Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

1 oFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Bonorsbl~ J. R. McDonald, Departwnt OS Agriculture Austin, Texar D8ar Sir: a8 followsr -------w &lGGri;-L,be part or bill road8 aa iol- Se*%tZ?f 1944 A*31,1945. kq, & ‘1 \ t, Suppll.8, Repair8 to ‘,t ,r u&t .....Jy $4,000.00 44.000.00 ,,,;9Qa&d adVi8. tht drpartmnt if I would be law in puroharing aatomobilor and e- OUdWrlng 8ame a@IlMt the above named appropriation. “For your information, automobll88 purahared out of thir appropriation, for the Diri8ian of kfOight8h ROa8UrO8, 8Z’4used in t.lanrpOrtlng; VSi@l- l.ng:andplsa8UPing dOViCe8, iOr the pUl’pO80 Of tort- ing ra+bs and pump8 throughout Texar and ar8 not Honorable J. E. XoDomld, Page 2 opn8Idered a8 bO&g U8ti for the 9Ul'9080Of tnm8portatIon by In6p6ators ln tholr routine4 duties a8 in other phases of our work. In 8IaXly hUJtanCt38 Sp0ia1 OqUlpplWlt ha8 t0 be added and reInforoement provided In order that t&8 OqtipWILt can b0 handled 8afOly . . . .* a OUF o@IiOZI HO. O-2669 VO PUbd that w 466th ImgMature intended that autcmobI108 bo puraha8ed and paid for out oi the approprlatlon ror travsling expanses. In the 8pproprIatIou bill them under oonclldellation,the follow- Ing provlrlon va8 oontained under the heading 'T~veling Ibt- -08% "HO HWlliO8 heroin appcoprkted 8ha11 be 8mILt for th8 -ha80 of a p68SUIlf5OP car In eX- a.88 of #750.00, inolud~ the trade-in value of a u8od oar, 8nd tbl8 llmltod prlee &ball I oover a aar equipped with bmpw8 and lxtns rim or vheel but not an extn oaalng and tube." After hoMIng that thi8 9&00I8I0n evidenocrdu legI8- lative Intent that Wt~ObilO8 k pUl'Oha8tihw the appropria- tion for trrv01lag O~Xl808, we mont1onedtha ikot that the Couptidler*aDepartaonthad pr6vIMy held for many mrr, that, io th0 abrenoe Of a- 8m01f10 appX’CqWist:OIi, th0 mba80 9rIoe of automobller war properly obargeabla agalncrtthe sppro- priatlon for traveling oxpeuwo8, and oonoludadr "IIIthr,ab8OSW6 Of 8Uoh a 9rOVI81On in the general rIdor, the quertlon vould bo more dlf- ri09.a. but oven in t&t event, It I8 not ole8r tkt the purcha80 of an automobile rhould not bo regarded a8 an Item of 'TraV43.ng men808', and we vould therefore be inollned to adspt.the eon- rtruotlon placed by your department upon the term %v@ling Exp6sa8c8~ a8 ured ln the Dspcsrt- mental~ApproprLstion Bills over a long period of P-m? The ourrant departmental epproprintion bill doe8 not oontain the provirlon above quoted1 oon8equently, we are cion- fronted vlth the problem 'ofwhether, in the ab8enoe of such Pl’OVt8iOn, OXpOnditUX’OS f’Or automobile8 %‘66i%in OhW@3gle 80161y ffoaorableJ. E. MoDanald, Page 3 agaln8t the approprlatlon for traveling oXpen8es. The our- rent appropriation 18 for "liqulpmont,SU991ie8, Repairs to Bpuipawt. In the 0880 of DOr8Ott v. State, 289 k-80,298, 302, 144 Okla. 33, in oon8idering a rtatute vhioh authori8ed the Oklahoma Highway Commlr8lon to pur&a8e "oqulpment", an Oklahoma oourt held that automobile8 are oompr&ended within the tom "equIpmenta and that automobile8 oould be purchared tmdor this authorlutlon. It I8 neoooury to a8oertaIn *other our Legirlature attaolmd the 8-0 broad meaning to the ton lequipment" when it employed 8UOh tern'In the appropriation bill, or whether It Intended that purohare8 of all type8 of autaObi108 be made 8ololy from the traveling expenses appro- prIatIon. The pur9080 of the trrvellng oxpenae8 approprIa- t:On 18, Of OOIU?80, t0 98IVIit stfbte OffiCh18 ad eDL910~008 to travol on State burinsrs at Stat0 expen8e. A8Ide from the u8e of pub110 oonveyanoo8, ruoh traveling I8 acoompllrhed both by the wo of private automobiler, Vzth 8Ub8OqUent re%mbur8e- ment from th0 State,8ZIdby ths UDe Of Stat0 OVne&,aUtoPObilO8. In our opln:oa, th8 traveling oxpen approprlatlon prirar- ilyOXi8ta t0o leOt th 8lX9Oll80 Of tlW'la9Orting P8Oll8 or). Stat8 bU8in.88, r8gal’dlO8# Of Vh0th.l’ ~:tXi 8UOh tranrpor 18 In State owned or In privately owned automobilea. Cenrequent- ly, vh a State department 9uroha808 an autoroblle for the prawy 9U9080 Of 8ffQrding tmB8pOr~t;OSU t0 it8 Offi& and rCp1OyOe8 and vhea no 89eOifiC app2wprlatIon I8 made for thi8 9Ul'9080,VO feel that 8UOh pUrOha80 18 obargoable only againrt the approprlstlon for traveling oxpe~e8. It will be notloed that the rider fomerly found In the approprlatlon billa, quoted above, 8pOak8 in tOZ%I8Of the ~U~&&WI Of "par- 8eXIgO$' Oal'8"IUther than in the tOI'm Of aUtOmObil gel!ierS1- 1Y. m8, V8 f8.1, 1Ond8 8UppOrt t0 the bel:Of that the tlU- voling expen8e8 a99rOprIatiOIieXi8t8 primWIly t0 .fwnIah OX* pen808 for the t=8portation of pa88onger8, and that expend- itur@r made prirarily for thi8 purpose are oheargeable only againrt rush appropriation. fn the inrtant altuation, hwever, the automobile8 are to be u8od primarily for tho tranrportation of equipment, and are ln 8ome oa8oa to be altered 80 that t&y wn aaoom- 9118h thI8 pul'pose. PrerraPeblythey Will &180 be USed t0 tIVAIl89Ort thCJpOr8OIi8Who OpbI'l&tO thi8 iWJ.UiptPent, but thi8; Honorable J. E. HoDonald, page 4 It appears, 18 anolllary and 8ubordlnate to the transporta- tion of equipment. Iiloa888 of thi8 kind, we f881 that it yP8 the int8ntiOn Of the tigi8latum t0 oomprehend 8uCh automobile8 by the term *eqtipment", for at the most the autaaobilo8 are a part Of the equipPzOnt,and at the very leaertthey aro neoosaary and indi8pen8ablO to the proper u8e of the equlpmont. Oonsequently, we feel, and you are re8pwtfully UdVICrOd,tbat the purahaser,Ln queatlon am not ohargsable 80104 aq;aIncltthe t2mmlAw.~~~ prIatIOn, but that they My In your di8oretIon al80 be oharged agalnrt the approprietlon for equIplP*nt. Tlwting that the foregoing 8atI8faotorIly anIIver8 your Inquiry, we am Very truly yours ATTORRSYQRRSRhLOF W - R. Dean Moorhead A#8:8tant mM4cff