OFFICE OF THE A-ITORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN .. Hen. Olauae A. roilliaas ahairman and ExsoutiTo~Pfreotor r departnyaut pon.thhe , 1944, rh&oh we quote 8iO raOt8 Md the exact iA Vermn'a- dioil ompon@etiotiAot, on nta.rsade as iollowst p pgtentlal‘rlght5to beneilts aooumulated under.-ths:snplojnrarrt opmpeneatlOnLana oi.several States Or’ andOr i3UOh 8 ~.h?itW Or the mkfIi aOVOWZUId Or both, ma~r oenatlt~te.@s~b&s Z&r;the payment OS benet~ts through a &ngU appropriabe agenay- antler term% whloh the -Commission ffitde'will be.fair~an&~rsasonableas to all artsctad interests and~dll not be llabls in any substantialloss to the Fund.* 52 Bon, Cleudk A. Wflliams, page 2 vThls seatlon oontaina two authorisationd~, the firet permitting raoiproaalooverege agreementswith respeot to tar liabilityand the seoond, dealing with benefit payments, reading aa iollows: v*The Commissionie hereby authorizedto enter into arrangenantswith the appropriate agenoise of other 3tatss or the Federal Covernmant . . . whereby potential rights to benefits eoouavil.ated under the employmentoompensa- tion law of several States or under suoh a law of the Federal Govertient,orboth, any oonstitutathe basis'ror the paymsnt or benefits through a ringle appropriateagency under terms whloh.the Cammleei~ Sinds will be fair and reasonable as to aJ.Laffaotedintarestaand will not result in any substantial~lossto the FIX&* "The ~unamploymentoompensatlonlaws of other states hqve,the sama or stroller provisionsand under euoh provisions the Intsrstate~Con$!srenoe of EmploymentSeourlty Agenolee hasprepared,a plan whereby,oleimantswho,here aooumulated waga are(U.~sin several ciffarent states may be paid benefits through a single.sgsnoy. This plan will be operativewith respeot to any particularstate only after the.agenoyof suoh state subscribes to suoh plan. U&es this arrangement when e~olaimis filed in one stats; thatstate is to seoure trausaripte~ of the slaimant.~swage oredlta from other states in whioh he may have aooumulateii oredits. The state having the largeat. proportionof his wagaorsdlts will be known es the 'paying ateta.' On the basis of the olelmant(stotal wage oredits, the *payingatats' will make a determination ok %be olalm in eooordanoswith its awn laws and will pay the oleimant aooordingly. The.other states where the olalmant had wage oredits will reimburse the 'paying state* for pert or the benefits paid ta the olelmant on a propr&t+ basle. That Is, it will transmit that portion OS ths total benerits paid to olaimant ourrespoading.tothe ratio of olaI.mant*s wage oreOLts in that state to his total wage oredits. Wonegs reqtzlaltioned from the aooount of the~stete of Texas In tha,.UnamploymentTrust Fun& In tha United States Treesury,aredepoeited vith the Treesurar of th6 State of Texae to be us&by this Caaunfselon for the -paymentor unem- ploymsnt benefits.,::r‘e requaet your edvloe es to whether or not th.f.s Gommlasionmay enter gnto suoh reofprooel agreements as ara outlined above and, if we do enter into suah agreements, ... 53 Hohr Claude A. Wllllena, pegs 3 we may transnlt, by aeena or a warrant drawn by the Uomptraller on the State Treaaorer, to other atatea auoh amottntaau laay be due them by meson of their having paid bsnafita to olelmnta, beasd in part on auoh wage oradlta ea auah olaimtmtsnay have with i&La OcmmIaaion.~ Our raaaeroh dlsoloaea that thea haa baan little, ii any,judIoial detamin5tlon or oonetruoti~ of Seation 17a, (Artlola5221~15a, 7. A. 0. 8.) of our Texea Unemploymant Cam~atlon Aot, or aimiler aota of other states, all er~whloh era aubatantlallythe eew aa our own. Of oour5et judIoiel aonatruotionand oonilrnetIonwould be helpful, but wa do hot daea it aaaantlal to support the oonoluaionawa have hare reaohedr Sootion 196 Subaaatloua 1 , (2) and (3) (Artlaio 5221~17g, subaeotion8 3 ) v. d. 0. 