::, 490 4 OFFICE OF +HE ATTORNEY GENERAL AUSTIN t Your letter 0 ha8 born nosired aah eoorldemd by @hia d your lrttrr NJ*qwtrr al uontrao8 betweua 0 Jwoxal : gera~loa by ala xoouted by th+ : texla(l ytEor1ty.R 491 : Artiols 7ls0, 11. A. C. 8., pFotldea: “The r0ih+ in& pro rt 8ml ba l%.5@fro5h trrrthkl, towlt1 . . . be T’ubfto fr opwty,-All PrepsrOy whather real or pbtooaal, bolongw lxolualvelg to the Unite& 3tAfss, provldod that woh oumptliap trola taxatioa @hall AOt lnolode any roal 1 prri’,‘t ,zzott to taxatloa under any Yedorc%lstat&o crppll- :$ d under the quoted ylrWhiOAr sad the 6arOS ooartru- lag there mu ba a0 qwatloa thoa, of tho oxunptio~ of the WQD- of tlu Xourlna Autherlty. Rowover, soatloa 13(o) * ir y lf tb L8 Ad lu6horl%oo MO hIthWi8y $o ento? into %@pwaoAtr to ay enDue sum la llell of taxor to any state or polloiou 8ULl ViSiOA thbrooi dth rea#oM TV say ?wl prowHy OWAOd by the Authority,” ‘Ye &or homkotoro held, in oap opinioa Z?o, O-3270, dineted ta yoa# that any ruoh la8 80 paid to tho Stat0 @ro gittr, aad anly #a L 1alaDure o fth ir M a te 1 8 tUIthQri%Od SOlO00Dbgift13 on b&al3 Of Oha 8tes. ,~ %%'WNB~W~,U~ hold that thr OAly ~l'WAWho oould j oxmuta this OAAtmOt for Oha Stat6would be tRo o&e t&o i Logi~lnkr~ ei ht aothorlso, and to drto t&o Loglsla~ro f h8 AOt author ‘3 Sad aAy mrSCM3 80 t0 $0, ii Wa mm rr8urnla~ herewith the WAtZaOt htuoo~ @he eoualasAothorlty and the taxing tits or 5rls Oounty ,f and tba letter froa tho Houelag Authorlty to yoai f Youm wry tmly 4 .$ ATTOflXEY QmR.AL 01 T!iXM 6
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion