Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

. . oFFiCE OF THE A=Oi?NEY GENERAL dF TEXAS +USTlN Hmorable L. A. VJoods 3tate Superintendent ‘-?anawt.mPnLnr ‘&ucation ,s, .. . :, . ..’ /. T..’Mi. Triffible .. .oDin; &$ii the amunt or . 1 claybe received (rectoror Radio and - . “1 wmla like to knor?whether the Cmp-. ’ troller of %blio Accwnts IS justified in refus- ilq to npproue the. Sk318ry as .rixaa. here+,.: ..,.,,,_‘. . . . ,. .. .i -*. ? . ./ .’._.:A-- .. - . : .- Hon. I.. A.,Pfoods, Page 2 j ', .~'. _: ; '~ *. .;.. . '~_: _' - ,; "Since 'Lb.Prooto~ has not received his salary for the month of April and is in need of his money; we requ8st.a rush opinion on. . this matter." . It is our tUtd6rStEUIdiIIg that no spsoi110 appropria: tlon has been DDE eithsr for the position now held by z&r. ... Proctor or for tho .posltionpreviously held by him, but that ths salaries for both positlons hava been paid fron the appro- prlation for oontingent expense of the,Radio and Visual Sauca- tion Division of the Departzikntof Rduoation. In the Depart- mental AppropriationAot of the 48th Legislaturethe following appropriationsare made ior thisDIvIsion: -.c Vor the Years Eklginning End in& September August, 1, 1943 ,3L 1945. ."138. Supervisor of malo andspeolal 3dwx4tlon ~3,000.00 . $3,OOO,ZO 139. Contiment oxcenst3 for . Section 15(d) oi the General Provlslons or this AppropriationBet provides as follows: ? *AdditionalEmployees* Compensation.,When any additionalemployocs other than those for whloh speoi- iio salary agpropriationshave hsrekbeen made, are employed and are to be paid out of oontingentappro- priations,such employees shall not be paid a larger amount than that provided In the regular appropriated salaries for eimllar positions in such departsant or agsncg, and in the event there are no similar posi- tions vathin such department,then suoh additional employaa shall not be Raid a larger amount than that provided for stnilar positions in other departments or agencies. . .I* .~. 'Itw%ll be noticed tbst under this provision 2Jr. Proctor cannot be paid a salary larger thnn that paid~for .,- . :’ -” . :. .:. . , ‘. ., .’- IiOn. LA. Woods, Page 3 .%?imilarpositions?within your. department. While we havs not been informed as to the poaiticna which may be similar .to #at held by Ex. Proctor, we assume that In any event his posLtion does not'entail.greaterresponaibilttlesor duties . tha$,.does the positlon of the Supervisor of Radio and SpsoLal Eduoation, the head ot the Divldion in which I&. Proctor ls employed. Since the Supervisor19 salary 13 $3,000.00 per year or $250.00 per month, we feel that Mr. Prootorfs salary I oannot,exceed t;-lsamount. Consequently,you are respectfully advised that the Comptroller or Publio Aooounts was justified in refusing to approve e salary of $275.00 par month for Sr. Procty*s positI+.. Trusting that the foregoing fully answers your inquikyy we are3 ~__ I Your5 very,truly -.ATTORXEY'G&S?iL & !CZXAS . 'By,7 Q .A/..-&9 ‘, c R. Dz Xoorhead . .Aasistant / mbro. :. ',