Honorablr Joha R. Bhook
Criminal Dtrtxiot
Borer CouBty
SM ABtoBio, tarr
Dear Yc. dmook:
t rrqosat for an oplnlon,
t* quotr iron aane l8
court of Boxa Doultg la
n of lrrrln& the Eexu
“Wr drrlrr to ooouro iroa you ma oplnloa
OOB r UBiB (
thJ elr&iSlitr Ot ltle eB
h 66W-at t8
br ln8er.d late by 8ha Oount~, l4 LA oonaaotion
umrrulth cl& you the rouorla8 qrortl,onrt
Hon. Jolu R. shook, pa20 2
“11) Door tha Camaloolonrro' hurt ot
Boxu County hot. tho Lo,yol ruthor-
ity to rntor into 0 oontrrat with
o aroo9 oi rltate indlrlduolo or
rlth 4 ehor Ptable oorporatlon
loarln( foollltloo sad goundo of
tho Burr CountI Sohool for Boy@,
whioh lo l ooudy 1aoU tutlon,ao2
of oouroe oounty proport~t
“(3) If ruoh I oontroot ooa bo ontorod
into ~111 It br AOOSOOU~ t0
9ublioly rdro~tlro for bldr?
“(3) 7or whet per104 oi tlmo owld ruoh
a so&mot bo aa40?
.(4) It ouoh a ooatraot 10 sod*, oould
Boxer Oountr 1.6golly dsfrsy port
of the !319~AOOOot o~oretine ouoh
liAOtitUtiCA, whloh rSO~it.0 aAd
potidea for d.lin-lAoAt dqmnd-
ent boy8 oommitted bl tho Qourto oi
Burr Gountp
“IS) Could Buar &Wit~ OOAtiAUOto prorldr
tor the ropairo, rrnolrtlono md loln-
tensnor OS tha prasent toollltlw or
psrmanent LPproveamt8 of luo hlnotltu-
“(6) XY ASW ootlotruottoa war. rddod by the
1~r.0, oould tha %anlorio8oro’ kur%
qgrr to prralt ouoh oonotrootlon.to 80
rrmotod u9o11 toralnrtion of luoh luoo?
*I$ )O~PPS thst thr prrornt Boxor Coantl Who01 for
aOr8 war oroatad under snd by virtue ot tho lpthorlt
hooted I& thr hunty br Artlolr 5132 of th+ Rrtlrod E 1~11
Statutoo of ‘ruao, whloh pormltted oountlor to rot~blloh
dotratloa hckaro or psrmtol roh0010 ior 48poadont ml
'~'~rllaqa.nt ju+onlloo.
. .
:a, John X. Shook, pa&r )
Vhoro oea~~o to br a 8UlOU8 guootlon so to whothor
or not the Ccmmlorlonaro~ Oourt hoe tho rl@t to loaoo
oounty property. 'The h‘aqo COW8 of Girl1 Ippoolo ln
Ddoon vs. Mbsroholl , :18 ‘s. PT. (2) 621, in ok OpilliUt
wrlttrn bt Judre Alorondar, uphold thm right of the
Oommloslo~uo~ Court to loooo lp sa o IA thr oourthouoo
to one lndirldusl to osrrl OA 8 oomaerolal buolnooo. of
his am ?or by 80 dolna the &maloolonero' Court dld
not lator?ore with the PBS of the oourthouoo so a
wholr tor the purpooo for whloh It lo lntwlod olrd
that the pub110 lntsrort woo ouboorvod, lt h o r lng lA
lAiOrG%YtiOAburoru 3Ad 012or ltend wlthln the oourt-
*The Suprome Court of ~UOO in hndsroon IO. Load,
152 2. W. (26) 1064, rooognirod tho outhorlty ot the
Coemloolonsro~ Oourt to tranooot busLasso sad mokr
lontraoto with refersnor to property boloatin(l to the
“It lo true, hamtar, that Art1810 2)5l, la
@WkUOtiIl& tho poworo of the OommlooloAoro’ Court,
door not luthorlae the loooln2 o? oou~tg pro rtr.
Yet, thrro lo no prohlbltloa l&mlort luoh au ?ii orBy.
With rafrranor tb ths duration of 8 ooatroot,
thr &dODiOA of Appoolo lo Qul.3 Bltullthio Ocmpw
To, Ruroro County 11 5. is. (Zd) 305, hold that rho
Oountl uoo luth o to rh rater into on rmplofrm$
i oontroot, lxtondln( beyond tho term ot offloe to,
whloh tho ambore of ‘chr Oamaloolon~ro~ Cow8 hod
bran llootod.
*It ia roll rot~bllohod that the Ooaaioolonuo'
CQUXt hr$ and OM 8x8rOi8O ouoh 9OwuO 00 WO U-
0004 oontorred apoa 18 by 8hr QonoU tutlom and
Pho 6totut.o on4 ouoh other paoro aa aria. bt
lo o o o o lmplltittion
or~ fra thooo lrproooly qutod..
In the eooo o? Andoroon *or XooQh amtlonod by you, thr
aa Court of Taxoo, l proklA~ thr ryh is? Juotloo Alaxuldu,
bho following in regard to the &a of the Comml8alonoro~
Hon. John R. Shook, page &
lft (the Oomalooionuo* Oourt) lo tho (onem
buolnooo OAd OoAtroOtiJI( l~OAO~Of the OOAAtt aA&
it @lOA* has l\lthorl~y Wemalta o~~~oo~~ bindbe ~a
the oouaty, unless othorwlao opool?looll~ prwldod
by ,totuts. 3huo a rlcht lo oonforrod a, obllga=
tloa la9ooed on sold Oourt, 16 hoe lap&d luthorlt~
to lraoloo a brood dloorrtlon to l oooapll8h tho
pwpoooa l.ntrndod.a
IO undrrotand thet ouoh property whloh rou doolro to
WI us8
lo q ulrandod used to? the vu 00 Ura ohm am worse oon-
tarred on 011 oountlro by Art1810 51 3r , ~WAOA'~ baototod ~21~11
Statut80, i. a*, to lotabUah, opals on6 ulnbln do6ontlOa
ho~~oo and parental oohoolo 08 PII bo noooooar~ to aoro for the
brpeadon~ and delinquent ohildron Of th0 OouAt~. WO kAOm O? Ed
reason why ouoh property oould not bo uood by on or~oalutloa
so you propoao la ordrr to our) out a nd loocupUrh &ho oritginal
pur 0800 lntondrd. Vndor Chaptrr 204, 9ogo 313, Aoto of the
48,: Lsglolaturr, Ro6ulor blooelon , 1913, tho plaza of dotoantlon
nerd not be owned and o aroted by tho omty bu6 %may 1naIudo
priroto tostor or board Pn( hoar for ohlldron, or ouoh other
plaoro ot dOtentloA whloh 60 Oh0 Oowt Boom doolroblo,a Also
ouoh rot ?m,rthor prorldoo 6hst “6ho Ooaatl ~ooloneio~ Court
say ~$3 to? boerdlq or ?c*tor hoar oara Sot 8uoh ohildraa to
b0 dotaiaWI, w 011 OhiidrOA 00&U Wi6hiII th0 r8AAlry Of thi0
Aat whether prior to or attor the ohlld has born adjudged a
‘dollaquaa6 ohild’.”
IO do not bollarr thnt this tronooa6loB would lnvoko
thr prwioiono of Art. 1577, V,. A. t’. 3., whloh roqulrro 8 rolo
Of roe1 lototr beloa&la& 60 the OountJ to br at publio ouotloa,
no? do we kllorr lt luoh 8 OOA6rOOt 00 wntm lotod br A&101@
23680, t. A, c. a., roqulrlng odvrrtlola6 for t ids 011 otmtrooto
for pub110 works.
Suoh lrrvlooo as are 60 bo lU plied to tho d@liApUM6
Bird dopondmt ohlldren of the oountq, br% 8 by tbol? Tory artruo
-tiAUOU$ 01100 Md to? whlah BO dOt.~~~atiOll O? 8O~JIlOtiOA 08A
k ?oroooon, should not bo oontraotod fo r l lof~*r porlod of $13
bn tho OX lrotlon o? the tom pi o??looo oi the poroonnol of
us Oc0mloo Ponoro~ Cour8.
The arxt above porolroph onousro your qurotlon X0.
(31, and we onswu raoh ot yoga OthU quOOtiOAO A0 ?oll~Ol
non. John H. Yhook, pagr 5
?uertlm Ho. (1): The Oamdrsloasrr~ Qourt of
Burr Oorurty har thr lrgrl
ruthorlty to ontrr into a
oontraot with l &rOUp of
prlrr8. lnfllridurl8,or with
a ohrrltrblr oor oration,
*hueby thr iaol P ltlar and
ground@ of the Boxu Ootmb~
aahool for iJoy8 oan br used
br ruoh group of prlrrtr in-
dlrldaelr or eor aratlonr to
rrorlrr and prov Pde ior all
~rllnquon8 and d.peIldmk boyr
oocmlttrd to ruoh lmtltutlon
by thr ro~nt# an6 didriot
rant. of Buu Oount~,Toxrrr
,uestlon no, (2): HO.
:cuastl II NO. (01 Ill, to thr rxOant or plying
far thr oar e of ruoh ohlldrrn.
uurstion Ho. (5)l Yea, •~ it awrly would br
taking oua at ltm own propsrv .
ln ~olng no*
Quartion HO. (6)1 Tu. Uuoh rotlrlon my ba
lnoorporrtr B in the lorrr oontrrot.
Trurting thlr ratlsfaotorll~ anmua tour quoation8,
w* la
wRobut L. Lattlaorr,