purely pub110 cliaritywithin the intent of the Constitution and etatute heretolore *mentioned, exempting property frog3taxation. Xhether the ;.;aaonic LodCe ie 8 "purely charltoble institutionw within the intent of the law involves a question of feat. 1x1view Of the faOti3pr8Mnted in your lirtterp8rtain- ing to the queetion oonsidered herein, it la our opinion that the b:asonic Lodge is a purely oharltable institution within the ifltent of the law regarding the exemption of property from tax- ation. Therefore, it ia our opinion thet the building owned by the Xasonio Lodge rtferred to in your letter is elempt from taxation. Iu oorineotlonwith your question we have oarefully oon- sidered'the case8 of L:orrie vs. Liaaona, 5 S. il. 519~ City of tiouetonva. Scottlah Zite isenevolontAssociation, 230 3. ;i:. 978; I..l3aonio ??tVaple Aaaociati~n 78. Amarillo Independent Yohool Dia- triot, 14 S. ;;. (2) 126; 3, :*.0. t. Lodge ve. City of Youeton, 44 3. W. (26) 488, and various other oa8es, which we do not deem neoaeaary to oite. 38 do not believe thet these oases answer yOUr jueetion because OS the different faot situations i~~volved. In the City of ifoustonvs. Soottiah kits oaee, it wna agreed that the work done waa only partly charitable. In th8 other oabttathere h'eremany fact situations eiitirelpdlf'forent from th8 faote presented in your inquiry. Xa above statad, in view of the oxmtitutional provi- sion and statute sxenptln~ projmrty owned and used exolueively by e purely charitable ina&itution from taxetlon, it ia our opinion that the building owned and uaed by the Pleasatton Lodge No. 283 of Free and Aooeptsd :,:aeona of Ataeooea county la not subjeot to taxation. Yours very truly, Ardell Williama Aaafatant r