And rOhtOa natters.
n, whioh is as follows:
Amed Por co
Uill man that a mmber of the &rmI T.‘orcos, discharged before
ooasntim of hostilities, is still entitled to pay his delin-
quent tax,es, free of penalties and interest, any tim before
ths expiration of six (6) months from the cessation of
hostilities? .:. /
nOn, A. ,C. Winburn, page 2.
a “Ir EUOh iS not .tho C&W3, in .What
rust,u isoliureod nmbor of the Arncd Porocs pay No taxes, after
stiohdisoharee, in order to reosive tho benefits of thia BillsV1
p0riOd Of time
.As your very oareful search has no,doubt revealed,
there am no adjudiccted oases in the books beariN upon the
qucetion asked by you. Sen3to Bill130 to this data has not been
Oo55trued by the oourts. ;:,
It is our opinion, rather&d. from the context or bhe
lot,itself, that Senate Bill 1301 Soas meah, anong other thiws,
that, a nelnber of the .?meA ]ForcOB, nanea in tho Bill, who is
discharged bofore oessntion of hostilities, is entitled to poy
hia dolinquoot taxes 3ocruing subcoquent to his ontry into such
aorvice, .frec of penalties and intorost , at any tiue bcforo tho
Oxplration of six mnths from the cessation 0,” hostilities,
By tho expression *delinquent taxe5", ae used in hhe
proceding paragraph, we have reforenoe to tho5e delinquent taxes
3;ntloned in 3emte Xl1 130; to wit, l’...e,. on Stats and County
sd vaJ.orem taxeo on property listed on the tax rolls of any couuty
In the mm of any nuch aeabero of tha Armd Forces or their aux-
llinries, or of tho Amob Porocs Soserve of t!ieir auxiliaries,
prior to the tine they joined buch Arnod i;'orcooor suoh auxiliaries;
I.,.......,,. 11
or OOWSG, aftor a nerJber of the Armecl Forcen, eta.,
lo disohsrgefi, he or ahe is, upon and subaequant to said dioohairge,
no loa~or a nenber of the scid hrcied l;'orcesor auxiliaries, and
oay tunes which my aocruo upon hi5 or hor property, and beoorm
Winpucnt, so aoome and so becom delinquent the
P;oPcrty of 3 private citizen, who is, not ombmco& within the term
of 5nid Semte Bill 130,
Ze enclose oopies of the httorhey Cmeral’s opinions
O-4463, O-5566, O-5651 and O-6067,
!iu.;bers whioh MS hope will be
Of som help to you in the oolution of your prablens.
tiuotinz that this amwors your qwstion, we are,