OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN CROYERSELLERS ATroRNCI GENERAI. p o urlr r lr tmee la lg 81 rth c uls Aret w Jukmt1 8 ufo r erllmrrt’ I claln lg8lMt the Tata d 18 r&e t0 8trld Up ,lll Of OUZ’ Ple*M refer lwbe liable aad our SmUl-k~ l 1088 af 80~~81 thou8uH dOl- -8. to: Qlxlw Bill Xumher 686, Chapter 431, Of the fkb6ral hW8 of the 47th bg;i8btW8, Re$ul- S88- 81~ vhioh read8 a8 fOllOW8t~ - 189 %P. Wee Xatlw 18 am lti &r bun fcu we thr;o.fouryMrre8ployodb the hxaa8kta park8 Board 88 lr lur g aOrf TJ& r zt&e ?ark lr sb ORU~tO* the Tour bt*te Park CoooO881088 for t4 Beard. biX. kti8. FOOO1V88 L S8b3ll,(lfi-&$) g6rCmtw8 of a4 net profit earned by Tyler #Hate Puk Cofh 00081OW. lQf~ ofu i8tlQg1 0 *to.,-% a&wet th 0COUW88iOn PWk d0O8 oat QOQ8titUtO thWdOr8, btildiQ8 'Our cnxt contrntloa i8 that & C6bar8t, under the uord- fur la y,th ef8Ct 8itWtiOa lX- Of mler sta te r00f 8-d*& 00 tti 8h0Uld Mt. b@tn 190 --‘- HoWPablo Freak D. Quinn, page J assessid. 10 this oom8otloo we olte~the @mm amaitbe doolded that the hot 8ltwtioD lXl8tlq 10 t&8 weaeS8loe balldl~+#of 9yle~ State Perkdoer come rltbh the ruriq of the 88buet tu tv, we rtill oorrteod tht the 'hur ?aQks Boarrl18 eot llablo ioP the 8.0 Mato 8emmeat. FedenlOo*6rruPlsmthas Althuu&hthe arwrs8d8tate&eaokrfo V8rlou8tamI, thlr mm based oa a p~opdetar~ Wtlrltf of the Stnto a8 dlrtlogul8hed from a gorePnaeata1 fueatloa. Ia thl8 ooaaeotloa, ma alto ths case of State ve Bcumum, ill 8. Y. 347, la reed to the luwtloe of the opemtloa of a State Park. "Ware ~~lthrubaittlng6erteta~ldsace t 00~ omteet~oa that I&. IUke Wlltlao 18 ape or tha 90u. Stab P&C8 J3oud, aed, there~aro, net pwroa811 liable for the pcbymeat OS tbs dbaret tu. Ra8i owd 18 a aoetrbat‘; a bead, and aa oath of oiiloo, oomrlag l&, Matim l8 e&r.takep aad park Irslrgo~ ai TyllrsState Psrk md Tyler btato PIpk Co~e8sloas. ” If6hevo very OUCfull~ eooSlde~6d JOtp titter, ta- cptaer with t4 psrtlaeot paper8 whlah you sent u8 la OOMOO- t1oo r1th 8ama. Ye have llro road the luthOrltke8 altsd by 70% W -1 1l8 ot&err. It 18 ow Ud@#errt that the 848~88Mllt =de by tbs "UectOQ of fnkrru 3 Revenue of the Unitsd St8te8, Uid Of *uch ‘YOU coagbla, 18 Uufpl aad that (LO 8~8~088f\ll def*aw “ad b4 ad. fbreto 11%the COWt8. 'Pit& 26, sectloa 1700 (e) of the united State8 cob ++‘“tWid formrly provided: xon0?&ble Brank D. Quinn, pg@ 4 ‘fh esh r ob ll b c lei& d, lse88ed,eol&ated &t&dpld - a t@% of 086 W OM-~BI.S cent8 for each t68 Coat8 Or fPMtlo8 thereof of the amount paid for adm%88loa to any public perfornnaee fog poflt 86QVi00~ OF ~~0~160; th@MOUitt pItidfOQ SWh a&8i88108 to bo domod twenty ger cents of to be thOiOOt *id fOQ Y6fQOShlWt, SWViOO, Md M@Q- . VheP6 the Saopat ~ld'for b43ti8cliOn 18 f&fly 00&S OF bS8, 80 tU r&l1 b0 @WCd.' Tb 0~8C80it4db~yCuwue iatergnt4tlCEs of Oh0 &IVkbovo queted. me7 pointed ant tint ure Cenlse of food ia th eS OU$$tWPfa Idexpected ld With th 6M a O8$ Ot+i@ br the prtron8 of hot018 of the Cbnr8CtOr thm0 iavolved did aot eolr8tltUtO a eatertalolarat vithls the aontempUtlopi of lM. %!h@8nmadrsent8t0 8Cib 0CCtim SP@ Pe8pOQ8iVe t0 thCSC drai81OM, qtd th6t 8eetion now read88 Boaorabla Ihnk D. ama, m s The operationdescribed by you appear@ to coma 8quarely vithln t4m raope of th18 rctioa. : Furtbm, we are of the opieion tbt the exabnptiw from Hatloml texetion,uhleh ardlnerily lttec h e to r State ageuoles and in8trumentclitle8, rould afford M defenee under the Sects outllmd in your letter. A6 eeld by the United state8 8upraas Coat, la South Carollm v. U.S., 199 U.S. 437, at 461s “The exeaptloa of state agencb8 urd lnrtrb mentalltle8from Matlonal tkxatlon 18 limited to those uhloh are of a StPiCtly governm8atalohcraa@- or, and does sot extend to thoee vhfoh are ured by the State la the oerrylng o-nof am ordlaary private bU8i.M88. . . . . . whenever & stat@ O-8 llrI bLUinc88 uhlch 18 Of a pFiVat@ MtUP6 thEt bU8laeSB 18 Rot With- drawn from the tulng power of the Bbtlon.* Hot6 818o thl8 lmguaga, la Helverla$ v. Pouer8, 293 U.S. 214, 8t 2272 l the atate, vlth it8 OUR cOaceptlon of publLc*a&tage, 18 UIldePt&iQg8 bU8irre88 @Qt@r- p ?ln o f l 8Ort that i8 nomlly within the reach of tlm federal tulng power mad 28 dl8tiQCt from t& U8lu1 gOV@Prrp*QttifUQUttOkN8 thrt u?8 Lapuol, frw federal tsutlon ln order to edegwd the eeae8eery independeaoe of the State.” holdlqgr are: lielverlugv. Pherrell,303 U.S. 21LliAllen v. Regent8, 304 U.S. 439. Ii* thereforeraepeatfull~ advIse that the tax ln- gulred about by you 8hould be pid. Very truly yours