Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN we aokneul*dge r 4, 1944, raquerDLPg.tlle 0 qUtDUtiOIlt3 8trted ths~%n. lows: '., ee we 0i.w it, prescrati,to ub tno quea- dirrtrlot Jlork autharitgto ontsr;a‘die unQer the oiroumetanoht outlinsdr an& ot olerk doeo have euoh wthoritg and doea entor the diaabsel In mioh 8 oaee, Riohe entitled to a feesOf $1.25 for hia,earVicesis doing'60. The powera and dutiee of e dietriotolerk are obtiinsd by .3tatutPt, and .tki3euthority of Ouch orrioial ia onls tc5 per- form auoh dutlse a6 61% enjoinedby statute or impo~sUb+ the lawful authorityof the oourf. 9 Tex. Jur., p, 245, 906. 15. non'. r;arlnutah~e - pa&e 2 ‘&e BiaEPlotolark’hur.AO %UthOPityt0 ~bIi6a aq)' pending dauw on hts own OPCPP, and thid offloer*s authorityiare- gar&~tothe 6lsn&a~1 et aawe@ ,peedlz& in the d&f&riotoaurt Of hi8 OOUrIty eXt6IIuS rrrtti t0 p4PrOPIJbIg t&? IILiniat6ri61 fUnC- tlon or crotiwring:on bie recordothe UlemLrtelof auoh oauas upon an order of dlon$ssalby tha osurE or upon the order or requaatfar dismls&. made In vrWA?n by the plslntliiin a ~8iam whereinthe def&xhnt~har dot enmerad. Taxes Wl.ua of di.ril~rooauure,~uUl62~, Ln view of the &bow, we roopeotfullyanawe~your rirot ~ueatlooin th% negatltr. 3lnoo U% db 83 an8wer your fir& guertlon,we ierl Chat y&r a@oondquertlon baoomea iioutever, ror your ~ooarenlaae, ue mrer you to Artiols .g v. A. C.$.,tid quota thenfravi thatp0rtLonprrtinant ?ioyour l5pulryaa folll0ue.s * . .. . .' *ProridoQ, that the Soor her+a in oonnootlon wtth deUnpuent tax 8ui atltute~thsonly Seaa thaC #hall br Ohargsd by 8ald % ofiioereSor propar*, filing, in*Eituting~ 8nU pro&toeutlh.g suitason delinpu@nttaxer and soourfne oolleetlonEhereof,and all 16~s Fa oouflfothere- rith dm hrrsby repealed,