8.)‘0r Our t1,, (21, and 11 uttStE.pl5ymOrlt ~tXitpCUl8&tiOtt Ad dm.ttO8 “Om~~oytwnt”, and it is Obaemed that Subaeotlona (a) and (3) with servIoe8 parformed under oartain oo@itIona both wIthIn and. wltfmut the Stat06 They read aa rollaa, quoting:~~OIQthe orrioial oopy of the Taxa UnamploymaatOompenaationAott v(2) The term tamploymant*shall iholude en indI- viduol’a entire 8er~lo0, perrormedwithin or both within attadtht this ‘atate, tit *.(A) The sarvIoe Is looallaed in this etatat or: v(B) The aervfoe is not looallaad In eny stats but aone or ths senloe Is puforaed in this state and (I) the baaa of oparatlona,or if there la 110 base of operations than the plaos from whi oh au& 8WvIaa la direoted or oon- trolled, fa in thla state; or (Ii) the baas of operations or plaoa from whioh suoh seniee la direoted oreaontrolled Is not in any state In whloh awe part of the aenioe is petiormad but the lndlvldueltaresIdenos la It~thia stats. “(3) (A) Servioe not ooverad under Paragraph (2) of thla sub-5eotion end parfarn89dantirely without this stats, ulth reapeot to no pert or whioh oontrlbutionsare required end paid under en,unamploymentoomponaatlonlew or eny other state shall be deemad to be amployment subjeot to this Aoi if the Individualperforming auoh aenIoe8 la a resident of’this atate end tha Commission approvea the eleotion of the amploylng unit for whom auoh aervloes are parrormaa that the entire aervioe of suoh indlviduel shall be deemed to be employmentsub&at to this Aot. mm. Claude A. Wuliaas, Page 4 “(B) Sarviaae oovatiadby raalpraaalagreemanta authartiadbp thle dot batwaen,the CbmaUsion and the aeana~ aharged with the adminlWu8ion o f any other a&da of Iaderal tU+aplaymantoompansationlaw, pursuant to whloh all sartiaes perfarmed by an individualtar an amplaying unit ara deamad to ba perform&dantirely within this (Ibute,shall be daamed to ba anploymqnt, if th. Cammilralonhaa approved an aleotion of the amplow unit for whom suoh earrioasware uhioh the ~nntitimrvloe of suoh ~~~lp~~‘t~ pariod oovarad by suoh bleation is deemed to be smploymant subjaat to thla Aot.” It im to be noted that Subsaotfon (3)‘ipi Qi+idad into psrsgraphsA and B, reclpsotfoely. ParagrQh A is obviously daaignad to oo?er eerrtcraspurformadantiralywithout tha State by a’reddant oi this State, but with respectt to whioh oontribu- tiona ere not.raquirad 0.tkapaid under an amploymantoonpan8atian aot or anj othar &ate, In other worda it is designed to provide that a rbs%didefit or this State is not ta ba.daprivadof the benefits OS the law, although ~a.1of the serviooa perrormad by him may ba in another state* Paragraph B of Sub$aotlon (.3) apaoifi~ally owers aerrioas pariormad under reoiprooalagreamanteauthoriaad by Saotion L7a, auprn, or our State UnampleymantGampansationAet, and under this may rall oarvioaa performed in two or mere states, and in euoh ouaes a8 the amployaa dose not qua$lfy under any of the praoading oonditions,that is, the errvioa”ia not looalixad in this Stats there la no base or operation or plaoa from whioh said eenfaa 1s oontraotadin this Statej tha base oiloperation or plaoe from whiiahsuch servioes am direotad la not in any abate, but the amp&oyaa is a resiaant of thle State; that tha I)eMiOe is~peri'omdd ~tiral~ Without thi8 .State bUtZwith ra- spaob to whloh oantributionaare not required uu& paid under the laua of any other state, buttha employee 16 a rasidant of this State. To exprase it another way, the raaiprooalprovision pro- ridad In Saatian l7a and paragraph B of 178, Subeaotion3, supra, affords a math&d OS aooording banafite to employeeanat OthaXWiSa prwided for in the other defined tlefinitionsl of aamploymenta oontained in the Aot. In the last analyaie, the purpose of thane inter&ate raolprooal provisiona,oommoa to moat all the atatas* unemployment oompensationaota, IO to prwitla a feasible and workable method by whioh one state my pay benefits aooruing in one or Bulre other 55 lion.Olauda A. WULlanua, page 9 I &ate6 through a efmtrallg oonstituted agsnop I i both as to ooteiage'&aamant8 with respaot taY i?