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OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS I 8 AUSTIN OIIOYLRSL‘LLrnI I F rqmwcr omlera anorable Charles A. !Cosoh County Auditor, Dallas County jb00raa miiai3g Della8 8, Texar Dearsir: ueoting the opinion hersin, roads as use Bill ESQ, Chap- 0t0 0r th0 4ena LQgit3- 8, there was orsated and ver Canal and Consenanoy d law, a preliminary Board of Dlreo- riot oaused to bs lwied and aolleotsa a tax of one oent on eaoh $100.00 uo of oertaln property lying within ,said alatriot. ‘Jhe Tar Aewecro~ and Collector of Dallas County, aoting aa the tax~wlleee- tor of said distrlot, in the year lQ36 reoeired and oolLeotsd under mid tax levy the own of #10,870.51. wThersafter in 1933, a.8shown by aopy of petl- tion hereto attached, two of the property taxpayers, _ ror themselves and others similarly situated, brooght euit in the 44th Distriot Court of Dallas County, seeking a permanent injunotion against the prellmlnary Dlreotore end Tax Aaseeaor end Colleotose o? aald die- 279 Donorable Charles 1~.Tosch, page 2 triot, enjoining them iron .aW rurther attempt to demand and oolleot euoh taxes, end ?or the oanoelle- tion and ralpovalfrom the roll8 o? the Aaaesaor and Colleotor of Taxee o? property lying within aaid pur- ported dietriot. On trial of 8eld suit a judgment wae entered by 8eid Court, a oopy o? which judgment Is hereto anoloeed, in whloh the district and eald tax oolleotor8 were permanently enjoined and oommanded to rsiraln and deeiet Srom attempting to essess or ool- leot any turther taxes under said Aot and partioularly deoreelng a8 rollowa: "' IT IS HJRTHIsRORDERED, ADJUDOED AND DBOREED BI THB OODRT that the said Ed Cobb, a8 Aaeeeeor and Golleotor o? Tuxu8 of Dalle8 County, Texa8, and John Dourland, a8 Il88888or and Colleotor o? Taxes o? Tarrent County, Texer, both and each are herob oommandea to forthwith oancel the purported aeeeaeaent roll8 prepared by said Tax Golleotors attempting to a8se8s end oolleot taxes ?or the yeer'1935, in the name o? said Trinity River Canal t Coneervanoy Diatrlot, and oaoh o? eald offloer8 18 ordered and directed to return aud repay to anJ person8 entitled 8ums heretOior8 reosived by 8aid offioer8 a8 taxer oolleoted ior 8aid dletrlot, such return to ba made by aaia oiiioere in suoh manner a8 may be round most convenient end inexpensive.' coin partial oonplianoe with said judgrmnt the Tax Aaeeeeor and Golleotor o? Dallas County prooeeded to pa7 out by oheoh approximately (3,447.07 of the total oollsoted. However, a8 o? December 31, 1943, he had eon hand the sum or $7,745&U, $24S.73 or which &mount he ha8 dsposlted in the bank eubjeot to hie exoluaive oheok and oontrol and $9,500.00 o? whioh he 18 keeping in oa8h in hi8 hand8 in hi8 ofiioe. *The reoords of disbursement8 show that during the year 1939 there wae repaid to the taxpayers who paid the tax, ths sua of #i43.09; during the ear 1940 there wa8 repaid the sum of 900.90; during the year 1941 there was repaid the uum o? t 209.36; and during the ye&r 1942 there wa8 repaid the auplo? $23.23. Considerable publioita ha8 been given to the above ouit, and the judgment of the Court, deoreelng the return o? said money, but I am not advised that each and every taxpayer who paid said texea ha8 been notified that he ia entitled to e return thereo?. 280 Honorable C&rlea A. 'onah, pag% 3 ua8mu%h a8 the tax was only one oent on a (100.00 of asssssed value of property the taxpayers who have --notbeen refunded this amount have Sun8 due them, ranging from one oent to lees than one dollar, and the Tax A88essor and Oolleotor of Dallas county takes the position that the *manner most oonvenlent and insxpeneive' is to have the property omers oall In person for this tax. 'The Tax A88688Or and COlleOtor of Dallas OoUnty Oontende that these ?WdS do not below to the County of Dallas, but belong to the lndlviduals who paid mm% in and that einoe he la under order o? the Dietriot Court to r%turn said ?UdS to the taxPayer in the Jaeumer found to be aost oonvenient and inexpensiv%, that 1 as Ooontf Auditor of Dallas County have no oonoern or jurisdiotion over sana In law. I am, therefore, prompted to ask your opinion on the fOllOWbIg qu%StionS: "1. -h County &uditor -0r Della8 County, sure (Dallas f&mnty haying a population in ~xo%ss of 190,000) under the provielon8 of Art1ol.e1466a @Ot# Of 1933, 43rd bgi8. Et; s Page 219, Chapter 98, a8 amended by AOtS'k 1935, 44th bgi#lbIre, Pag% 330, Ohapter 133, paragraph l), do I have the power and authority to require the.Tax As- sessor and ~lleotor Of Dallas kintyto deposit the taxes %oueOtSd by him ?or Said Trinity River Canal & ConServanoy Distrlot in the duly selsoted GountJrDeposltorp “8. "I? the balanos a? said unrefuuded taxes is so deposited, doss the Tax ASSeSsor and Colleotor have th% right to'withdrew same on MA yp%WtMd- lhtMkW& 'I&CCWHEW TSS any par'li thereo? in oash in bib o??loe? mnorsble Ch,rlcs ,..Tosch, ; g% 4 281 Do I have the right a8 couuty Auditor to require raid money to b0 deposited sod paid to the Treasurer or to persons, firms or oorporatlonr to whomraid funds nay be- lan(i only by ohook oouator-algned by IW? -If it 18 your opinion that under tk QSOViSiOllSOf &tiOlO 1686a (A#tS %%%i,43rd h&181. Pago 81'1,ChapfOr 98 as amndd AOtS 1938, 44th Le618. Pa60 380, &too ZGB, Par. 1) lpplie8 to the funds in quortion and re- qUiirO8Sam to k doQoS%tod irrth. ~OtUtty Treasury, in the lvent tb Tax A88o8sorand 6oUeator roru8o8 to 004~4 with y demand that Mid ?tUIdSbe 8o dOpo#itOd ia th0 8alrnty WeaSUry and dl8bUrMd only in leoordanoo with the provi8ton8 Of ~1010 1686a, Wha9 rp8oifio '8tO a9 the oxpearo of the Qounty* am Z au- thorrsod as Cbunty AUditOr to take to 00-l his aamplian8e with said lert Partioolarly, Ml1 a writ o? maMamu 110 ia Suits brought by m or in the name of tho Wanty to oompO1 8uoh lmmpliMoo? ‘8. "1 would al80 liko to dirstitfear attention to the prOViSIOn Of ArtlOle'lOd O? th8 Penal Oodo and to ask pour opl~ion as to whether or not the Tax ASHSSOr and Golleotor ia roquirod by law to pay the belame of the80 Trinity River Canal L Coasorvanoy DiStriOt taxes to the Oounty Tmasurer, lnamuoh a8 thou0 fond8 havo been eolleoted and reo%iv%d by him sod not paid over to th% per8ons entitled fhsnto foopa period o? mro thaa four ytaarrrl~ioo the time tha Tax As- sossor and hlleotor oolleoted mui reoelvd said sKmle8* fn thlE Oonneotion 1 be& to advise that the present Tax A880~80~! aad Qolleotor has born- pleted and bwm rO-aleotdl to mveral tenu sinoe his original oalleotion and raoelpt o? mnorabla Charles ii.Tosoh, page 5 282 theu taxear i “1 would like to amk further, rhsthar or not la your opinion, there unr8iuaded taxes ara profooted by the bond8 regularly ported by the Tu ' A88euor and Oollsotor under tb pro+~rlon8 or Arti- olr m47 and w49. .*lv lt 18 hour opinion that t&8 aboto reforrsd to.Artlo]L81656a 4088 BOt apply to the mm108 in que‘tion and that llk0wl80 Artlble 106 oi the Penal Oodo lo inapplloabh, doea thb 44th Dttriot Qourt or Dallas Oount~ rhloh OntOr8d ths original judgment in lOb8 blreatlms the repayment of raid aonle8 to Ohs rarlour taxp8y8rr who peld “am‘ i.U, ‘till bar. jlWi‘diOtfOB in ‘aid Oti6,faal oa8a to order ths Tat A88essor and Gollrotor to daporlt la the rsgirtrr oi the Oonrt.a bald&g of ‘aid monies ‘till on bane and mrofundrb? ~14 hurt ha8 not jurl8dlotionbooausO of the suit rib6 in itxis, 00u.u 8dd.ao~t 0r anf 0thw Dl8trlot a0prt Bow lqkmnd Mid futkd8and order ‘am do ‘ited in the regl‘try or tha aourt In rult br me a8 r ountf Auditor? a * l *a Artiole lbb6a, Vernon'8 Annotated aim Btatuter, prorIda8: *l'heCounty Auditor &n!: oountler hexing a populatlotiof one huudre6 niqtr thourand (.190,000) or more aooordlng.to the la& preo$dlng or a4 io- tara redoral Oeneus ‘hall pretorlbr the system oi aooountlag ror the ooants m.d the,forms to ba used by the Dlstrlot Clark, the Dlrtriot Attorney and all oounty and preoldot offloer8 and by all persons 283 Honorable Charles A. Tosoh, puge 6 b tha aollaotion and disbursement o? county revanQs8, m~d8, ?a~$, and all other moneys oolleoted in an Or- rlofal oapaoltq whether belonging to the aouatY, it8 8ubdivislons or preolnots, or to, or r0r the use or =bane?lt o?, any parson, firm, or oorporation; ha shall preeoriba the mda and amnner in whloh the District Clerk, the Dirtrlot Attornay and all county and pe- oinot officers shall keep their accounts, and ha shall hvo the paver to require all O??lOerS to iurnl8h monthly, annual, or other report@ Tyler oath o? all monoym, taxes, or ?oos O? oretry nature rooolvod, dlsburrod, or remalnlne on hand; and In donneotlon with suoh report6 he shall have tho right to OO.untthe oash On hand with SUO~ o??lOer, or to rori?l the amount on deposit In the bank In whloh
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion