Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN iionorable RoYO~ R. &tkins, Presideat 4at.0 BOaT.3Of Eduoatlon ,utstfn, Texas cation, at A reocnt : resolution setting . the .plaiR of the tuition of pupili%. nttetding the Athens hue been furnished with data snd ~hersimfter qusstiou propoudea never been.snswerad by you Dep3rtnent took the posi- t!m province of the State Botlre of Zlucation only to ask tho question propoun&- ed; therefore nt the lust meeting above referred to, ths Stotc Board of Eduontion autho?Azed ne, as Prea- ~’ i&Et Of thC str\tfJ Board Of 'cdUOE&iOn,t0 prOpCWRd .. . the question heretofore submitCed to-wit:, “‘Since the contrncdiog &.atri& bed * ConQlled with all requircmnts for rc- wiving nid in this case, cauld the’ fail- US0 Oi' ~hcS0 b.V GfflChl3 to pcSfO?iu 8 d.nisz~crlaL duty, wsausc of .m alloW 475 erroneoue the law, de- iutbrprettition of prim the oontraating or the aietri0ta legal right which they had IMd8r the pro- visions of the rural aid lew, wimn the failure to perform their duty was without ftiult,knowledge or consent of eith-r of the contrsoting parties?* “Let me suggest that yoa oarefully review the attached correrpondeutie in ordbr that you osu have before you all of the fabts and aircumstanae8 surrounding this aituat1on.e We underrtmnd the raots to be that the Kalnut Creak Comma School District No, 1C of Benderson County oontraotsd with the Athena Independent Lohool Distr,fot,in whioh contraot It was speed that all white and colored aoholartioe were tranrferred to the Aobsns Independent liohool Distriat, exoept those transferred to another district prior to August 1, 194E. The oontraoted (sending) dlstriot agreed to pay monthly to ths reoelving aohool: (a) All State and oounty available funds ns received; (b) All local saintennnoe funds as oollsoted. The receiving aahool agreed to furnlah aooredlted sohool faailitiee for a term of nine (9) month8 to all White and colored aoholaetloe of the sending district, end to oooperate wfth the County Board in furnlrhing transportation faoifities to all it;,‘,‘; llv1ng more than two and one-halt miles rrom the reo8lving It we8 furtter agreed tbat the receiving school shall colleo; additional tuition provided in the Rural Alb Law. The contract ma duly exeacltstl end filed la the QiilCe of the County Sur&rintendent of libndoraon County on SUly 6, 1948, but was not approved by the County Superintendent and was not for- warded to kuetin for approval of the State Superintendent o? Publio Instruct ion. neither sohool blatriot was notified that thb oontraot was not approved and the Superintendent OS the Athens sohoolr was of the opioion that it had been approved until elementary tuition aid k was refuerfi the following summer. 1.. .i f. , :.. . .., It is admitted that the pupils of the Vialnut Creek Jlstxfct wsre taught, la the Athew Independent School Dir;trlct rccoxding to the term of the contra&, and the only question: ),, wheth:.r the failure of the ,County Superintendent aud the State ,,,exlnteudent to approve the contract operi+cs to “deprive the contracting districts of their legal ri&htsnhich they had under 1~ provisions of the Rural Aid Law.- TV The budeet of Walnut Creek Distriat and all other re- &rem?tltS prerequisite for receioine State Aid were duly filed vlth the State Superintendent prior .t.o Cotober 1, 1942. \ .' The County Superintendent &a as a reason for not ;pprovin& the contract that.'sho had a conversation over the tele- phmo with an assistant in the State Superintendent’s office, in uhlch conversstioa she was told that ‘It viould bo best to secure individual transfers and not send in the oontract, and that this rauld in no way lessen the amount of money that the Athens dj.s- trlct would receive. This~ ihforsation was given to the County~ Superintendent a few days prior to our Opinion No. O-5413, in Whichopinion we held that Individual transfers do not come within the provisions of. Section 2 of Article .8 of the Rural Aid J&v, be- cause they are not contracted under ,the provisions thereof. 1 8ala Seot&on 2, ‘Article 2’o?T said law in effeot At tho the the contract was executed- reads as f’ollowsf *ior the s&o01 years thereaft~er, up’on the agreement of the Roard of !l!ructees of the dlsttiicts concerned or on petition signed,bg a majority of the qualified voters of then district and subject to the approval.of the oounty superintendent, and the State Superintendent,. a district which. may be unable to maintain ~a sutisfactory school may transfer its entire .soholastic enrollment for one year to an aocredited sohool of higher rank. 'If' the rticeiving school re- celves State Aid, the scholastic ccusus rolls both white and oolorcd shall be combined, the per capita appoPtionmnt shall be paid direct to the receiving school, all local taxes of the sending contracting~ district, except those going tothe interest and sink- ine fund shall be credited to 4he receiving school by the Tux Collector as oollectctd, and the, teacher-pupil quota shall beg based on tho coubined census total. ~Xf the rocoiving school is eat a State Aid school, the scholastio cenms rolls .both white aad colored shall bo oombined, the per capita apportiomeut st:all bo paid direct to the recolv$.ng school, all local taxes of the i seu$ng contracting district except those going to the liop..Rayall H?. bo,t+ns, pa&e 4 :. 4... . lat&est,siid sinkiu~ f&z? eh%ll be Omdittd to the r6celvir.g school by the Tax Colleotor as mllectca, ; .. . and the, sending oontrocting district will be eligible for 58 I-,uoh.Selary AId as 1s necessary to supplsaont : .. . the Ctste Available end Loo51 ::uin$ag$xo9 Funds, cn .a.i the.-schol5sticsfrm the ecud1r.g %istPict nttendiug 8 school in tho rC;cePvIszgdistrict, to oovez the ep- )“ pl?OyGdoost 0r instmctioa per scholsotlo in the re- oeiviag eahool, provided .t!mt such app3+0veacost shall not eroeed Seven Dollarn ena FiSty Cent6 ($7.50) por moath for h&h sohool. student5 or Five. Dollsirs ($s.CO) .' .p6r fionth for elcmntory studcnto." It Ml1 bs ObSerQod thet ?ectlcn 2 OS Artio1.o 8 of tic; -. Rural'Aid Lsc: in effedt 'et the tiae this contract wss executed pravLde5 Tibet ssne atsl.l. be QlsubJcot to" the opprovol of the County 3geriutenacnt 5nd the Stetc ?uparintenCent. .: TheraSore; the question .preBented for our deter&no-. c tLon Is this: Does the transfer or egreenent in question ke- .: i quire the apvrolsl of.the Countr ~~u3erintenden~ am3 the *t&e FUD9rintchdint before either of the- contrmting distriotx .Zilj$Eie S0.r sslery eid urkier Dectioc 2 of Art. 8 aforeseia? :. In our'opilihion, suoh,,approval ,is req.&o+ . '. -Iti the 6ase'of'HcCorkcl v. Distiict Trustees, ttc., (civ. &.I 121 s. 3. (2) 1048, 1052, 5 sinIlar provieion con- tolned ia e previous &ma3 Aid and ?.quolizoCion Fund~;Ipproprlo- tion, WRSconsiaerea by..tha Ccurt., The following guototiono . A-053 soid opinion ore enl&htcoing;: '?A160) in either c%se (elthor by agroa&ot of tho ‘tl’UStG~0OS the district9 CoNWIIea or on siguea petition by n mjo?ity of the quellfied voters), we think the transScr is to be mae 'subjcot'ti, J& apmovcll -e OS tho County ~uwrinteaannt -- end YtEto 3wmr- int.endc9t.r . . The oi&?Lm ue do oxprsno I.0 that th6 wZ5ttcr OS scct.ion .17 (of Chop. ,474,Cen'l. ona ??peo. I,cws of 197, p. 1259).is.not the authorizetion of controdts, but of transfers to be made, not by the Courtty Tluperintmasrlt 53 in cssc OS other' transfers .~ .(Vernon’s JimI.Civil ?tetutoa, Art. 26961, but by the trunteco cf the 2istrict (which.my .zlo umble. to n;aIu- .ta,in 0 aetisfectory school), b&r t&c~Pcwin&q~ -and conditl~nns Dr0scd.bw-i." mseis Ouru,P ,,' . _. . . eon. Royal1 R.‘Watklns, page 5 . : I ~‘, i (, ,;.-j ;_ ., .. - Certatnly, the Legislature had renson tor recuir- - lng the apjirooal of both County and State ~Up@r~nt6nCkIit6of all transfers to be effected under. the pro+fons of ?ection 2 of Apt. 8, supro. It must not be overlooked thvt transfers o$ cntire scholestic ecrollmsnts, allowed under this section, are only authorlzcd rbon pistrlcts m unhbio to nointsin sohoo~s, am? then only i’or 0110 yeFin e%ch the trustece of t&e proposed sending district &&&etermino that It Is nnatle to, maintain a sat1sfaotory ‘Iha County ana State tiuperLntsndcnts,or elthor of then, &ter investl@tion and Bue consideration, might ages or disagree s3.t.h Said conclusion. If they agreed, th8ir aP- provsl-would be-given to the trsnstar. Otherwise it would be iithhelb. It is olesr, thareforc, that nuoh approve1 is not aio?ply a ministeriel requiresent. It is to be based upon dlsoret$on end juogment . It le a quosl-judicial fuwtion. t’hen an ezecutive offioor, in the ‘exeroise of NE functions, is roqtired to Pass upon roots anO to betsrm1ne his action by the rocts round, suoh is sometimes called a gU6bjUaichd ~tlmotlon. Ry. Co. v. Shamon, 100 Tox. 379, 100 Z. Gi;. 138; 10 I,. R. A. (X.5.) 681. A130 300 Beldscchi v. Coo&et (Civ. ;\PP.). 145 s. w. 325, 328, (Error Refused) .’ The file submitted contrjlns a lcttor from the County ‘. S!upe&sndnat to tir. PI. B. gin&, AuOltor, 3teto Board’of Xduce ti0n; bt6a AUK. 30,. 1343. Tbe follovi@g paragrsgh is quoted thersircw Tl!h’h’ero ~103 no lntontlon oft in UP to Atbtins in any wep ana we wera assurea by ----J-4 the .X&e Department that no injury would be dmo in chani&un&from fi dls- triet contr%cS to inaividusl tr*nsPers.e . This letter clearly intiicateo that the procedure Pro- tided‘ for ‘in ?!oc. 2 of Art. 8. aforoonid wno abandoned m d that individual transfers ‘YIere effected. Also, the coPy of the nOontraot’to Tronsfur Districts %ccdrding to Article 8 of the Equelizotion’Iew For 1942-1$43”, contained in the fi.le subxitte4, shOpiSno EP$WOVO~ t!lcr~~fby either tho County Zuperj.ntendc;nt ox the !Xetc~ Superintendent. . . . ., . Ke now oall attention to t% nature of H. B. 2Sl,, Chap. 519, Aots Of the 47th LGgiShtUJ'e, R. S. Itrj ’ baadine is “Appro,7ristion - Rural Aid To Publio !Zahool.n.* It is osseatlelly a? appropriation bill. Lpeo; 2 of Art. 8, $cpri3, is a oofcponent part t&roof. It is elmentary that oonditioncr of sn.approprlatloa bill atiat be conplied with before xconcys am ba paid out thereunder. Nalthcr cm money be drawn tron tho Trcesury but in SJhif~C EDDrOpri~tiO~S~D!-C&bJ &. C~astitution of Taras. .Thhsol.roua&anoea surrounding tha quontlon sub- mitted ov3.deMly oooarrcd OS 8 result CZ nn erroncowin- terpqetstion of law. Ehhile this is unfortunate end is to bo regrettad, the law oannot be changed thereby. Our opinion in this oonmotion ia as above steted. . .” Very truly youra : . ‘. . Asa.ifitant , .: