OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN GROVER SELLERS ATTORNEYGENEnrr Honorable Bert Ford, kdmlnietrator Texas Liquor Control Board Austin, Texas D8ar Sir: Oplniaa 80. we quote an follawm wea &wohibitad Ln the *2.. 16 it neooaaat to allegs an4 prom tha arlglnaleloot ien w tm moot rqourt, aleotion in ridoh absolute pm%UbltiOrp was estabU.@ha&,en& to ohranalof&aaUjr p r slr o ut o f a4bsoWUkt th er 8a a lta l1 06- ‘ticmu$,awhioh the sale of bsar anLJ had baaa lsgallnced, and that lage4~izfng the sale of all alaohollc baveraWm hd failed la a vota uptm the Ssmae aubaltted to the people9 fioncuwbls Bert PxY%, page 2 "3* would there bs surfioient evld%mu to oyd that~the 861s of liquor1s uplawful EI a ahtnrlng that et a givein time an slso- .tlonbad bean ~suoaesnfully carried to prohibit the sale of all alcohollobev- ' oragse, and that oubeoqwntly no,elaotlori had bean bald In this wxmty hevlng the effeot ot la&elizlngthe aale of liquor?* ‘&bilews have not toun4 innyappellate CoupI deoiofon In point u on the qIlertlom3gmQlnmds4, we ba+s giran 0are;fUl. ~onaUara J on to the mme, and we hate raaohed tha foll~~#ring[ axloluaMr t HonorableRet Foxd, ps$e 3 wlth5.nthe co~urity.It ie OUP opinion that the legal .etatua ot fob pr ocntuu (4%) beer was not altered bg the 1940 sladtlon;failure to legeli all liqUOrs did not =%$%%d prohibit the sale, etc..of the beer, nhics had beon by the 1939 sleotion. APFROVXD %y 8. 3,
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion