- .
I ....._
lionorableliayneSattertield - page 2
-1. Doee the local &oard hare authorit. to TO-
fuoe thin party further mfmbershlp and
partioipatioa in the disability &ridre-
tireaxat uysttm by rtaoon vi the tact, In
the Ltoard'oopinion, that the party Is an
extra hazardous risk, if mad when he is again
re-srtple7alb7 the cit7 aa a firmmn?
".2. Would it be the duty of the
Doard to reject
atabtruhip in the uyuttaito say flrtomn aom-
La g intoth e fir e lewico attar the effective
date, who, Uttw? a ph7olsal examlaatioo, lo
found to poooe#o ph7sloal disabilltlto that
would render him a8 an extra horaraouo rlok?
83. Should the Fireen*@ Pezidoa Cam~Iodonn, or
doe8 he hare the authorit to make ruleo ati rtgu-
latloao governLag the above aoaditioae under
authorlt7 yntod him in the last aentence of
Section IQ of the Act?*
Beetions 1 to 28, inaluaire, Ot Article 624-e, Vcmonls
Annotated Cirll Statutes, embody the Piresnen*sRelief Pension
F'uadlaw, ao mated by the 45th Legiolature, Act8 of'IQ??, House
Article 63&W provide8 au followal
gOn and after the lot tlo7 of April, A. D. 19-r
~p tr so n wh o hau
e- b eta w lp p o lnteda a denrollSa,
sad who ha 0 lttaineXTEe am of fifty-fGZ 7a6)
7erro aad rho has served aklrel7 Co& L ptriiid~of
tarant. (20) 7-0 in nome regular17 organized fire
departmmt in an7 oit7 or to- in thlo State non
within or that u7 come within the prorldono of
this Aat, la an7 raak, whether as rho117 paid, part
paid or volunteer firepem &all be entitled to be
retired from ouch oenice or departmaat aad &all
be entitled to be paid frtstht Flrsmea~s Helief
and Bttirsmeat Fund of that tit7 or town, a month17
poaalon equal to one-half of hi8 arcage month17 sol-
aq not to exaatd a emus of One Hundred Dollara
($lOO) per month. Such average month17 solar7 to be
bawd oa the month17 a~trage ot hi8 onlar7 for the
fire (8) year psrlod prmsding the date of ouch re-
lroaorablebayne Satterfield - page 3
prOTi.dsdfurther, that if his average
monthly aalar is Pift7 Dollars (fao) or less per
month or if a volunteer firtuan with no salary,
ho shall be tm+tltd to a monthly penalon or re-
tirtmat alloranot of trentpflrt Dollars ($?!a)..
The prorlslono of Se&Ion ? of arid Artiale lpp17
to.an7 pex8on serving as an aatlre firaun du17 enrolled in
an7 regular17 aatirt fire department in aa oity or tom in
the State, no1 -thin, or that ma7 hereafter some within the
prprisions of said Aat.
The prorinlono of Beotion 2 of said Article apply
to any da17 enrolled rcnba of an7 regular17 orgaaiztd active
fire +partmnt of an7 ait or twa aor coming within, or that
ma7 hraftc some within, the proridoam of ad Aot, as
Seotion 26 of said Article reads as follmmr
*Whenever used herein, the term *&oard' or
*&oard of Truoteeo~ shall be dtmed to mua and
aad refer to the Board of Firemen*8 Relief and
Hetireomt Fund Trustees.
lWhen&ver used herein, the term *firema'
or ~firefcan~shall be deaned to meaa and in-
olude all active members of uyi.regululy organ-
ized fire department of an7 incorporated aity or
tuTn of this State, haring flrt fighting equip-
ment or apparatus of the dW ralu'tof One
Thousand Dollars ($l,oOo) or moc'awhether who117
paid, p8rtly paid an& put17 volunteer, or rho117
TOlUUtttW. All other members &all be docred
honorar7 or inaatire members and as suah +a11
aot~be entitled to sn7 of the bsaeflts provided
b7 this Aat.
lVhencrer used hsrdn, the term (motive fire-
men,* ‘aatlre flraspn,' or *rotIre mcmbaro* shall
be deemed to msan and inalude all paid flrtmta
who receive regular salarito aa firemen and uah
p8rtl7 paid or volunteer fireohm as in eaah aden-
dar year l n8wer at least treaty-fire (28) per otmt
of all fire alarms and at least forty (&)) per
cent of all drill or practice ~811s..
tionorubleLa7ne Svtterficld - page 4
your attention is how dirtatal to the clause in
riection0, lhiob r8ado aduly appointed ahd enrolled*. Atten-
tion is alma directed to the alauoc 'duly enrolleda la Seo-
tiou 7, mzd the same olauae sdul7 enrolleda, la Seation 8 of
kid Article aforesaid. Iebot~*o YSrrIafsn&fiOrul Dlctlon-
aq, second titian, glrem, aaoug oth~o, Of the dvarb s,
I the folloslhg defiuitloaoa sRa(lularllJ,l8llfflclaltl7~,
T gproper17g, ahd sao it (au7thiug) ought to bea.
it thus appears that ah7 firtaaa rho barnborn dul7
appoiutsd aml aurollal in some re2ularl7 organised fire do-
partdent, as prwided for ia Se&ion 6 Of Artidle 824?W,
suprai or a p er so nlerviug as an MtiTe firesmu du17 WWOlled
in mj regular17 lotire fire department, as cormed b7 the
pkoridoas of Seotion 7 of said Artlola; or an7 dul7 enrolled
aember of au7 regular17 orgaairtd ratire fire department, as
COTtPed b7 the ~OT~SIODO Of Station 8 Of said Article, oosIe8
rithin and is eweed b7 the prwidons of aaid Artlale 6249e.
vheu ouah firemu or pa-ton has oouplied rith the prwision8
of the lXrepeu*o Rtlltf Penalon Fund lar la Its other requirc-
lPublia offioers and gorsrnmental and ad-
ministrative bosrdo possess oa17 suah portro
as are express17 ooaferred upon them by lar or
art neceouril7 iaplied uadcr porso so aoafer-
red. Thq caunot perform acts aot authorised
b7 axioting law, l l l.s --34 Tel; hr., pp.
440-441, 167.
slltatuttowhich prtsoribe and liait the
aeraise of offloial dut7 art otriotl~ oon-
strued in rtspcat of the pesero ooaferred
aud the mua* of their asraise, aud mmh
portrs art not to bo enluged b7 ~onotruatiou.a
-34 IQ. Jur., p. 443, ottin& &,lym T. &tad-
b-‘g, 6 f6. 4lS.
'It is equal17 rell settled, horevcc, that
a lar rhioh aoufas a pores or Imposts a dut7
upon au offioor or board oarrito with it b7 lm-
pliaatioa the authoritf to do such things as
are rasonabl7 ascoosary to carry into effect
the porar granted or the dut7 imposed.* --N
Tea. Jaw. p. ~4, siting suthorlties. See Voa
ikoEtnber&~T.LOTett, 173 8.w. 608 (CIT. &pm.),
error r
tionorablelayne S9ttorPield - page 6
A arrsrul reuung Oi Article 62430, V. A. C. 8., dis-
alases that Lhc loaal You-d referred to in your que8tton8 1 and
2 ham nelthbF upre8m nor Uplied authority to dm the bt?nc-
fit of the Piremea*m tieliefPendon Fund law to 8ay ikeman
rho has bsea duly 8ppointed 8nd eawo11sd in my lir8 department
aoverui by aaid Article 824!3e,and who hsm met the other re-
quiramentm ol,eald IPlremem@m Helief Pemdoa lhnd 18~. Slnao
the.Legi818ttire lm the 0-7 aoastltutioarl urtltorlt~ rhmeby a
lu'aan be amended or repmled, it lOgiio8llyfoIlor th8t a0
governmental o r ldmin%mtratire boud hrs mch outhorlt~.
In via ot the foregolag, your queatlono 1 8nd 2 are
aoh 81isWmed in the aeg8tive.
The fl.rmtput of Geotloa 10 of'Article 62430, upra,
reads as follow81 ~
*For the purposes of ao-ordin&ing the re-
ports Of the v8riOU8 YO8rdS Of Fiirmm'm RClief
axi rtetirement Fuad Tramteem; to provide examina-
tioa from time ta time of the uraouats of such
boardal to determlne and certify to the st8te
Treesurer suoh kbouds 813 nhrll, undsc prWldOn8
of this Aot, qurlify for rad be eutitled to aon-
seoutlre 8pportionment from s8id Fl.reanea*s Re-
lief and Hetirarent Puad and to hear, determlae,
suxi rerfsv appeal8 from t&s dealsion or order of
ury of ouoh Yoarda of Trustee8,:.thwe Lm her-
cruttxi the offloe of Firaraa~m Ptmdoa Comuls-
lionu, rhou office *811 be loarted in the City
Of AUStin, rU88, l l 0.’
&iv ubmequent prwidoa8 aoatrined in lald Seation 19,
the Ylra8n*s Pension Coamdmdoasr provided for In uoh Scotion
im ampo~ered to make rule8 8ad regul8tions aot othswime pro-
vided in said 188, 8Dd t0 prO&WPk! fOmS iOX’ USC by the 18rfollS
boards of truatew, la order to 8saist in the vopk 8nd duties
thereof. Said Semtion almo mpwero ouah Commimioner rith
authority to exmiae the raaounts and reaords of tha rarious
boarda ot'tramteem. Other duties not nceemury to enuroerrte
are al80 required of uid Coudmaloaer by the pcwidons Of
said Section 18.
It thue apperrn that the ofrlac of Fire:en*m Pension
c;oa&saioner .a# areated for &home purposes met forth and enu-
uerrted in the first part Of Smtfoa 19 afaresaici,and that his
uonorable Uyne Butterfield - pago 6
porar8 and duties 88 uch are set forth in the entire Fire-
&en's litllefPQldoa FUdl 18w, namely, h-tiale 0245e, V .A .C.8.
Therefore, rid Firemen~a PeadOn Coami8sioaer im only author-
ired to make rules 8nd regul8tion8, aot otherrrlaeprovided In
uid 18w, iOr the pWpO8e Of a8rrfiag OUf rUCh powers 8s are
,,upressly conferred upon hlslby 181, 88 r-81188 those power8
,rhiah are neoensnrily Implied from the powers s0 ooafsrrul.
Ileaught uke rule8 8nd regulations not 8uthorised by Qdst-
tQ’J 18U.
Therefore, for the same re88orm oa rblch aur mmmera
to JO& first tr0 queatiozu are brssd, JOU~ third question is
also answered in the neg8tire.
very truly yours