Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

.. ..I...~ f 1~ OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY WERAL OF TEXAS i AUSTIN Thlr Department h6 methi r0r 0p~rri0n 00n04m43 7047b, whioh prorideuj . . . provldod thut miy other pro- vision herein to the '&an is processed nd the ‘realdue to the same gaa- and from vhloh o of such gas 088 value of 8tiv4drr0m 04 porron or oonoern ir both produoer of regaling plant, ~01 the tax loorue on of all produoh, based upon the wslue uo h lm rtiation gsrol%ne, aolveat8, do., It shoulb be noted rt the outset that the tax levied bi A&i010 7047b ir 8.aevemnoe tax. Thin statute oontains the rowmg language; "Them 18 horoby 14vi4d en ooaupation tax on'tho business or oocypation of produoins aa vithln thir State. ...A tax &al;1 be pdd by oaoh roduoor on godud~~~~. ,a&va~4r7to5~-?Z-i3t okht?iit%%?:e.. . --- BonoriableQ44rg4 H, Sheppard, page 2 The r4oyoling pro~lslon of the st4tute merely provides the method of detamlnlng the nurrk4tvalue of th4 original gas ar Davis Ino. V* St4t4 180 S.W. (al) 429, 433. only E4-i thereoi Is taxed, not’tho roflnor. In order to xi1~lorst4nd pro$erlr the into&ion o? the Th4 tirqt ~r4o~ollngplant4 v4r4 oonstruotedand put into operatlotiin 1938. Theso first plant8 prOduo4d oondon8ato or dla- I tlllat4, r&v un?lnish4d pzykduots,vhloh wro Mrkoted to reflaer8. piua 4per4t4r;8io 'tirs4rQurd that tw 00tud mlqda0- fur4 ?ti$sh4d produotr, and that the ld@t1&41~inv48tment and merot 6~n8e.~o4884ry ?or th4 aanufaoturo of those produote Were jua 7 lfl4d by t&o inoreaso in tholh U&c4t oalu4.' phigzwa8 the,stert 6? *ho, en4r41 $lsaa of o~bl.Lrig plantcr~ tb.pmdqo4 fin- ished pr6duotr. 'S 444w4 or the war, rloost~'rll4~4lin& *lants havo.beon rowaped to ppermltthe nmnu?aoturo of a va~$letyo? produytr. Th4 wollng plant operitlon oonrIst8 of rorubbing in- ooming rloh vapora with rbrorptioa'ollat presssgro8 msngLng up to 2,OOOpouada per ~QUWO lnoh. l%xeprooesred dry gfb814 than oompre88od and r4turmd to the ?orm4tlon,irhllothe absorption oll.ooatalnlngthe rooovered heavier uarbuna 14 rtrlpped of it8 oont4nt in w h.Id" 4r a 84rler 0r rtll 8. S!h4re44~4i4d 0 n- dqnaato lr than promraod er re?iqed by mciddn aetheda of % 18.. tlllation md'?r&tl+@lqt lnto.8uohpmdyotrr a8 mi1~r41 oil, bo$nCmd g44olin4,'4a4into but4n4, prop~o ld othano ?r4io- l moling p14ntr oan funotlon4ith4r lmd4pod4ntl~ or In oompleto or pa&l&l Inta~atlon with ref&k&i operations. A orating lndopend4ntlyof TofUmr7 opemtlon8 does no oyol- than 43 zuut1the llqueflablohydrod~bons,vhloh are then more p1ant dollrem to a mfiasry for fuH2~1$ treatment. In +llq platr psrtlill, into&ated rith ~iinery operationa, th4 ropane-4thano?raotlon m4sfb4 r4turn4d to the r48ervolr, aad t L mixed butma fraotlon L8 drlltored to a 'ro- .tia*i7'. Th4 hrcivlorproduot8;hommr, ~a~ roflrml in roflnory 57% goaorablo ffeorgeIi.Shopp4rd, p4go 3 ! ,@pmeat added to the oyoling unit, to yield 4 number Of fiai8bed ; p&UOt*. CJoliag pl4at8 oompletoly iat4grated vlth r4rin4r7 '.oper4tlon8r etur th nelthrae-prop4n4mlrture to ths form4tloa 48 before, vhll4 the but4no ?r4otlon under g lep4ratloa, o es in 4rpenslYo rafln4ry 4qulpm4nt rddod to th4 o~oling unit, into ~OlWdl bUtBa4 lJld 18ObUt4Fh4. l'h4bollor ?r40 ion 18 ?urthor JWfiJJOd i&O a V8riOt~ Of fiJJi8hOd produOt8. See J. I(.F14ltc, 011 k 048 Journal, April 20, 1944~ Duokor 4nd Dottrnroloh, 011 & 048 Journal, &I 11, 19441 Jam48 0. ?eY, fh@ oil !fOOfi~, pooembor 6, 1943.3 Thor0 are 300,000 or more 0881\% ohomloal Oolqp9Unds Yhloh me7 oonoolnbly b4 mads from tL hydroosrbona ia gas. (011 k Oar Jouxzu~l,J4nuaay 21, 1943.) AB Dr. Ouakv Egiorr, the fOrOmO8t hydr6oorboa pJ'OtB@Jli8t,said, IIf v4 *tart vith mothane @?i8 eloao, lll or the known *@hot10 pro&of8 that m4n h48 pruduood in organlo ohomistry oan be derived. . .I It vi11 b4 noted that in 411 typo8 0r oyollng plents 4bove mentioned, the init% operation 18 the rooovery Of the ll~O?l4blO ~OOarbOa8, oalled OOndbMPt4 or dl8till4t4. The 3’4OOtOr4d OOAd M8te 18 fUrthOr pl’OO488Od by di8tilhtiOA and ?raotion4tionIrefining uperetlona) Into the r-1 finished prodUOt8. At the tia4 0r th4 pagram 0r th4 rnreadmat to Artlole 7047b in 1941, there nr nut l pled ti oper4tloa vhloh turn& b ut mlng 0th ~ than o o a dea seto , a nd l fo v then more edvanood $lant4 vhioh obkiaed a prrtlrl r4oov4z7 of the butaao fraotlon. lb4 lat4greted qollng pl4nt8 nov la operrtlon over the.Stat4 lid 8uoh 4 ?arletiyof pX’UdUOt8, l'4!qlng?rom ~@O~rn.tMte'to the : .-Eghly r4riaodplroduOt8 msntloned lboY4, vitkrll *tag48 or partial . 4aaing in botvoon, that iC~18 not Z'448on4bZ$~tio be inisrred that th4 bgi8&Jt~,iJttOndOd to bariethe tu trpon'~th4 ylue or the , .&rid or rsriaed produot. .. - "~ A 4lmllar ~U48tiCUI he8 4ri84n in 84v4r41 juri8diotioa8, inolud@g TOIA~, In r4gard to vhother the prUdUO4r~ vho UpeMt48 l 0411, Should pa)’ ayoytJ1t7 mtaers oa the brm.4 or th4 mark& ralus ; 0r,gea e8.p8, or ao,the b4818 -Oroert4ln produOt8 whioh ho menu- f~OtUE4~fl'omtha -8. A roooat Tezaa 0184 la DurOlgeF 011 k ~fiJJeri48, -0. 1 . -1 1 Dr ill* CO., lt 61.) ln 9.u. (2d) 321~;by the supP4me Court. ti that ~680 gasrmiu 488igIWd t0 Den- / Oigor a working interest in the leas4 in it84if Ba ovomldZag rglty 48 fOiiOW8J MtBiM 68 pa2’t Of th4 ouaalderatlon?OT .rhallbe eatltl4d to r0001~4 one~tweatyroupt+ I', 5: th4 oil, gae, oaslngh44d gag, 4n& other'mln4r418produoed, aaved ;I md Ii%Srketsd 4t iiheprev811+ prlO4 paid by m4jOr OOmpaai48 . . . 579 gaor4ble thorgo H. Sh4pp4ml, p4g4 4 1’ + the proprrtle8 above d48OribOd fro0 and dear of operating et108 I?, 68 uid vh4a produoed, ravod 4~d mrk4t4d. . ." At th0 tiB4 Of th4 688igJJMJJtit ~48 knanr th8t th4 @lo whloh h4d be4a drlll4d produood oaly avert 868, ur4 th4t ' wr4 -8 no merkotla the vlolalty et thet tlaefor 8woeb -8. pgaoigor 4r4ot4d 4a 4xpon8lv4 pleat on th4 le484d pr4mi808 for a4 pPrpO84 Of 8@gW8tbg ths #48 intO at8 OUIJ&WJJOJIt *X%8. ff14@4lf4* ~thMU#lth.PlUAt,Vh4M ltV48 8OpNWtedBt 4onalderrblol~OJJ84 intO th484 O~tJJlWt8t &4801ill4,&48-011, dl8tilht4, kOrO*eaO, bukw, prepeao, 8&d re8idW gJI8. m888iii g WdmAOig 4fo r rUJlOOUUatb& OOntenbbg that it MI la titl4 d $o be paid 1 24th of the (To88 Z’4OOipt8 of 411 prOhot mu&40~- tuJ-d*- de m8 produoed 4a the pZ'4ai848. .Tliooourt hold that Wader the oontmot Burplill ~48 nut 4Atltled to hw4 the intO 8OPL4 0-J’ 006LWditf, but -8 b UUJJd to lOOOp g t 8 48 it V48 th.a beiry produoed ?rom the rho Court 84ldJ #I? Daa&4r ver not requlrod W’th4 oontraot t0 rOfiJJ4 the Oil 80 pCOdUO8d, .w Vht pFWi8iOJJ theroof ia it ~roquired 80 343%e any or the other pl’OdUOt8 l14m4d therelat ~OlWTO~, I.? IOU 4? the b i f$Utd~r~tiH$ be,M?iMd, t0 at'.?inaruti84r4 th4y ‘.bk vimf & the variUU8 &5r408 Of iJttkJr4~iOa, Of ‘OJOi~ llnt8 vlth mfineriO8, l8 point !:&ylt~ebOvO jh4 8Upl'omoCOurt 18 PIOat QU48ttbJllJ pZW8eat4d w ~~l'4QIO8ti p.J?tiJ$t in ,thoO;arsi;%~%~~ I'. At this point v4 iiah to Pal fapr i 7057a, VhiOh 14v1.8 U 4OOU@iOJJ tU ‘4JJ gir iC, iJJ w 2'4~OOt8, WlOgOW to h’tiOk0. 7 .1nii8 8 tax Of '4.125 per OMt Of th4 mulbt y It h8 JJeverbeon ooateAd4dth4tthem4lk4tv4li4 thbCofIIro-~'. f4md t0 inOhd6d th4 MU4 Of th4 fini8h4d pr4dUOt8 rO?iZ#d fMm aaid oil. m th4 aSO HO? mri8, ma v.-skt4, l&.