Eono~ble A. C. W3Nnwn
snb 2 Q$ Artlale 6, Vmmm’i~ Annotated
reapeotlvely provide:
“The raloving ol8rsssof permne 8hall
not be 8lloved to vote tn thie Bkfis,to-vitc
“Firclt: Perrc%nz~
Mdss twenty-one (21)
year6 of ag6,
‘Beoends Idiot88nd lun8tic.a.
BonorablsA. C. Ulnborn, Page 2
"Third: All paupers supportedby any county.
“Fourth: All pereionn convicted of any
felony, aubjeat to such eraeptlonsm the Lvg-
islature say make.
"Fifth: All aoldlers,marlne8 and aeamen,
employed in the eervlae of the Umy or &ary of
the United Statall. Provided t&t thlr restrlo-
tioa ohall not apply to otfla6re or the mt1ona1
Ward of Texas, the WtloMl Ouard Reserve, the
Offloers Rsrerve Corps of the United Statea, aor
to enllrted men of the mtlonal Ourrd, the ~tion61
Guard Rewrve, and the Orgnllced Reserves of the
UnPted Staten, nor to retliwd offloors OS the
Uultrd States Army, Bary, mad Wrlne Corps, and
retired offlosre of the United Stetes Army, mvy,
and nsrina Corps, and retired rarrant officers
and retired enlisted men of the United 73tates
Army, Eavy, muI Marine Corpr.
“sec. 2. Bvery perroa aubjeat to none of
the foregolug dlr~~liflcatlons, who shall lava
attalned the age of tventy-one years and vho
shall be a aitlten OS the United States and vho
ehrll have resided in this State one year next
precedingan eleatloa mud the la& six noathu
vlthln the diatrlot or aounty la vhlah such per-
son oife~s to vote), ah11 be deemed (Lp#llfled
elsatori provided, that electors llvlug In amy
uaor&anJ.ted county may vat6 at any election pre-
cinct la the aounty to vhloh such aounty is at-
tached for judlcFa1 purporee~ and provided fur-
there, that any voter who is Subject to pp a
poll tax under the lava of the State of Teue
shall have paid said tax before offerlag to vote
at any election in this State ad hold a receipt
show1 that maid poll tax VPI paid before the
rirrt "86.
"J of February next preaeding suah election.
. . . .
&ticles 198, Vernon’s Annotated Pearl Code, end
2975, Veraon's Annotated Clot1 St(rtutes, respeotlvslyprovide:
"Article 198.
HonolrbleA. C. Winborn,r'age3
"Any oo3leotor of taxmm, al-any OAe in
him em+oy, vho vili'ully fallm or rmfumsm to
trawwibe oorreotlyfrtnmthe orlgiaslpoll
tax reoelptor certlflomteof exmtioa and
lamsrtIn thm duplicateretainedln the ool-
leotortsofficethe name mnd other demortp-
Won of the oitltenm@red by lav to be
given by him, or who fails to tmworlba oor-
reotlyfrom the duplicatekupt in tha oolleeot-
or18 0PSlaeand iwsrt in the list of qwlL1-
fied voters of a pmclaot the name and do-
aoriptionof the citlaenam montalnmd in uid
dupllcLte,or who im8uema poll tmx reoelpt
after the Sirst dry of FebruaryJa any ymw,
bearlaga data prior to the flrmt &y of Fob-
rumy, or vho vllfUly fmllm to keep maid or&-
ins1dup liclaeour.1~ te lookedUJ,vhn Uw
mame arm not being used, or prmitm thmm to
be mutilated,defaasd,lost or demtroyod, or
who ~oam~18, alterm ordmmtro~m tha, mhll
bc&ln~en~ th~h~mkim~Q nor mom
"Art. 2975
. . . .
'At the time the Tax Colleator m&Itemup
hia limtm of voters am hmzmln provldmd, ho
mbsllrt the UIPO tzme onm mmpmrrtmlfmtwmkm
up a list of allen poll tmx-payere and mhmll
mark at thm top of maid list thm voMm *Alien
Pou. !bxpayem,' and muoh list mbmll bm da-
and to thm mamieofrloirlmam bwe&mboW pro-
vtisd ior other poll tax lists,OLodthe llmtm
of queUfled votorm In maid oouatyand in the
various pnolnats of said oowty. Buoh oertl-
fimd lists of qualifiedvotermrab lists of
allen taxpmymrmlbail.1 be In the follovlngfowl
n . . l .
And thm mamiefom lhmll be used vith roSerena.
to the list of alien tmxpmjermf’urnlshedthe
offloiolmar providedln this Article."
104 .I
FionorableA. C. Winborn, PIga 4
'litbngsrd to oltlxanmhlp, you vi11 observe
that by the wording and provision of Seetlon 2 of Artlatie
6, mupxu,a pemcm~ho is a altlsen at the time of eleo-
ed voter,88mumiag hm meets all other
tlon is 8 quallfi~
In the f7batm youpremed the alien be bemn
nmtwllmed mlnme January 31, 1944. It follovo, In &never
to your fIrmt qwmtion thmt he lm nov entitled to vote, al-
thoughhim to11 tax maelpt, paid before JtumfMY31, 1944,.
be mtaapm4 .~AUmn”.
In anxver to your second quemtlon, it is our
opinion that k list of voter8 or 8 poll tmx reeelpt nmde
gut pumuant to lav wn be obnged or altered
vsp or b y loIpI)
methdl provided by I.w. To bo&%:
would tend to lntroduoe too gremtan element ofunoert5ln-
ty sad aulgbtat tlmem &ford too great mu opportunityfor
trrud mnd inrpomltlon. YOU viu. obwrve tbxt Artiole198,
muprq tier it unlevful to slter poll tax noeiptm and
provides a penalty therefor and also for one 'vbo lSSW#S
a poll tax receipt after tba firmt dmy of Febm ln v
year, bwrlng a date prior to the tint dey of February .
l%rthmrLtIm ouroplnloatbmtthere i*no mtmt-
utory euthorimatian to ammad or correot the list of Votemw
or the nAllen*poll tax moelpt o* to issue a 231v“voting
reoelpt. We eamver your meamnd question in the negmtlve.
However, be need only oonvme the eleotlan *
that he la aov a altioen to vote. A premedmtloa of'h i a
xnturalimatloa paperm, or a oertified aop thereof, or 4u1
thffidsvitthat he 18 8t the t-0 Of OhOt I On a OitisO&bao-
lng been~~%turalired, o~anythiag that would ooavlnae the
eleotiozijwQe that him prevloum dimqtlsllfIomtlonham been
mxtoved vi.11suffioe to pewit him voting.
Trwtlng thlm metlmhotorlly anmvers your lnqu.Wy,
ve are
Yours vergtmaly