Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

. . . 1 478 OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Honorablr ‘B. ‘I, Cunningham county Auditor 19avarr0, county Corrloaaa, Toxaa Doar Sir: dare8 wore Your rroeat rrqur ion ot thlv depart- ment upon the queotlou aa h has bem raoeiosd. btghwapr sad taken e oomplalntr oi ragranoy ar he Justioe o? the trenraoth. Ho in oonnaotlon wlth the original we hare bwn u.u&li to find any oourt d~oialopiOOII- rtrulng-Artiolr 1065 C. C. P. rolatira to SOUP quaatlan. Howetar, it 1a our opinion that if the otfloer had a warrant for thr arrest of the poraon charged with taglranoy when ho Honorable B. I. Cunningham, page 2 arrested him, ha would ba legally entitled to hi8 mileage feea for the.airaber of all.8 neoe88arll.yand aotuelly trarrl- ed in oonnrotlon with this original arrant. Seld peaor offloor would not be mtltled to mileage ieor ln laoh of the 18 ueem but 0~11 a8 to cme oasa. OII the other hand if he had no warrent for his arrest, ha 18 not entitled & either en urerb tar or mlleaqr broaueo &he ure8t would be illsgaL The rtatutrr do not ermh a praor ofilorr to make an arrert, undu the faotr rta t ld without a warrant. our oplElon am to mllea 18 bared the oonetruotion o? Artlole 1122 of the Code of Crfslnal Prooadure, a8 amended in 1923 mileage fee8 bring id by the etate, wherein the oour0 (in Blngham t. State r 7) 8, Qf. 147 rwrrrsd OB ground that appeal not proper rem:dy, 280 9. We 1062) said: (1 the leaner le the unit in oomputing the em&*of ni r oage due and not the number of 6amar The Legielaturr iatendrd to allow . . . allsaga of 10 aentr only for oomeylng a prisoner after arrrrt without ieprd to the number of oaaea agains& him . . .* o inion HO. 0-3062 also answers t&lo mileage ques- tion and aa E8 out the propor prooedwe that we beliers should be followed. we enolo8e a oopp for your oontsnlenoe. As to the question as to the legal right to oharge arrest tear in eaoh sass, we oall your attantlon to Artlole 1011 C. c. P.‘, whlah reads as follows! qo item OS aoste shall be ,tarer for a purported srnios whtoh was not D@fOrmOd, or ror a rrrtlor tar which no fer ir lxprrarly pzotfded by law.* (EWha#l# -8) A8 stated in yourlstter the defendant wq8 arrrsted but the one time) therefore, only one arre8t Ssr oould be OharLed in all the 18 dama, ?+t in thlr oonneotloa we Oall OW attsntlon to Opinion Ho. 04160 In whloh thle department ii eld that the officer relaasing the defendant from thr eereral Judgments would be entitled to a release fee in eaoh o-me* 480 Honorable I!. Y. Cunnlngharn, pam 3 ~u$$ing that th6 ?OX%&dng?d? ~ewerr Your inquiry, we am fou$8 very brulY