OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Hon. P,erl L. Lovelee Chelrmen OS the Committm on IEducation in the %nate, Msridlsn, Texns Dear ?enator : V YQW TsQant 0 eoted to #la depwt- ment read8 as follows: Attorney aneral*s brief that t&o Ststs Board rlty to make a Iable rrohool runde ots in the state pO86 Or Opinion $6105, 68 1 OOnStrUe 'it, llaarllf to eupplemcnt the eohool teachers eahriee in the Ftete of Te~rtie. Bowever, until your Department olarlflea the question asked above, thin money oannot be wed to aupplsment sobool taaohere salaries 1x1 6he Bate Aid Sohod beaeuse the $25.00 per-eaplta 18 nou belq used in their budget aa re- oelpts alone with their 501 loos1 malntenanee money end aa I oonetrue the law, if the $4.00 augplearent creates a new per-oaplta apportionment of r29.00 the total amount will heve to oount a8 raoolyts in the budget. If, however, this money ir eroesrive as monies above 501 mcllntcmance 1s eroersl~r In Home EIill No. 174, Aota of the 48th Legleleture, then tbla $4.00 map be used to supplement sohool tsaobere.‘~aelar- NOCOIIMUHICATION d?k..ab$88$$* d -~hoo18 LbL&!Ni,,AL -iL$-&&,h4a OClNlw4 ” ,~~~~~=.~~=~~~~~,~~*~~ Hon. Karl I.. Lovelady, page 2 budget (18 reoeipt8 against the smouat they muld . receive a.8 rtate AId. “In summation my queatloa la simply this: Lay Opinion di6105 be oonatrued In the lleht and purpose for which It wao Intended, namely, that of 8uppleaentIng 8ohool teaohecs sel8rIae in Stat@ Aid Sahool8 as well a8 Sohool teaohera malarles In aon-State Aid !Mhoo18.n In our OpInIon No. 0-6105, ua pointed out thet the Legl8latura oannot (by general law) limit the per aapltr apportionment to eny amount leer then that whloh wIl1 relrult frer the ennual 8pplIoatIon and equal dI8trlbutIon of -all of the AvaIleble Robool Fundr. TN8 oonoluslon wea b88ed an Paotlon 5 at Artlole 7 of our Stete Constitution, rNoh provides, in part, a8 r0ii0w8: *. . . and the Available Sohool Fund 8hal k applied annu812 to the support ai the T#O pU ?reo 8ohool8. And no lrw 8hell ever be emoted appropriating any part of the Permanent or Avall- able School Fund to anj other purpone whatever8 . . . .” It Is therefore the opinion of thl8 department that the nupplemuntal apportionment of $4.00 referred to in your oommunloation i8 simply a part of the total per oeplta eppor- tlonment for the 8oholmstla year OS 1943-1944. It l@ not to ti ooneldered ae merely an lxoe88 over and above the eo-oalled *now axlstlng st8tutorg amount o? $25.OO,* 08 stated In your oommunIoetIon. Eeotlon 2 of Artlole 3 of 8. B. 176, Chap. 373, 48th Leglaleture, reed8 aa follc~~8: -Sea. 2. 3818ry Sohedule and Length of Term. The base pay for ola8s room teaohers In unaooredited school8 shall be Ninety-firs Dollar8 ($95) per month ror eight (8) montha. The bare pay ror 01886 roa teaohers In aooredlted rohools 8hell be On8 Hundrad -- . Collar8 ($100) per month for nine (9) months. Two Bllare end Fifty Oenta ($2.30) per month Shall be added for eaoh year of oollege oredlt over one year not to eroeod Ten Dollars ($10). One Dollar end ?lfty Cents (41.50) par month . shall be added for each year of teeohlng ex- perlenae; provided such amount adQsQ for ex- perlenaa shell not exoaed Fliteon Dollera ($15) per month. Hddltlonel allowenoes for te8OherS SerVing es priaOIpal8 and/or auper- intendents ah811 be the ume a8 wee provided for the year 1942-1943. The lnnU81 salary of teeohera 117 saaredltea sohoola shell be the monthly salary multiplied by hino (9). The amusl salary of teaohora in ua8ooredIted 8ohool8 ahall be the monthly rlsry multi llsd by eight (8). The snnlul salery of 3uparLb tendant Of 8ooradltod 8OhOOl8 With eight (8) or BOt‘S r Oa tB @ 8Od lftlliat+d OPOdit88 nd entitled to 81X (6) teaabe- or 6ero under Section 1 of this Artiola, Yoastion81 Agrloul- tUr8 teeOhSr8, and wade8 8Rd tidU8trtiS te#Oh- era shall be the monthly rlsry IISdetezminod ff2;0hedule stated heroin multiplied by twrlvo The annual aalsry of Rome Eoonolios tea&era ahall be the monthly salary 88 de- termined br Said aoheduls multIplied by ten (10). A.lltwoh ruthortaed 88l8riae uy be paid in tWOlV* (12) SqUSl pSyBent8, WhiOh Shell not lxossd the aoatrrot or the selsry sahedulr, be Inning with September 18t of laah fear. Srlsr f sa of Superintendent8 end Was- tionel taaohera 68~ begin on July 1st r8ther then September lab. All #Oh0018 of the so- orodltod ola8o reoeiving aid shall provido 8 term of spproxlmstely aIn@ (9) months, and 8ahoOl8 of the uneoaredlted ala88 reoeiving aid Shell provide 8 tell 01 IpprOXimetely eight (8) months. An aaomdlted SOhOOl 18 herein defined as a aohool ta8ohlng elthsr the elementary gradea, the oIementarg gad@8 plus two (2) years of high aahool, or the elementary gad*8 end four (4) pmrr of high sahool ana reoognlaed by the "tate Dep;$zne;t of Edtioatlon aa doing ste.nderd work any aohool distrlot eligible to reorive scllery Aid under t&e provisiona of this Aot meintein e oalery sahedule In exaaas cf the fielsrf sahedule stated herein with revanu~ listed a8 reoelpts in the budget the amount OS salaryaid reaslved bf euah sahool di#triot shall be reduoed by t&a amount of auoh lxOo88.* Bon. mrl 2.. Lorolady, pee0 4 %ate Aid (as euoh) i6 a tmtter wIthin tb lagla- 1atire dl6cr4Jtlon. Ho oonetltutlonal proriaiom rclquire or prohibit Ctatc Aid (oar auoh) to our publio Bohoola. Thcrerork, the leglsletiv6 intent le the ooatrolllng rrtotor to be oon- aldered in thla oonnaotlon. ! me proria~ona or motion ?,,wt. 3, H. E. 176, quotoa above, reveal that the Lagialature has provided a Salary Sohedule and Length OS Tec~p. ?or lohoola to rollow and maintain In order to raoalre Falary A.U rrQt the Stetb. The last sentenoe OS se16 %otloa 2 la olear and apaolflo. It provides tor a raduotlon in Salary AId to any aohool dlatriot eli8lble thuafor uhloh maintains a aalarf aohsdula in 0x0086 of that steted thamln with revmum llated as raoelpta in thr budgot. Said reduotlon shall equsl the amunt o? luoh lxoeaa. fa tiaw 0r the roree:oing, it la th0 0 inion of tbla departsent that asid additional four ($L.OOP dollars par oa ita apportlonmant rust be listed as reoelpta in the budge. Ue! thor 080 any aahool dlatrlot eligible to reaelro salary ald, am.. now provided by law, blarogar& tha sa la r y lohadulo sad laagth oi term prori~lone of Eeotlon 2, Art. f, B. B. 1.76, 46th &gialataro, lbavo quoted. Vary truly yours
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion