HonorableF. M. Law President,Board of Directors A. & M. College CollegeStatdonq,Texas Dear Sir: opinionNO. 0-6037 Re: Power of Board of Directorsof A. & M. Collegeto delegateto Presidentauthority under Artisle 26l3, V. A. C. S.: to appoint officers,'teachers and employees. We ahknowledgereceiptof your opinionreluestreading,in part, as follocrs: "R. c. s., Art. 2613 states that the Board of Directorsof the Agrin culturaland MechanicalColiegeof Texas p shall,when necessary,appoint the presidentand professorsof ,theco.l::.egeaxd such other officersas,. from time to time, they may think proper to keep the co "Iecge in success- ful operationand may from time to ,timeabol?shany offl,oe that is in their judgmentsnecessary.' "As a practicalmatter, it is impossiblefor the Board of Directorsto know thet merits or demeritsof es:;:; i.ndioiduei offixrF teacherand employeeat the c01lege~ Tne 'board necessarilymust relg upor,; the administrative offi:erswith respe? to a5 officers:- te.a;;e~s and employees below a certainbracket. With these zn,oughtsin m?:nd,the Board at an early date .willconsiderpassingi&e foLowing rwles "'The presidentof the college,the vice presidentand dean of the college,the deans: the business manager9 the dfre&ors of extramural services,and the dean and princips 1 of 5he branhh coliegesshaal.1 be electedby the Board of Diretors. Al1 other ofii.:ers. teachersand employeesshall be appor.ri*&d'by the presidentof the coiiege,uponthe adviseand recommendation of the head of the departmentconcerned. Any officer,teacher0x1employeemay be dismissedat any time for ca-tise upon a majorityvote of the entireBoard of D;rectors." "If the above rule would be contraryto the law in any respect,then the Board yould l%ke to know if such objectionwould be cured by adding after the word cconcerned:this language:'subjectto confirmationof the Board of Directors.* "In short, the Board is desirousof 'k?ow;:xg ~Wh~.t.h.e? 0x3t?ofit may lega3.l~ delegateany of its poweerscon.+ain.eJ. :r;,t:,a fibwe .lf*ooted R. C. S., Art. 2613, and, if so? to what extert." It is our opinionthat the:.Board of Directorsmay not deLeg%i;e to the president of the collegeth,epower to appointOff1XX'sand pz?of~sso~s upon the advice and recommendation of the head of the ~3epmtureit Tha apsoij~tnent ::o:,!1:eme;;1. of these persons involvesthe exerciseof disr:se?ion and since t~hes'wtute imposesthe duty to make such appointmerits on the Board of Directors,the law prohibitsa delegationof the power. Home ZooLogicalArena Co. v. City of Dallas, 45 S. \I. (2) 71,4.Webster v~.'Texas& Pacific:Motor Transprt Co., 140 Tex. 131; 166 6. W. (2) 75. It is our furtheropinion,thwtCZIewords "aIJ'!- .i +c,t; to 20:I">.. ;m,?: j~onof the 011 Board of Directors"after the war.'I'. r: e:r"'% 3liWOlJ'~ ,.., i so~i+:"'t!Lesuggested rule. The creationof an advisoryBoard whose acts a'+-1 180~bin'iingmt:U approved by the governingbody is not a deLegat?.or,l of pm?w. Moom 't'. Lo~;3nn, 10 S. W. (2) 428. Trusting that the foregooing answersyouc im&yes,, 'weare. Yaws 'ver'y ,trll,lg ATTORNEY '7EIQXAZ OF TEXAS APPROVEDmy 29, 9p4h s/ACTING GEORGEC, BIACKEURX ATTQRNXYGENERALOF TEXAS APPROVEDOPINIONCOMMITTEE BY g. S. CHAIRMAN
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion