OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN GROVERSELLERS ATTORNWGXNNLRAL ., * iionomblo T. Y. Buftln&ton County Attornay Oriiniba County Anndarron,Torn8 _ Dear Sirs Opinion no. 0.6ii7 n Your letter 0r~Ap ion 0r this departiwnt on in part aa rOu0wa 7332 (Varnan~r) provlbf-a where County ar Diatriot Btornry ra:lr to aot that; uoh inSkno.8 th0 fOO8 herein tr?Nided 0rrbr8 aha-il nob be a8008nd or ool- aa4 Lag. 2ua c* 6. 193r. WIOUM the Dieriot Clerk put the ~2.00 ltto r n*y w,r r008 a8 pwt or the ooat89 500. T, P. aufrington, page 2 .': w#han dar0naant raises citation and sherirr perrom@ no sar~lo~ in the tax suit, shall the ahertii'a $2.00 roe be navslrthaless ?saesaod by the District clerk? "There is a contraot ror the oolle,ctlon0r taxas In Qrimes county, tha oollaotor of tha tax riohe the 42.00 attornoy*r rse:iassas8aa and paid to him.* Artlols 7332, Vernon's Annotated Clvll Statutes, ia in part as rollowe: "The County or Dirtriot Attornay shall repro- sent the atate and Oounty l.nall suits against delinquent tax-payers,ana all sum oollaotad shaW ba paid over liuwdfatalyto the County col- lootor. *Before riling suito for the r000v0ry or dalln- quant taxes ror any year, notioa shall be &van to the owner or owners 0r said property as ia provided for in Artiola 7324 or th8 Ravlaad civil Statutes or Toxss, 1925, as amended by Chapter 117, Pago 196, dots or the lrorty-Seoond Laglalatura, ilagular3089 sfon. The roes herein provldad for shall not aooruo to nor ahall the various OtiiOsr8 heroin nuned be entitled thereto in any suit unless it be proved that notioe has been given to tha owner ror the time and in the manner provided by Ian. *IIIall oaaas, the aofqmasatlon or said Attorney ahall be Two ($2.00) Dollars ror the rir6t traat and Ona ( "1.00) Dollar ror eaoh additional traot up 80 four 141, but 8aid tee ln no oasa to axosed Fiva ($5.00) Dollars. And providad, that In any suit brought s&atast any indfvidual or corporato owner, all past dur tax08 ror all prrvlous yaars 011auoh traot or traots shall be inoluded) and provldod, iqrthar that iiharsthere are sovaral lots in the ssms addition or subdivisiondolinquant belonging to the sana ownir, a%1 said dal.inqwnt iots shall ba made the subjeot Or a ainglo suit. *All roar provided ror tha oifioatr hamin shall be treated a8 r008 0r orrio 02148ccounted ror aa auoh, and said orrioarr shall not reoeiva nor retain said roar in axoasa or the maxiaurpooiilpeneation 532 Xoon.T. P. BiiffIAgtOA, page 3 allowed mid orrioers undsr the laws or this State; and providaa rurther that the oourityAttorney, crlm- inal Diatriat Attorney or Dirtriot Attornay shall not b elntitlaa to tha r008 herein providea.ror IA iAStsAUO8 whore suoh dOliApUOA~ tSXS8 are oollaotea under oontnots Court an& between the Coamf.asfoncrrsl oth6rs ror the oollaotlon or suoh tsxas, and In suoh lnstano*s t&a roes harain providad $or 8uoh orr50ers ohs11 not br assesaod nor oollsotaQ *The ziherirror Con&able or the county IA which the suit Is prndtng shall rsoelva a tee or Two (;~2.00) Dollars Fn aaoh ease whioh will oovar the aarvioe of all preo(188, and the riling ot the property and axeouting dead8 ror sms. II, iA ~IAYSWh suit, prooesa 1s 18auOd to be served in Counties other than tha OAe iA whloh the suit ia pendin& tha sherirr or coAstabls earring the same sheI. raoelva a rea of One ($1.00) Dollar In aaoh ault ror hIs mervioas. "The Diatrlot Clerk shall raoaivo 6 roe or Two (;2.GO) Dollars 5&ifull for his serrioea in sash aase. “The County Clark shall raoaiva Ona (,$l.OO)Dollar IA full for his sarvioas in aaoh oass, ~rovIaaa, that the re88 herein provided ror In oonneotlonwith Aellnquant tax suit8 shall oonstltute the 0~l.yrees that shall ba charged by 84ia 0rrIaere ror preparing, riling, lnetltutlng, and proseouting Suit8 011 dSuAqUSAt $8X08 aAd USOUriA6 OOllSOtiOA thereof, aod all laws in oonrliot herewith are hereby ;Pepeaiea.~ Art. 7333, v. A. C. a., pr0viaS8; WA e&ah ease Suoh r608 shall be taxed a8 ooats against the land to be sold under juA&%oAt ror tams, and paid out or the proae8dr or aala or sad artsr the taxes, penalty and.fntorast due tharaon ara ala, and in no oasa shall the Btota or ooupty bo llabP0 thonror,* tit, 7335, v. A. 12, se, la as rou~8: 533 fion.T. P. wrington, IWP 4 WheneVer th0 OO&U&I~~OA~W~OOUrt Or any OOUA~Y arter thirty day8 written notloe to the oountg at- torney or diatriot attorney to iii0 delinquent tax aulta and him failure to do 80, ahall deem it neaea- aary or expedient, aald oourt nay oontraot with any~ competer;tattorney to enforoe or asslat in the en- foroemnt 0r the ooleoti0n or any asUnguent state and oountg tare8 tor a per oant on the taxea, penalty and lnteraat aotually oolleotsd,as@ aald oourt la further authorized to pay ror an abWzaot of property aaaeaaad or uknown sfidunrendered from the taxes, interest and penalty to be oollectsd on auoh land, but all auoh payment and rxpenaea shall be oontln- gent upon the oolleotlon of auoh taxem, penalty aad intereat. It ahall be the duty of the oountf attor- ney, or of the ~latrlot attorney, where there la no oounty attorney, to aotively aaalst anp person with nhom auoh oontraot lo ditaa0, by riltng an9 puahbg to a speedy oonalualon all rulte ror colleotlon 0r delinquent taxes, under any contreot made as herein above apeolflsd; provided that where any district or oounty attorcey nhall Pail or refuee to file end proeecute such aulta in good faith, he shall not be entitled to my reea thereiron, but auoh reea shall Ae?srtheleea be colleoted as e part or the oosts or ault and applied on the payment of the oompenaatlon allowed the attorney proseoutlng the nult, and the attorney with whom much oontraot haa bsea made la hereby fully eapouered and authorlaed to prooeed in suoh suit8 without the jOlAder and aaslstanoe or said oounty or dlatrlot attorneya." Art. 7335a, IT.A. C, s., provldos~ "9.0. 1. Nb oontraot shall be made or entered into by the Oo&aaionerac Court in oonneotlon with the ool~eotlon or dC4uACpAt taxem where the oompen- aatlon under auoh oontraot la more than rirtem psr cent or tha aaount oolleoted. Said OOAtmOt must be approved by both the Comptroller and the Attorney Qeneral or the State or Texas, both am to aubatanoe and rofm. Provided, however, the County or Dlatrlot Attorney shall.not receive any oompenaetlonfor any aervloea he may render in ooarreotionwith the per- rOrRUNAOeor the oontraot or the taxea oolleoted thereunder. Veo. 2. Any oontreot made in vloletloA or thia Aot ahall be void.* JOR. T. P, mrfimion, page 5 Art. 7332, V. A. C. 3, was laet ammded in 1931 by the 12nd Leg., 2nd C. S., p 21, Chap. 16. Art. 7335, ‘V.A. G. 9, war latltamended in 1923, Aots or tha 3rd CI Se, p 182. Art. 7332, am amended, la a later statute than Art, 7335. ,: xt ril1 be noted that Art. 7335, rstkng to the reea or diatrlst arid oounty attorneys, expresrly proridaa that suoh fees ahall neverthelese be collooted aa a part of the aosta ot suit and applied on thr payment or the ooqanaatlon allawad the attorney proseouting the lulC. Art. 7332, referring to auoh reee, exprrealy provider that the loregoing ofilolala nahall not be entitled to the..reeaher&n provided for lu lnatanoea where auoh delinquent taxes are oolleoted under oontrrota be- tween the Conmlsalonera~ Court and other8 for the oolleetion or ouoh taxe8, and in euoh instanoea the fees herein provided for suoh orrloera ahall not be assessed nor ool1ected.e Arts. 7332 end 7335 are statutes Fn per1 materia regarcl- ing the aoaesemrnt ard collsotiunof the above iUentiOAe6fees for dlatrlot attorneys or oounty nttornega in della~uant tax suits. It la stated In Tsx. Jur,, Vol. 35, p. 2531 "It la a settled rule of statutory interpretation that atatutaa whloh deal with the ame goner81 eub- jeot, have the same geno;lalyurpODI, or relate to the aum peraon or thing or alaaa of persona or thlnga, are oonridered 68 ‘in pari imteria* (in relation to the same matter), although they oontaln AO refermoe to orio another, and although they were peased at dll- feront tfrwr or at .dlrrerentaeaalona or the Legla- latunr “In order to arrive at a proper oonetruotlonor a mtetute, and deternine the exaot legislstiro into&t, all aoti rindEarto oi aota in oar1 naterla will, therefore. be taken. read uid oonatrued to~&etmr, each enaotment-inrefereiioeto the &her, em though they were parts or law., Any oonrllot between their pro- rlrlona will be haraOnl%ad, it poraible, and efteot will be given to all tae provlaioaa Of e%Qh Oat ii they pan be made to atsnd togc, the aid have oonour- rent errioaoy. i 535 son. T. P. Burrington, page 6 “The purposr of the in pari leateria rule of aonatruotion la to carry out the full lrgirletiv8 intent, by giving effect to all laws and ~XXW~S- ions bearing upon the sfuue aubjeot. It proaeeda upon the auppoaltion that 84+erel atatutsa r4lating to one aubjeat are governed by 0114rpirit a&d polioy, and are intmied to ba oonriatent and harmon1oua In their aaoeral psrta and proviaiona. Tii8rule applier where on4 otatute deal8 with a subjoot in aomprshen- eivs tieI' and rhothor dOala with a POrtiOn Or the Sal24 8Ubf4Ot in 8 more a4tinite way. On the other hand, the rul4 ia not 8pplicabh to 4naotarent8that oover diifarent aituationa and nhioh wer4 apparently hot lnt4nded to be oonaidereb togeth4r." A8 .heretofore rtatsd, Arta. 7332 and 7335, regarding the fee8 of county attorneya, ori0inal dietriot attorneyr, or aia- triot attorneys in delinquent tax 8uit8, are in pari 04teria ana it irrimpossible to reconcile them, aa om statute expressly pro- vides that such teea ahall not be aeseessd nor colleoted, and the other expressly provide8 that auoh fees shall naverthelesa be oolleoted 88 part 0r ths cost8 or the suit and 4pplisd on th4 payment of the aompenaation allowed the attorney.proseouting the suit. The older statute will be held to be repealed by lmplioation to the extent ol' the oonfllot. Under suoh olrou@ etanoea, it 18 groaum4d that the Lsgialature intended to r4psal all law8 or part8 0r laws clearly lhoon8iat4nt with its later Aot. Canerally apeaking, an Aot that is later in point of tima control8 repeals or euperaeder sn earlier Aot in8Otar aa the two are 1noonaiatent and irrsoonoilable, and both oannot stand at the sainetim. You ar4 reapeotfully aavia4d it 18 the opinion or thir departient that Art. 7332, a8 amended, a later rtatute than Art. 7335, repealr or ruper8eae8 raid Art. 7335 inrorat 88 8.54iaetatuter oonrliot ,withrerer4hoe to tha asaaseing ana oolleoting 0r tee8 ror oounty attorneya, orbuinal di8triot 4ttOrLL4y8, or dirtriot attor- neys in inatancea where delinquent tbmea are oolleoted undrr contraot between the Comi8aIonerat Court and others. You are further adviaed that the fee8 provided tor oouhty attornsyr, orbsine dietriat attorn4ya, or dirtriot attorney8 in delinquent tax suits should not b4 8844484d nor 00114otea in oaatlswhere delinquent taxer are colleoted under oontraot between the Coui- n&aalonera' Court and othera for the colleotion of suoh taxes. 536 Lion.T. P. Burrington, page 7 Xe now ooncliaeryour 84OOnd que8tion regarding the shsriff~a feea in delinquent tax mita. It will be noted that Art. 7332 expressly provide8 that the 8herifr or the oOn8t8bh or the county in whioh suit 18 pending 8hall re- oelve a fee of .iZ,OOin eaoh aaae whioh will aover the aer- vi00 or all prooe88, and the 8elling or the property and axeouting deed8 ror came, You atated invour letter that the derendaht naivea oitetlon and that the sherirr per- formed AO aorvics in the tax wit. This being true, it la our OpiAiOA that the +2*00 tee for th8 rherirr or OOA8t8ble ahotid not be a8a4a8oQ in thi8 ,oa80,a8 there wa8 no 8er- vfoe p8rrormed by either of thea. It 18 well eatabli8hed in thit State that bcrore 8n orricer 18 entitlad to receive fees or ooamiasions, reosigt thereof anusthave been pro- vided for and the amount fixed by law; and he must have per- fomed the servioes for iuhioh coz%~nsationhas beea speoi- flea. (See Tex. hr., Vol. 34, y. 522, and the authorities cited theroifi.) .w:w
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion