Bonorablo X. D. E~ll
county Attomes, 0.f a& count7
80s -10, Toxar
Your lrtter of the opinion ot
thir dopartmont on the qurrt la l8, in part, a8
Untf attoZn*~ i8 pamlttd to
With rdorenor to your firrt Qurrtion, your attention
18dirrotod to our Opinion I(o. O-8384. Wador Seotioa 8 of Arti-
Oh sI%Ib, a 8 lEWdOd, th0 lOfSBi88iOaer8’ OOa+. i8 not reQUired t0
fumirh rulteblo OffiO@8, iWIitUr8, 8tat:OnO~ and blank8 =0.8-
rart la tha parrormnor of the dUti.8 of tin oount~attomy, bUt
ruoh mnttorr tire mt lntlrolT w1 ththelnairoretlo8 oi t& O-18-
rlonar 8’ ooart . Therafon, ia an8WM t0 JOUX fir8t QWdiOlp, PU
LfonOr~blsK. 0. Ball, &go P
lr0 rerpocttoll~ ldTI80d that it 10 tho opInIon of thir dopsrt-
OUat tbnt the ~~8e~OaOr8' cOUrt Or htUgi0 coUh~ I8 1~8011~
mthorlud to pay 0tti00 x-eat tor the coprttr Attornof, it th0
Coaai8rioarr81 Ihurt dr8iro8 to pal ruoh rent. fiowetor,a8
horrtotorr #tatad, thi8 ratter 18 lOit ratlmly within the dir-
OrOtiOO Of tho ~~iO8iOOCr8’ OOWt.
CO 83W lOtl8idW FOUr lOOOOd QUOOtioR. rh# OOUUtJ Of-
fIOial8 of hfU&O County are oompmn8atod OD a t00 ba8i8. Uth
rotrrenoo to lr-ottiolo oomp0nratIoo oi the County rttornol where
tb &untr Attorney IO OOmpenOated 011a to0 baoir, end tb oom-
90aoatIon and lx Oo sa fO08 wbloh ti 1 0 lllowd to rataiD doer not
teaoh the marlmm prorldrd for in ~rtiolr 5883 aad Artlair 5891,
Voraon18 Annotated Civil Ststutcr, th0 OomaIooIonLer8~Court my
legally allOw CompOn#~itIOn for eX4fiOiO l0mlc08 men, la their
)udgment, auoh oompenoatIoa I8 n0ooosar~~ prorldod, 8uOh oonpenoa-
tloa to r lx -0tti0i0 oarrloeo allowed do08 no4 lncroeoe th0 OOPI-
penaatlon of oald County Attorney beyond the aaxIa\uaoomponsatloa
ma d lx~oso tSC8 allowed to bo rot&nod br him under the tm above
mentlonod rtatutea. Provided, the lX4tI0i0 Mmpea8atiOn a8 au-
thorlrrd by hrtlole 3095, Vernon*0 hanotated Civil Statuter, rhall
b allowed only after an opportunity for a pub110 hearing and only
upon the attirmetirr rote ot at loart three aomberr ot the cOt611&8-
8 ionerr* Court. ~poolrloall~ anowering your seoond queetlon, you
a r oldrlord th r tit io our opinion that the Com.IooIooer8~ Court
I8 1qgall.feuthorlrcd to 9~ an ex-offioio OOapsas~tlOD to tho
County attornc~ ln aooordancr with thr 8tatUtO8 herototor'rmen-
tloasd, and the County Irttorne~ 18 lo&ally psrmlttrd to retain
hi8 t008 of ottlOe ~8 long am thr lX-OttiOIO 8a1fUy and th. fa08
luthorlrod by the foregoing otatute8 dO not exoord tbr maximum
suoh County Attorney 18 permitted to rrtai.a under raid lta tutel.
Xn commotion with your 8eOOad qU08tlOn wo dlreot
p o urlttantlon to our Oplnionr Eioo. o-1649 and O-h%. 609108
of all th above mentioned o9lnlon8 are lnolosed hcrowith SOr
your OoarenionOe.
Tour8 very truly
UdOu w111iUE8