647 OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN klonorable John C. Marburger county Attorney Palette county mmmge, rexam St 1,1944,dlrected to this deprtm g of flrhing, hunt- 11880, by the County fficial servioes per- ld the County Clerk be per- tain tee8 for perclonal une ag PisUng, hunting and trap- tense or im arch tees to be de- podted Into the Offioerst Salary Fund of the Countr. #In aondderiag the 8bme question8 I hare oonsulted artiales 4010, 4020, 4050, 40322*, n.C.8. and artlole8 894, $95, 923 q8 reation 8 P. C. and artiole 39128 m&ion 6 R.C.S. *I hare DOt beem 8ble to 1Wate 8ny Statute that speaifia~lly requires the County Clerk to iasur any of these licenses, but there are many 648 I. . Honorable John C. M8rburger - page 2 inetumee that he is Duthorieed to do eo and fixes his ieee. Apparently, If urd rhen he issues arch lieeneee he (toes ee as County Clerk, raQ weie time8 he is required to ie- ate thes under his 8-1 of office. See Arti- ale 896 P.C. XMe, threiore, would 8ppear to be fees of hi.8 office, and tbaefore the Count.7 Clerk Gould 8eaoppt fer tbb to the aountr, SXt is thrarorr my opinion th8t question IO, 1 ebould be esmmrsd in the rftirentire ud queetion lo. 1, th8t nob fees &euld be depedtad imtm the Wfloere’ S818ry ?nad e? this county 88 is requirsd by artiole 39120 beetion 8 B& .S .* the tellouing ltetuterp prmielone are pestinemt to the questions prepeunded. By 8W. 8 Of Arti 88l28, v.A&.S., It i8 provided that t .lt eball be the duty of ell offiaere te ohergs end collect in the unner euthorieed b7 lae all feee end Ueloliedone rhicb le pendt- ted bf 1rr to b. ueeeeed and oolleeted for 811 officl81 lerriee paiormbd by them. As ana When euob fees ue eolleoted they s&all be de- po8ited in the Wflcere~ Salary Rand, or tinde provided in this Aet. Ia event the Coe&eeioa- ere' Court finds th8t the flilure to colleot BII~ fee or coeunleeion we due to neglect on the part of the officer ehuged with the reepone&- bility o? collecting leme, the eeieunt of euch fee er ooe&edon ehell be deducted from the 8818ry of eueh OfflOe. B@tore 8ny Nch dedua- tion is m8de, the Commledenere~ Court hall fur- ni8b NCh OffioeC rlth 8B itWired et8teaent Of the uncolleoted I%?8 mltb ehieh his 8caeuat Is to be chuged, end shell notify euah officer of the time 8xel pleee for a boarleg on e&me, to de- terdne whether eueh effieo es8 guilty of neg- ligenee, rhioh time for hsving ebell be at le8et ten d8ye eubeequent to the date of aotfoe. Unless M offiear is ohrgecl by lu eltb there- eponeibilit~ of GOllecting fW8, the Co~~%%eeion- are’ Court eh8ll net la any uent make 8ny de- duetione frem the lutborired nluy of such of- fiesr.' nonarable John C. barburger - page 3 Artlo U)g8, P.A&.8., prwidee in part es Col- 1oeec '880. 1.No person rho is a nanreddent of the Stete of Tea8 Or rho is 811 rlien lhell fleh la the ire& S8tere of this State tithout first h8ring pro- stared frem the Pus, Pieb 8nd Oyster CarPiedoa of ?uae, or 8 Deputy u8ae warden thereof, er from l County Clerk in tes88, e? other l~elly 8uthorized BgOSit, a lieenee to fieh; cad no pleon rho 18 e reeldent of this St8t8 ehall flSh Tith Utifi4i81 lures of 8ny kbd in the fresh m8tore of this St&e rithout first luring procured from the Qem8, ?ieh 8nd Oyets Coprdedon of Texas, or 8 Deputy Gfme T8rdea therwC, or trem a County Cl-k of Tosae, or athm le- & ly BUth Or iSti l(ORt, 8 liONS8 t0 f&d%. .Edo. 2. Any oftiear, deputy of leg8lly ulthor- ined agent, issuing any lioenee to iid und* the pro- vieions of thi8 Aot, shell oollect from the person to rhoo tbe lioenee ir ieeued tbb following feeer e(1) It ierucd to 8 resident, the am of One Doller end Taa Cents ( .lo), of rhich emeat he e!3811 ret8in es hir See Fen F10 ) Cents, the bBlSBQ8 of shish lB8Unt 88 &all I’alli t to theGeeie,N8h end *- eter Coaaiesioner on Or befoP t&e lotb d8y of the month next suoeeedlng thet during +hieh said licoen8e was lematd, ‘(2) Xi ieeued to a non-reddent or 8n 8liea, the eu~ of Five Dollue ($~%,oo), of which mount he Shall retain 88 his ?88 Twenty-T’i+e (26#) eente, the bolutce of ehiah mount he a811 rendt to the G-8, pi& 8nd Oyster ComiieslonSr 8s required undc eub- dirleioa One (1) or this l tatioaj provided th8t he m8y iewe to such nonreeident l llaenee good for only fire (8) dBy8, inoludiag the day ot ieeuance, upon p&y- ment by the lfoeneee of On8 DOll8r 8nd ten Cents (@.m), of ehieb uoumt the oftior so ieeuing eaid lieeaee ehrll retain be h&e tee ten (lo ) Conte, UM the b8liace of WhiOh Bmount he Eh811r elat t to the oeme, fieh md Oyster Coemiledoner es prmldsd tor in lubdividon One (1) of this lwtlo n . 'Zh8 8fiieQ iosui~g such liOgl8e ehell keep 8 complete and aorreet reoord of eaeh fietdng liceuse 6550 %esued, ticwing the xmmd and pl8ee of residence of eaoh lioeneee and th eleri&l number and d8te e? iseuanee of nib lieenee, on Nob tore! es the b-8, tleh 8nd *et* Co~eeioaer may preeeribe; end the stubs of uab lieeneee and the record thaoo? shall belong to the State of Texee and eh811 bo filed with eaid Coeuuedoner 8s end Thea he rrr~ dirtwt .* Artiole MM, v .A.P.C ., provide* tor the f 0re1end requio.Ltee et hunting lioeneee, Tbil8 Artiole 895, V.A.P.C., roule in put Se tojleT8: .The eotmtr elek o? eeeb aounty in thle Stat. is hereby euthorired to ieeue hunting lioonees under his o??loi81 seal, to 811 per- wne oessplylng rith tko proridene o? thbie Aat, lm3 rhall flll out eerreetly md presSme for the use of the G-0, cieh, urd Oyster Coraie- eion, the Stubs lttaehed tbaretoj end the county olerk eh811 kSS# a oomplete 8nd oorreot reoord of hunting licensee IsNed, l l l.s The lleenee feae for hunting rlth man ore set torth in Artiole 004, Y.A.P.C ., the first tro paragr8phe ot Which read 88 tolloTer sne cltieen o? this St&t8 ehall hunt out- side of the oounty of his reeidenae Tith 8 gun rithout first hering procured tram the Gaae, Piab end Oyetor Coro&eeioner, or one of his deputies, or ?rom any county clerk In this St&t&, 8 lletn88 t0 hunt, &ad for ThiCh he ahall p8y either o? such ot?iaere the cum a? two ($j,OO) dollerej fifteen rents ot which eaount shall be ret8ined by said oftie- 8s bib toe for colleet&ng. *The tee for 8 non-reeident oltizen or alien buntAng lieen Sh811 bo tTSnty-tire ($20.00) dellue j three ($3.00) dollars et ueb 8mount eh811 be ret8incd by the o??%oer ieeuing euch lfeense 88 his fee for oollwt- ing, i-=Wh md raking rwort on lloenee so ieeued Bed for reritting the reemining tTSUty-tT8 (@Z&O) dollue to the GUe,piek rul Oyetsr Cowdedon.e . . 653. ._ Al%io1o @aa, VoAaP.Od~ mqlrc*~'a 1104Else for troppec8, firer th4 f448 ior resident and non-redd@Wkt 1ioenwm theramdw, MCI )*Mder iei t&e eam&odonr to be retAined by the offlcsr lrsttiltgud W#BWtiA~ lJawt* .i";. (AM th? Game, cimb and f+tOr Gaaisdos) &a811 oeu44 te be priAt8d blank trapper’s liaaue rhiah aball oontrin the r4qulrslentr aa provided for in St4tiOA 3 4f this Aat (Arti @22a, eupra), 'bad aa11 dintl%bute the ma4 te h&a deputien asid to the i8ri4ur 4ount 414r&o of the State oi fsrro, truly d r~sthreis l l r,mditis hereby dealbrad to be t&e duty of th4 @ano, Irla •~6 oyster colllsdona (AO+ the fw00~~~ Yiah aad oystc eaPlPisdott), us deputies 4ad the 4ouatf 41ewh of this Stat4 to frsu* 110 4en44m a8 pravid4d la thi8 Aat, aad to aaka report8 aad raaltturees th e r efo r l l rn.9 (Rphuis ours). In the light Of the foregoirig, It IS 81~~ that the lmmiag O? hunting, flllhing #Ad trapping 1104~sc4 by the Tar- ious OOUAty OlfPk4 of terns 8re Oirlaial s&vS44m r4qufretd to be psrior~sd br raid ofTi4armr Also, the oond4dom author iaed to bs retiincd by tbsr are fees of oftice, which murt be a44ountsd foPI and depodted in the Oifiaersl Salary Fund of their reepeoti+e OOUAtiee. lour firat qutmtioa is thm4forc rnerered in the af-’ tir u tiv l * YOUI’ D& %Otd q u e StiOA i. aASWtPi?d l S fOllOTSt ‘P h e 4ounty @lark ia not permitted to retain aa4b fees or ooutds- el.on* for perooAa1 uw. due mat be depoJted fA the oiii- kionorable J4ha.C. liwburga - page d oers* Sal- Puad of the 4oimtJ# IA ~OAO~U~OA we dedre to thank ~41 tor the able pnd cOA4i84 brisi wtrlcb YOU fU?ished, aAd It GOA- @end Lou for the oorrcot 4o~olurion4 therein rtmahcd. very truly yoUrs ATFQRPEX GEliLnAL OF' TIDLAS
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion