~~~o~~k~ hither Woartscn, Page 7
under the tax lwy made by said d’s trlzt durlnng the gears
1323 to 1935 to pap aaid bond issue. If said taxes are
aore than sufI’Scisnt to sag all ol said bonCs, then, of
course, the balance of the money colloc ted on t’ne tax lavied
specifically to pay saw would below to said dlstrkt.
If, as %ndiaated 5.n your letter, the tax levied
specifloally to pay the bonds has not boon or will not be
sufficient, then said district Ls authorizad to and may us8
sUCh pOrtiOn Of the stat8 tax Oollscted ShlO8 1935, SE I&‘ly
be neoesaary to retire said bonds, both prinoipal and La-
tereest, All of the State tax oollected, or that ?say be ool-
lactad shoe 1935, not raquired to ray the unpa:Bidportion
of said boonds aFtor same have been oredited Yith all the
money ColleOt8d under the tax lwied for the geaars 192$ to
1935 should be and the lav requires saznu~e to be paid to ths
state Treasurer.
very truly yours
Gso. ii. Dsrcus