%%%ty and in the papant of bmeitt liabilitJr, thus iaoilltatiug and ~~iE~llfyl6g the aUmh56tmtlon af the law where interstate ralatiaf#hipbeaamas sn imports& fuator. I We have tien at S&IW pains to 6mdysa what we oon- oeiva to be t.hapartinant provisionsof ouy UnamployaantCoa- ensstlon Aat defining a~loynauzt~, not with the thought that % ey are not as r6ll undarrtood by you as by 06, but 66 a pr6d.b oate for our oonolu8ionsupondab we oonoaiva to be the two Pain qua6tlono firru6 to deeida,, Even ii we should be mistaken in some detail ih our 6milpl6 bf our st6tutea defining wasu&oy- aant", es they are samewhsb lntriaste,~itw4J.lnot neoessarkly ! datrsot frastha two asin quastisnswe~must!daaide and the oan- elusions we have raaohad. These qwstioxu are: Flrat '- Bass tha’raeipraoalplan proposed run oountar in sny psrtloulsr to.Saatfon303a of the Sooial Saourity Aot and Seotion 16O’)a of the IdhrnaX R~vmua 60607 Seoand“- 18 thera 6 osnfliot, or passlbilityor oonfliot,rith,.fxir law prariding isr the ohargingof unaaplop ment benefits against amployers~aooounts for experlanoe rating pprpOSOS? 1 We shsll iirst oonslder whether or not Saotioa 301s \ of tha.SooialSaourlty Aot and Sastion 1603a of the Internal Revenue Oods oontsin provisionsuhioh night present lagsl bsrriars to entering into suoh oooparatlresnd interstateplan. Thasa tuo protl6le~ set but the requirement6 to be inoorpixstad in state lsws in onier that the state may raoaive htieral funds for unemploymantoampansstionadministration,and in order that the employers of the state msy qtmlify for the ninety per oant iadarsl oredit. An examinationof the Sooisl SsOtLrityAot snd of the Internal Ravanua Oode will not in our view di601066 eny prohlbitarylimitation6that would disqualifyour State by the adoption of a multi-statearrsngsmantundar the authority speoifl- oslly oanfarreaupoqthe Oasunission by Seation 17a, auprs, oi our Unamployraant OsmpsnsationAot. Tha second question is more diffioult to salve fsr there is aoma laok of uniformity under the various State sots as to the order in whish the employers'aooounta sra ohargad for axpsrianoarating purpoa~as.We believe, however, that thie Olasde A. ~Wi$liams, psga 6 may be obdatad and 6afaguarded by the &~mi6si6n in aedcing raoi ootd agraeimnts+ith aa6tJur state or 6tate6 by that portr on 13sSbotlon 17a, sup~m; cd iOilOW6Z ". . . under taras whioh the hI5ai66ion finds will be fair &sd r6aeosmbla q to all affeotad 1ntara6ts and will not result in any rub686ntialloss $6 the Fund.* That part of the apprapsiatlcmbill oovarlng the payaant of b6nefits enaoted by the 48th Le&alatwe reads as fOl3.*lorS1 "It;i6 6pOOifiOSuF grwided th6t 6ll money8 now on deposl~ to the oradlti of the Uneaployll)snt hapan6ati~n Bpltd, and 'aai stoneye r66eir6d ior the,areilit o? suoh fun!, sr& hereby appropflatedfsr tl&a Qsymsnt of bansiits and refunds as autthoriaed by the prwf6ion6 of the 'Dnaaploywnt Uaapensatian Law.* Z'romthe foregolo&it tollaws thstwa hale resohad the oonolwion that the Texas ~nes@~oymentfhupeneationOode- sioa is authoriced to enter into reotproaslagraanant6with othar states, suoh 66 outlinad'lnyollrletter, and that the. Comptrsllarof Publio A666u686 would be autharieadto issue warrants, .uponproper oertirioate from the U~mi1i6sion,ta reim- burse'suah oooparatingstates, for:thci pro rata sbsra paid by thea in our beheli, aoting as the alasring agoner, ma you are aooordis& 66 ad*lsed. _ ;”P7-Lollar Aeeistant
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion