Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE All-ORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Honorable Gee. H. Sheppard cmptroller of Pub110 Accounts Auua tin, Texas Dear Sir: Your letter of F and also for telegraph, tele- nger aemloe. We, therefore, owing questions and reepectlve- '1. Is the Prison officlale authorized to incur claims for telegraph, telephone and rem- sager service and per for suoh clelms out of the $10,000 appropriation made for contingent eXpen0et -orable Gee. H. Sheppard, Page 2 “2. Is the Prison offloials author%.ted td Inour olains for motor vehicle supplles and pay for same out of the Industrisl Revolving Fund created by the Forty-fourth Legislature, First Called Session, Page 1600, Chapter 403, of 1935, as the same Is appropristed In a spe- oial rider folloving the ltemlsatIo.nsin the Current Appropriation Bill? Vou will note from the trdwtriel Revolv- ing Fund oreated by the above mentioned Aot of 1935, that it required that the State Treasurer of Tums shall deposit sufflolent amount of noneys reoslved by him from the Qeaorali(msger of the Texas Prison 8 stem out 0r money emned byaIldbe1ongsngt0 tiT e State Prlron System In bank et Runtsvllle, Texas, for the purpose of lstablIshIug the Industrial Revolving Fund, vhioh fund lm to be wed by raid Prison System in th0 p~emlng 0f SUP~~IOS r0r th0 trri0~ lndwtrles or the Texas Prison System." As stated In hour letter, the Oenenrl Approprirtion Bill of the Regular Session of the Forty-eighth Leglalature (LB. 332) ukem iteaised appropriations of kZC,COC per year for motor supplies and 42,500 per year ror telegraph, tele- phone and messenger servloe for the Texas Prison System. This sot also makes an ltemlsed appropriation of $10,000 per year for 'Contingent Expenses.* Section 15(b) of the Ceneral Pkovlslons of this act provides: "The opproprlations herein provided are to be oonstruedas themaxlmum sums to be appro- priated to end for the several purposes named herein, and the amounts are Intended to oover, and shall cover the entire oost of the respeo- tlve items imd the same shall not be supple- mented from any other ~ouroes~end, exoeptas otherwise provided, no other expenditures shall be made, nor shall any other obligations be in- ourred by any depar$ment of thle State, pro- vided, hovever, that nothing herein shall pre- vent any department head from paytng less than the maxlsnns amount set forth hereIn for any salaried posltlon.R 4t;o Honorable Gee. Ii.Sheppard, Page 3 In ouz Opinion No. O-1332 ve said vlth respect to &e:effeot of a provision ldentlosl with thls upon an appro- $riatlon for contingent expenses$ "Having due regard to the context ln which ve find the vord (contingent), and the speolflc aUthOris8tiOn for the us8 of such funds for such purposes, ve are impelled to the oonoluslon that the Lsglsl8ture has said substantially this: 'We h.sveettempted, so far as po&ble, to antlolpate every item of expenses, vhlch msy neo- eaaarlly be Incurred in the operation of your de- partment, but ve resllse th8t our judgment 88 to suoh aLatter may be lnexaot, from the very nature of things, and ve therefore sppropriste to,your departmeuata sum of money generally avallabZe for operating expenses of your departpent, except as othervise herein speclfloally limited, to tske care of those employments apd othei'exuenses not herein speolfloelly provided f but hlh ne@esssrlly be required to ena% your"de&rg&t properly to tiotlon.l" (Emphasis and parenthe- tiOs1 VOrd added) Since expenditures for telegreph, telephone and,mes- senger service have been 8pe~lflO8lly provided for in th&gppro- prlatlon bill, ve feel that the appropristion for such servloe say not be supplemented by expenditures from the sppropriat,lon for contingent expenses. Consequently your first question 1s snsvered in the negative. In our Opinion No. O-2990 ve considered the Indud-' trial Revolving Fund of the Texas Prison System and its bl- ennial "appropriation" in the Genelgl Appropriation Bills. In this connection ve said: "Au adding up of the amounts of the various specific Items of appropriation for the prPson system shows th8t the amounts of the revolviog funds are not included ln the tot818 , . . This fact, together with the requirement that the ln- dustrlal revolving fund be kept at its maximum at all times, espeoially when considered ln the 461 -orable Gee. H. 8heppard,Page 4 light 0r section3 or the sot orl.glallyoreat- ~lng the revolvlagfund, oleerlyshow thst it vas not intendedby the Leglsbture that auoh revolrlngfund shouldbe a supplementalor ad- ditionalappropriation to those ltemlted else- vhem. It wss not Intendedby the Ieglrlsture to do more, in creating th8 lndumtrirlrevolv- ing f'uud,than to amble oertaiapurahasesto be ndo by the syrta ror ouh. Wo awvor your lOWd q W8tiOArlXWt t by Ur b g & St vh4 r &0III+ Ohu.8 are mado rrom the 3aduBtPlalrevolvlag Sund, they shouldbe ohsrgedsgalnrtsppropria- tioru mid41r0r the rupport 0nd rintonu~i or the rlson rysta, and ruoh nvolving fund rJmuld not & oonrldend am a rupplaenta~rpproprla- tlon to the regular uouats approprlatml ror the malntenuloo 0r the ryHmI." fn 0iw 0r thi8 opiait ti tbs rw thd th0 itu- hod sppropristlonr0r motor ruppliorir nov uhmut0q, VO.*;"~‘ . feol~tbatJOW raoondqwrtlon mwt rho bo aarve~~dla fiho n4gatlve. Trusting that ths r0r0going fully aasvexm youa- in- quirler, ve are Your8 very truly I ATTORUBY GBRBRAL OF TXAS ,.-j i-j p_ ,\ \ E’