. OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Ran. Roy A. Darton County Attomet calhaun county Rort Lavaoa, Texar, gear bir: *A frrw weske ati IOSllad OcltiQ~ Of OUT @OO,CW.CC dollars ln 2m~d8 th8 Le~irlatum SesLsed 3. B. Ha. lG&, Sh. 1%. &3. i?o8 ae8SiOZl lUw13, 0?~8Rdbl#J Sea. 3 of 3. D. No. 7, Ch. 458, Lfmitiq the araount 0r r8mlnelon to the city 0s Fort L5vaaa to the umunt of bonds crlraady voted snd sold and provided that 8y 8moM aolleoted by the oounty tax 8seesaor over and above a 2iuu sufficient to pay t&6 grinolpal, intomat and other ltigul g&arc.es, glue (a cUshion) of 20 WTOent of the annual repulrezents, until auah a tlms aS .a ro8eM .., #.F’ Eon. ?oy A. 33rton, p. 2 or 2 yeera reqalrerasnts have besen saoumulatad in the slhklaae fund eta. "T!l8 r.ueStiOn the 00ntrrJntS the Calhoun County Tax tioS3.8otoroono8ros the 23eohimloe ot trtmsrerlng the fUQd8 IWaeiVsd botV88Il the Oity and the OoWlty. Tkua far all fuuds have tman tran&emd to the oity and none retained i0.r *Vte oountyl Another faoter enter8 the plctrrre, the olty?zas not expanded it8 funds raaelrad from th8 sale of the bonda but beoauw Of a8r neo8S8ity SU% t!B laak b? 8V8tiablQ .?LLZI 8Ud 3?&8riO~S 313 invested its fW~ds,in 3~' Totio ond x-8 XWoaiVinc 3bOUt 2% p8rOhnt kteS88& xhloh Of aours ;%rti.sly offssts the kterest ox the bonds. *~Il08tiQllr?n8. Should thi8 i2tCW98t ba oradlted aeaaiaai the oitj fa ariving at the OU8hiOu require- -Ant?. "Se ?L 175, also emnds S8atiOn 3 to proVia an obligsttin upx the City %mK!rer ot;the City of Port Lmaoa, to ~mko under oatk ot the and oi each ?no!~tb8n iteralzed Stet8!c8nt to the CouIaty %3x ColleOtOr, ciisolosine;the 8tatUS Ot the -mall bond aCUGURt, in Ol'Ct8rt0 %l'Sble tb8 TaX COll8Otol' t0 allooate pay!fent between the oity and th8 oounty. That iteti8d statement is te Lb maado6x1 fOrz8 to be approved by the Comptrolh- OS r'lrbllaAOaoMtS or ths Cttota. Sowaver no suah forM3 haV8 8sSa 1.8. ql08t0d 8Jrthe Oity, i10 such i- b3VS 8tlOD rU2c ni8bed By COagWOll~*s d8.pCUti8nt 8nb tha oity 'i?ea8- Mr hS f8iled t0 .ffl8 any 3uoh Sipjnthly8tEtamXit alth the couuty Tax CallQat:m. m"uosti4n Two. Is it the duty of the cOlaptl'Oll8r to fUrni8h such Sms, or 18 it the duty oi' the Oity l?ee8tW\r to prOpGr8 or SUfk OUt SO018typ8 of fOl% With t&Ol%QQtl-Ol~8~. -3l88tfOll '??lWO. 18 it the dLty Of the City traastirer to isle suoh mcthlp fOra With the ZOUllt~ Tux ColMetor. sw. Roy .:. Zarton, 3. 3 "':uostlon Five. I.f tba olty ~IFM~U~~S fa& to r5 the 0worn monthly r0m end t&s auntg Tar CdltWtor contianos to pd.7 OVOr 311 such OOlh6tiOU6 to the oity Irltkactt resard to the llmltatlons of S. 0. 175, all1 both Offioi6;la bs mbjaot to orfminrrl SOtiOn Under Ah 89 Qi the PeMl Cob& w*estian Clx. .?hOuld the CoanEp Tar colleator eontaot the State &m;;trallor nnl request a rs~lolan ot forma in wder that tha ~oviolon of the68 two eut8 be properly aarri* into *ifsot. "%w you See the nmddlad ooaditlon of the re- oord sad eny gocd c~I?ias thst you can rive ua will help inolud8p sending a oop,- or yau o~lninn +a the City ?ZSYOT end 'I'1'888tlr~ Of 170X-tLW006, TOLa8.". Sso. 1 of 3. Z), 175 reads as.SoUoxi: "39c. 1. T!xt 280. 2, Ch. 4s. z;ots df the F.. S. Of th0 47th Lag., b8; sad the same is hereby axiendml so 0s to hemelter read 8s follat7sz n*Seo. 3. ?rovidad, hciiwter, ttiet rogsrd- h8S Oi the t’Ort?ROm prOYiSiC!+lS th0 6LPuDt dO66tad t0 *AS city O? port 2N608, 'Jil~bOUUCOUSltp, 'fBX88, aim11 kcreaftcr be ltialtsd to 8~ ariountnot in et - oW38 Of 0 SOI0 SIl?iiCiaRt $0 &.Siytke j&IiOi~Sl~, in- l terest and other 3epl dmrgw, pln5 twenty (2C$I jr per cent of the amcsl requlrammts, mtll stmh tlm 88 a reserve of two ItI yews* requlre2aent.sh8ate t&m soomnulsted In the Sink- fun&, on all bonds hdiretofors votsd, sold, isr;oed and delfvered by the city o,f Port Lmmoa, Tmri8, and paia iOr by the pur- &assrs tkareof, 301 naw outstadlng, under the au- %hority of this Aot. Any ,excsss over thst amunt is hersb) donsted t0 Z81hOm COwty, ?eXW, for thS proteotlon !:!r that psrt or tno oonnty our,Sl& of the City Ofi'Ort 3.6V809, Texss, S@tllSt 06tiiZftootur OY-- iloWS, by the OOWtIWotiOn Of SeEW+l:S, bl-e8kwEtel-S md levees. At bhcl End of saoh moth the As~.esof and colleotor of T8XeS of Calhoun County, Texw, Hon. Roy A. Tsrton, p. 4 shall make an itzmized report under oath to the Comp- troller of Public &oounteof the Sitfitsof Texsa, on forma to be furnished by the Coznptrollar, st0wing the amount of all ad valoram tare8 collected by him for stats eensral purpose4 uponroviEad in d s;-ecisl aacouat is the County DBpoeitmy, to ke hm~n 39 ttl8 :'lOGd COll',-01 :COGtKlt, Xl% 13. Order t0 OCCiXll- pllah all la@ purpoxes for the use OS such fuxl, shell, under%a control of %hs Oounty ComaLanloaers -2ourt or said C:ouat~,have 011 of the jmms an% dutfsn as !x*-ainafter ~rovi%ou for the city of art Lavaoa. @* so Sk511 atmapt to ea&iis*ryanr :aestioas in tb3lr arreorioal or%er. 1. Ths onouat cf fn=erert eollactcd by the oft? dot&d be credited +a 5,10aoaatruotioa fuad, s2xie t3a mney invested in m~orrsrmn t bosh3 oonstitutos the aYnstsuctlon tund ,and not tM &tereLit sad siak& fW%, +3Ee h-YSOA I. E~tbe,r, 220 5. 3. 2. 272 follmi?i~~ ~UCPt8t~0Z.S:"lZttOlC)St,moording to all t&3 eutkorit1sa, Lo en eoatetion to the prinoig51 fund So8TAlAg it ilnd lJAl0S~ linRUl!.p SepBlerstOdtM..c?bD& beooaes A p3rt tiialwor. " 2. The ior Zoea cot nakz it the duty Of t&e !?onq- trou6r to rmniah the mms r0r tbo City Treeauror to 5tilm RA itcnieed StRtWRAt to th6 .m355a0r aailColl00t0r~of T~laa of c&.hOtUl .=OUAt_P,but B&@l5 ~ZUV~b,il that the tIY!55UlYJrS&&l G5th Z&3&3 &A itQniZ6d '8tawAt tlX&iel' t0 thWtrSSOSBoF %a% %I- leator of Tsrcn of Calhoun Couaty, dimloB ths status or aurrent or past rtuo rsquiruaents of pri;~eiytrr 9 , intarest snd TZB~~TW oa bondo outstanding uader autborirltyoi the dot. The treasurer sizply mkos EIU affidavit or the s~~ulrstlen*Svakovo -> -38AtiOilt3d end fumieheis W?W t0 thS COtlXlv 1'88eSSfX atrd sol- lOUtOT. nith'applicabl,s law8 is herebr gxpalbfted and tb6 violation of t!zlsrnrotlm shall eonstltute a r&m~~llcation of ,ybllo SWZWJ an% the g0erson or 2orsona so 0frena~ shall be pualahsd as FrOVlded for ln Art. 86 of the i'enel Code of the 3tsfe o? Texa8." 6. Tee County Tax Colladt~r shoul% have Norma approve% by the C~xptroller. xt my be tbt he oan use tho sama forma en ha6 boa ualng in asUng reportn under the law ~rlor to tLr aznendaent, a?nce the only difrerence under tee ameadaeat ia the requiremnt thst ho shall .s&ow the full %ls~ositiOn of all taxes ao-lleated -that is, Serill have to show how mob he roaitted to the City of Port Iavaae and horr much t0 the County Treasurer. zerotorore, ha ha8 beea required to show only how mob be had re~ltted to the City of Tort Lavaoa, a& anU6the anedmat, eo will bnve to show tee amount reaittad to the 33untJ TreMurer. '=hs lsw also requires the City Treasurer an% the County 2oasurer to issue reaeipts f.Zl duplloate, on8 to the CGUZlty ;:ssosa~r cad collsotor an% thb other to be rormrde% to the u'onptroll8r. Trusting that we have natlnfaatorllyanswered yoonr quoations, we 5ro very truly ywrs dwlwwm cmEi?AL OY Tzxas
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion