Hooorabls Jesse Janes
State Treasurer
AuBtin, Taxes
Dear Mr. Jemset
he above subjeot
of ,theCounty C
81ent0r g3,ss
hart aa state
era tiowavailable
idon that the en-
uw3 mm-iOlsnc
y payment es ord8rau’;
80 mQe ie the State Treae-
rcrpozwibilityto the heimi
ex or any other& that might ap-
pear in the rutursV*
The following krticlem of the RevlseQ Civil 3tatutan
are psr*fnentr
-Article 965%. men funds 0r an estate iuAos
been *id to the State Treasurer, any heir, Qsvlsee
or legatee of such estate, or their assignees, or
any of them, may recover the portion of such funQs
to w:~ichhe or tkay wogld have baen entit3.eQ.w
Honorable Jesse James -
"hx%iQlS 3665. The person claiming such fun&s
shall institute his sult ttersfor, by p;,titionfiled
in the county court of the aounty in w%icb the ss-
tate Was adoiuiatered,a&ainst the State Treasurer,
Setting forth the petiticner*s right to such funds,
ant? the acount clclxacdby hh.-
"Artlcls 9654. Upon the filing of such ;Iatition,
the Clark sbdl lsaw a oitrrtion for the County Attor-
fieYof the County or the Cistrlot ht,torneyof the &is-
trict ti.anwar and reprcssnt the int0rsst of the
State in Such suit, antIIt shall bs tno duty ot such
C0UIItyor riiStriQtAttqrnsy to do 8s."
"Prticls 6666. 'Rhoprosssdingsin mah suit
shall bs gorarnsd by ths rules ror othsr oivil
Suits1 and shsuld the ylaitilf'flstsblish his
,:t: $l.j.
IB'ithrsspwt to ths vsl.tdityof suoh judgasnt, fn-
volrlng as It does, a suit in #&s COIlotyCourt to TeOeTQr ths
8~ of $S,85&.95, wb beg to advise that the statuts authoriz-
ing the county Court to sxsroiso ~urisdlctlonhas boonupheld
by thr aqmsme Court sines ah Sarly day.
Ih Dodson v. Worthem,
8t8to Trsssurcr, 46 8. ,U., 888,
Justim Ply, writing the oplnlon for the Co.Wt oi Clril,A.p-
** * *+fn utiole BE11 (rhieh 8 Mund und.s
title ~91, to estates ofdec'3deDt8, it 18
provided that when the tund8 belonging tQ as 88-
state have nct,bsen claiard by heirs, mQ him besn
pid to the state treasurer by wdu oi the oouato
judge, that any hairy,dsrises, Qr ls&xats~Qf ths
decedent *~laiaing such runds, or any portion thorn-
or, shall institute his milt thrrsfor, by petltioa
riled in the oounty court o? the county is which tha
estate was a&s.Iclsterod, against the txeasurar of
tne mite, satti& rorth tiiapstitiossrSsrl$ht to
suoh funcs, and the amount claimed by hibe' It 1s
Jeaae Jomae - r~aga5
bVideAtly contaapletedby this Btatuta tket the
%:.itin question can ha brought in the cwnty
t! urt r?&ardleSs of the amount, e,Ad the etntate
ie conatitutfonal, in aas8 the amount should be
less tlan ;,POOoi-more than $1,000, only on the
growid that the county court ha6 obtained Juria-
diction of the estate S.ythe administration,and
that the suit 1s a mettar ;Isrtaia!ng to such ad-
micistration. In this case the suit ia for
$1,7%lG?.Q, a.,Isatter
in exoesa of tha j;lr:\adla-
tion of the county oourt except on the @wnd
mntioned, that it 3.85 mattar pertaf:A,ng to en
estate. iTehave found no ceee in thlm 8tata di-
rsctlg in point, but in the case oi heaeurer
v. Wygali, 46 Tsx. 447. suit use institutedin
ths county oourt for tundr belongiag to an em-
tate, amountIng to over #50,000, ,and,although
thb Potter of jtiiedietlanwas not disour8e6,wa
muat presume it ~4x114have been aotioed had them
been in the minds af WAS .oourt,any.questloga& tr,
jux$adiotien. bhen the same oaae was agaia be-
fore tha supreme oourt (51 Ter. (Bgl),it w6 held
that ,a Judgmant In favor of other holm was m*
that a proceeding like the one we are aonslder~ing
ia one in rem, in wtioh the partlerrclaiming the
eatate should have intervened'tht*tis to sap, it
a8 a oontinuetionof the fxbdkiietmtian of a5 es-
$e$b,of ridah the oou5ty etmrt had jurisdiatfon.
