Eonorabk 'PhoarrL. b$aritca,Jr.
coun6y Attorn8g
Sheckelfoti Cowty
Albeay, Texas
‘280 eubreuuent eleet&s~ ugaa
the ease polltlcal eubdivirion
one yesw fro63 th8 d8ts ,oS
opt3.onelectloa 1x2say coua-
oubdlv5slon thereof.'
"In the c&e6 of 141tche11vs. Wamren s
COUY~ of Civil Appwals in Volunm 119, ZiU (hi) a6
Pege 676, holdo that tkw fe.ct tMt there haar beea
8 locel, option election Vitihl~ a~ yyf on the :R-
HonorableThorma L. BUntoa,'prge 2
-. thould be pmMb%ted or lesgsllted,wouM not pre-
elude the ho2ddingof e Zwal option aleaeiaa OP
tha iraue whether t&e oale of beer not aontiel.n-
w a2coholfc ia QXd&lO of four ~l'cent by wsl&ht
&oul% be grohiblted or 1egUlised. Thf.8O%lo
grev out of a petition to m8ndauur the coo-
8loneft' aourt to oell such electfon.
"E%aesdi@on the aPthCirltyOf this c%8e, It
ucylldbe my opmnioa tbat tlloCo31pLi3tIiO~F8'
of Shackalford County uporrthe presentatloa of a
proper petition would be famed to ~422 a low2
option electton to detormZne vhether OF not beer
%ud wit18could be le@lly sold In ShSCkalfvozd
County, buE before advisiotl:
the Comfa8ianePet
Court in thlu respect I vould like verg muah to
have an opS,taion
fwa yolourdesprtsmnt an this
%ue to the feat that the petitton will
probably be filed be&ore #otatby, an.4 the atat-
ute pr0vid80 test thu caarriarlorulru~ court et
it8 regu&r m8etLng u&U order a 10082 optfoa
election to be hefd upon tb fssue or issuer set
out ln puck petftlon, I would appreci*te your
letting me have t&e 0pinWu before next H@*y.”
We thsnk OUF aoacluriorais th8 correct oue e5a
that the September i , X5143, elmtioo does riot,under Artlals
666-32, wr the propooed ele~tltui on a dlffsrent lame. We
enclose 0~ Opln2on No. O-:6&-~20 th6 wlr) effect.
V8ry truly your0