&v, (2d) 429, th4 V88 made tht OOJJtontiOJJ if &tiOlO 7047b 18 OOA8trWd 48 ? lm aa OOUupBtiOa Sax On the ooollpatlOnOi%'&i.atn(j liQuida g4s, it 18 tiol4tive o? Seotlon 35 or Art1014 III or the COn8tltutloa,vhloh prOvido8J : 'HO bill l 4 + 8hl1 O&kin mOl'0thU OM sub- joot,.whiohah411 be 0~Fe88ti in it8 titb, l F F" Of thi8 tho OOU& raid: 580 think th4 Aot 18 JJOt 8UbjOOt t0 Shl8 objao- hydrooerbon OOnteJJt liid the MIldU4 yr f6 by ~%egOibg BOthOdS t0 th4 8-4 -I-pMdUOiJJg ?OFW- t1oJlpndorlylq'ths lllndfmm vhl4h the 48 18 pro- duoed, the taxable vale O? ruoh 68 8l~f1 k th%%e fifth8 Of the gr088 V4iUO Of en ft&O) pmUOt8 OX- tluoted, 86~PBt6d and 84v4d ?Z'Om8uoh w8,' but suoh quoted provl8loa m6roly pIPOvId the m&hod Of 18 a rLnri oon8lde~tlon vhloh ve virh to ldvaaoo. (rzrare botiOa i 9if~mi014 vm 0f th~m~~titutio~ 0r th* skt4 or 9-8 .proridOsthtlt411 tBX48 8h411 b4 “4qtu1 UJd URifOd . s40- tlm 2 0r aaid Artlole VIII provid48 that "ell 0ooUpatlon %X48 gmii b6 ~QUB~ &ad UJIifOFJII PpUJJth0 8-4 0x488 Of 8UbjOOt8. ...' mmr0r.6, I* 18 the duty 0r the omrt4~to pl404 8 ooa8trm~tloa aa t4xingCt4tUt4th4tvllla4koth4 t4x 6qU4landtuLlr0rla wg a l nn subjeots Oitbe 8" 01488. It ir obylow th4t 411 ~.l'BtCW8or OyOling plPnt8 vho er4 8180 p r uduo 4 r a0r la lr 4 or fh8 8upO 01688, &Ad it 18 6qUBlly obvloua &l&t oaking &Lop". 44880r, vho 18 elao e r?bfln4r,pay 4 tar boaed ~poa the *a ue or th4 reria6d produots, BAd peamlttlng the 8irplO pZ’OO4880~ to peT l tat b484d on the value or the tmrermd ooademat*~V6uld ~6‘ gult la hU'8h insQBliti48 aad oomplste laok or pnLr0miit;J. Evea .~ . Xa aaawr to your first qwation, thonf4r4~yoU 4r4 advlrwl that it 18 the Opinion Of th18.dwnt tb4t;:in;th4 lltU4tloa there presented, the tu should he b484d upon th6 me&et 741~4 of 3/5thS Of the OOnd4MBt4 Or diat1114te OXtHOteb, 8bpaNt- ed and 8av4d frcm 8Ucrhgas, aad AOt upon the market valua,~otthe r4rined, flniahed produot. . . Your 84OOad QlO8tiUJl1st If Uher4 the produoor end the operator or th4 r44y4liag OhAnt 4r4 nut th4 aam6; huv vi11 the relue of the jjJtr.,)t? m668UMd Lo 0omputlJJgthe taxt 581. gooorable tiorgo H, Sheppard, pago 6 If 18 iAd44d 8trBJagothat, in the thirteen yeerr 94XB8 h48 had 8 @8 tU l k tjJte, OJJlJ OJW0684 Oo no o r mir it rg w8 mohed the l~elh t. OOUrt8. It 18 4tOJl MM 8tmXlg4 vhea p0 ooaslder th4 8ktUti, vhloh o.Ft~i~d~ 18 w mod.1 o? olmltr or oertalaty. hJU4QU4JJtlj, it 18 M8t U&O&l- &o tbt vheA thlr 0686 maohe th4 Suprem Court the larws v4r4 not 80 dravn th4t the Cotartoould olerl?y thb intoat of @JO 8ktUt4. v4 8 lek Of th4 4480 Of v. RI mri8, IJJO.1; Skto, 160 S.W. (26)t29. There the produoorr ooatnot4d 1~1thD4Irir to pro0488 th0 868 PNdUOOd, urd t0 l’4- th. reaidw to the forwtloa fromvhlahIt had bemn kksn, uml in retma pro MriS OAO-hJiirOf the p8 prodUOt8 01p di8tilbt4 &4it4d tram suoh @aa, a&l retdning the other one-half or the prOdUOt8. D4ti8 th4JJrrsde8 OOJltlUOtVith th. ~OdUOOM, vherqpyho pUrohr84d frOm themell of thdr one-Id? iJJtOM8t la the oond4Jasate Or diatilhto from the #aa. Urdor thl8 OoatraOt, Dati8 paid the prodwora 1.36 par krrel for their produot durlnsllay, 1941, rrrd41. for the ren8Forag tlao laVOlV4diJJ the *tit. %x48 ver 4 paid o n3/ s or lll or the oondsn84t4 HOOVOWd fX’Om the 668, 006@UtOd 8t tha YduO th4 84A4 48 the prioo paid by D0pi8 to the pl’duoo~, f&i’ 8t 41.36 en&@.44 ger barrels .. AftOr pUZ'4h48~ th0 O,OZLd4M4tO, ad.8 traA8port.d it to COlQnl8Cbi*ti, ml'4 ho Sold it'8t pZ'iO.8ww ?Pm $.1.% to $2.25per bmml. %hhsstat4 8U4dmri8 iOr&&48 00mpUttwi~ et th4 prloe MOOiTOd by him et Corpus Chrirti, ,I048 th4 ooat 4r truqortation. produoor *hall b8 e good relthegruwn t-free fioaPfMUd UJd OOll\uiOn &I M&Wd8 th0 StBtO'B Ohi& $8r the taxer 1pnd6P thi8 Aot. WhWhV. ?Irp thi8Aot 48.i vhole, UJd UpOOiBl1y vh4A V4 04A8idW th4 de?lAltloA of rnrket t41~* thenia o&Mnml, v4 U-O o~~~vl~~ed that It demoa8trrte8 l olw lo&r- , 582 Honorable George II.Sheppard; peg4 7 In 4~Mvlmg at thla o4n41~1oa, the Cm furthorOon- ‘sldored portion 0r thl8 the *tat&r requ¶ziJq the purohrrerto deduot the tUe8 w th4 ~Oh48. PX'iOe, %I4 COul't raid: . “Th4 purOh48er 4Oll4Ot8 th4 tU from tho pm- duoer.by deduoting th4 amount bhweo? from the maeuat 0r the puxwh484 prioe. . lAr 4 edlJJg o fth e p er t0? th18 8t8tUte 148t 4bOVO rUmti@Xd sXI+B&aWX'bw plakethe pt~OhaSej! llrble t0 th0 St&O iOF,iBWtCnr levied W thla Aat the value ce mp rwuoor tmrbror. Ld 008 Mfj OQA+%4lJQJ pZy tho pmduoclr aae prloe, the kx dw the atate et that prloe, k44p th4 tax rt theta sloe SO(p?eglkd a a dth e np I the sta t@ l tU 6e BAOthW prloe.” (&4#~818 OW8j vith the 4lk8VOh’ t0 @IOstiOn n Of t$d.JliOn %O. o-3&7, Bad Over- Z’td48 thrt POrtiOJJOf 8Bid Opinion. Your third Qieatlon 181 III tfheo the 04n44aa18 bath roduoer end operator or the 6Wh.00MeW~ h48 ?alled to .ea p r wideain botion .,.i? uaJ'prOthJ4erof-y8 8h4u f&t1 to lvdit the other pdr*imJt to 880ert4la 4 oerreot aamunt due, Mdt&apm Of 868 8hll b~ii~biO,,.46 UI Bd- t r 8b4 l'4484Ii4~O'WQB4MO8OS the rUgid%% %~~O? totlveo of'the Wmptml tO8ti(trrfi4B Ubd wit;. mnorablo ObOr80 8. Sheppard, pI80 8 Th4 vordillgor th4 aktute ir aloar* Aa l plwdu0.~, me arson or oonoern inquired about In your third question is Ilab Pl for th. audit fee. Trurting that this fbllp anevers your lnqulrlea, vo br.9 Tourr row bulJ,