Yena are thersfora reo setfully sdvimed that the 5otmty
Court OS El Paso County had jur!ediction to reader ths $udgmeat
IA rav0r of the plaintiffs,and It remains only to he EWIII
whethar or not the order found in suah judgment direotiag the
,dsfendaat, State Treasurer, to pay said ju@vmnt to Lom.l~ & Kirk-
land, attorneys oY reocrd for plaintiffa, i8 sufficientto author-
ize you to make paymant dirsctly to %uoh attorneys*
We have oarsfully uamlnsdzthe authorLtlsewith respeot
to thie question. There Is nmah uacttrteintyin the law 6s to thirr
point. Of oour8e, aucfiatto.rneymay be olothsd with ruch power in
or he may otherwise have such power
the contract of am;soyuient.,
conferred ~pon him. MI hnve nothing to show that such actual author-
ity has beer;conrarred ul;onati:orneyafor plaintiffs in thi8 in-
Honorable Jeasi Jamerr- z;agcl
W4 note the order of the Judge ir "that tho amount
hereitartsrawarded and 8st rorth, bs paid to Loomi & Klrlc-
land, attorney8 0r record ror plOintfrr8, who fm authilri88d
to alga receipt8 thoreror on rooeipt or name from the damd-
a nt
It18 our 0p15105, howsver , this language add8 noth-
t;: *+p the legal 8rrOOt 0r
Onciml the
judgmmt ror the lain-
f Suab matter vma not an
!I68~ for the court ts dseem:ns,
and tlk order ltaali a8 ruoh has no binding SOECO. Grd8rs naQo
bsyoad the i88u~8 before the court are not for adjudioation.
The ylalntlfi8and their &ttorney8 wera, OS oour88, not adrelc
86ry prtls8.
P.wthrrmom, it lppean the application upbnnhich
tha ,Jtidgment'hcm under oonsidwatlon ua8 rendsrsd w8a1ill8d
orlglnrrlly en IMe:-mbor b, 192#, and tha Judgwnt rendered
;8.& daadAu&a8t SI5,1944.. Them are ten ditierent 18in-
Whether ot not theacl plaintlrfs am stl f1 llr-
in& is not ;hown. metlmr @r not they or any or th8m have
horeiorors a8nignd 8aaoh udgant 18 not 8hown. The lap86 6s
&~u:.i*~~~~~~~<~~@!~ iI~,*,&@@p~*~i~)3sh..:b,h*
'i'. 2
olte8 thrt'depo8l0lonr rim raad and oral testlmonf heard baa
boon wmmal&
In riow OS all the iact 8urounQing thlr sltuatlon,
it i8'mr ~pif1185, a ndwe 80 ldvtso, that you should sot pay
the Judgm8nt to the 8ttoreeya for the plaintirfs. Thrlr luthsr-
ity to make 8uoh eollrotlo5 may la Saot exid)t, but the matter
hnet made to appear wiiah ruSSloimnt olesrity an to authorisa
you toe make papont.
FO 8qa8t that you iakr pa&mat of t&o /uthpoat by
rsgular tremmmsr*~ warranta mdrflY;ah& ;pb&rFz;r&-
plaintfflluin tim 8mou5t8, reqm8
mlt the86 lrarrrnts to the Clerk OS the &nt~ C&t oi El Pa80
County at BJ Pa&b, andorelng upon oaoh ouoh warrant the Judg-
ment in payment for rhiah it 18 lmuod.
very truly your8
/a/ Carl,* C. h8hl.v